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Advertisements & Notices

... tAST NIGHT BUT TWrO OF DOMINNIQUEi THE,1)SERTER.. 0 Tis ?? 1 'Ii UItSI)AY, 1.t Dee. 183i, will 7 ;ep' girned the National Dratnar inl Three Ac*t S, coiledn V4IE H1EART OF MID LOrTIAN. e At the end of the Drarna A MEDLEY I)lVEllTIS I M the JUVENILE CORI'S DF BA LL ET. Afler the Ballet will lie perrormed the New Extravaganza, in l'wo Acse call-d D0MINIQUE THfE DE9ER'TER, ANi) THE GENTLE;MAN IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . M ORIGINAL ROTUNDA, M UVD. , i'lENDID NEW PANORA MA, I r N]EVEP. UrFFnE EXHIsITED. TiE PROPP.IETORS tost resapctfully intimate, tint they have brought frnrn L.ondtol, anid ill open Cs MrednrY Iv5 5th December, a Nft',V PA NOR IA NI 4th? (C)liON ATION and PitOCESSION in the IN- of XVESTi'rI NSTrElt. A BBEY of. KING 'IlLD1 AMIV. and QUlEN AD l) AID 1W painted dr the direction of tile Gartr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRUS1'E;ES' ACA.rUEM11Y . 1- pRAlWilINGS of the STUDENTS of the ,|'ItUSTELES ACADE.MY, produced in Compe- thr, Annual Premiutm'.nre at presenttoin view, in .x ° 'r . sliory of the Royal Institltiion, and will re- . ulgrtg thie week open to the Public. ADDRESS TO THE KING. 11E LOYAL and CONSTTTUTIONAL AD. Il)ItESSto HIS MAJ ESTY, voted at the Public ISCIO li in the Assembly IlIoons this day, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMIBLIES. lI RST ASS EMBIILY wil1ttilee pla1Ce, inl tile PUBLIC Tli1~h'.irsdayv tilb ?221 of December next. Daln2ingy to covln~ai aled at 8 ?? an~d Rcfse.Sit. bu aeents, as zeual. 0 Stranigeresintr'oduced 1wb Subscribers, topay 7s.Wldeach. AG der. At sa General. Mee ting of Sibscribrs, hi.eld on 28th inkt., the Pos ?? were 'appointed Stewards for the Season, Prk1YOst1}1ADn'xeec Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in t] , Nt'.TXDBL' T;O ~Di3ORtS AND ODBDYi'^TO1¢. it l OEils. Eiaviqn Claims on the difeeoser Di, WILMLAT . LNV'LT)N, foeitawly of tie East india Copfiliny'sSui'vied, ansi livi'y ntf Fonfore, iln the counlt (V it' Ahe(riil, fire ue;(listel k tnl mu)de : .aSteii or these Claimsinn (liiiy VOhnthn'd; eilben' llf r Mn .conlne V.u Witoun, Largnin, Pariish of Folktiun; oir wit!! Moessrs l- Otnainlt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODPRO.. '~ltiand. ilk itsj in AMATPEUR on onR, will co ~ ?? di eeO,~ Dec. cc, ,U1l4rm i be laced ist'the dieosal of thle t o IaI bte given in' a fftr dvriee i. th1 Novt. 29), 18 1. c~rieet G LA'K SON,-have just 'get to haend, the Lo-;Dow G.CALIdAXACKS, .And AMJNUALS, for 1832, (;ifd expect An afely~ays'the £DTNI5VII 'eI and A~~wrLAAg, )Nfnlcenui's maitual of the Welathlc, !Ur MNil; Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SE-RMONS.: E LORD Wir5., TveRsER . JOHN.M. CAS1ITPBrLL, LATE IMIoSvTER 11F ROW, IS To PISEACH - SABBATH, ihe litlh, at -11 A-M. ani -half~paot Six h in FREEAASON'S HA.LL, foot Of'Nidsrv Srreet.. l On MONDAY. the la'h, at 'a qulerserpst Six Eve- is r ig, in FICEENIASON's HALL. * ar the ASSE3ii ILY ROOMIS, G ;t THE FOUR GCELEBRATEO The BOHEM IAN BR1OT H ER S, F;RST ArrFEARAYCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I iMIISS JARMAN , ESpECTFULLY informys her. Friends. anj the pu, l'abic in general, that hlER BENEFIT 15fisedforSATURDAY EVENING, Dec. 17, 1831, When .will be performed A FAVOURITE C(OM11:13y A POPULAR CO.MEDY, Aid variety of other Enrtertalinments, to be expressed in future a~dvertisenents. 13,ir u M iss Jarnian's Last Appearance until Monday the :01 f ?? IS32. ,ASSEMBILY ROOMS. GEt:ORlGE'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adon. .idon, ,rived eters. Hog. part Go- over or to pool, rallen f the tolls, 5the Eng- It is o for Ilitan gate, ty of 14th e has crew othe ctur. !d to This this 'art- dlay, er- 'st lfl 'sty's I he Hie. gun- V six ly to , ~THIeODON'S. IMECHANICAL AND PICTURESQUE T ZIP 'ifa E O1! UB r tS, NOW EXHIBITING IN BlORISON'S LARGE HALL, UNION STREET. A. THIODON, semsibi of the very distinguished ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l -: f~ 04 ' ' l !l S'E, : 0l BIiooksllcrs, in fulll he fersidshed to Slj'- tt 6ective Bookseller. s without del ay ab htains a statement of a ' view at its com- Mcpress to say how N r.They have to sgerlent ss never N --icad before; and as .ofession In soliciting public favour, ced it, equally solicitons to avoid a like the'contrlbutorn'they shiell only say, that di .erate with them, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'a'S VE ET B13LK_91 wZY PREPARED FOR JBURNING. -)RJG13 ANDERSON, MECITIANT, No.- 12, CASTItS STRUET, Aberdeen, respectfullly begs leave to ikftoril his c friends and. the public, that his preseni Stockl of the NEW. OIL (fromnthe Vianglo, ?? Plant) is niost. ample, and that hecan s-pply any quantity that may be required, This new and excel- 'let Oil is mnoeh sujrieioria. many respects to the ...