Advertisements & Notices

... TPUBLIC ME ET ING held at the Court 9 '1ST.rMt~i for thle L'iirJA. during11 tue ?? tr n'iit W JuIAAANII IV Et' eq; NHkissr, 'iU the, tbiiir to The ?? th'ii)S cr oraninu lygreed b en I`LI 'ih't i. generval ?? he lito' entered Into for as the Patrpenco of rerlevl-mltti Proolri, ?? filetrlhr kdi2ollo, Ulaiilkts (1iIitlriirgal4I flodn' ?? a, 1Delict lie ~io~'t~lishce foe, Clothing and' l'rovt-'- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . AND S~iu or Son's. BAi s S.J and the iS thgue riPepretsrntifl O ftls 7ei oft ; Bil!eooa.W aolt ruedT1 Dautris~ a o stt thti fisqel W];SK~~~~~~~~t.4,4 . t :. L . *fti inc[resn CAPF.S oepcf sisaitorsce tthia ighly idtsErmio exhib]t, he rU'oom will be 77reg0ulIrtloent tala-Mrsl einthe evenirng.sMe.lrluasi, ' Ititssti nCooper e o SALES BY AUCTIN T , 1 M R RIS hre epeI ull jno. shi rieitdsArl h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'W ANTED, a MAN who perfectly under8tands the most unproved Method of Bleaching, as well as the ['reparation of Size, and the Practice both ofr rub and Engine Sizing. No Person need apply who is not able to give the most satisfactory References both as to Ability and Character. For Reference apply to the Printer.-Letters to be Post-paid. NORTEHUM211SLAND. I IS Majesty's Justices of the Peace, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOW FAIR, for Cattle, Sheep, &c. will be held 0 in as usual, on THURSDAY NEXT, being the Thurs- r day before the 11 th of December. ie, j OTiCE is hereby given, that a General Meeting le IN of the Chipping Norton Political Union will be holden non Wednesday next the 7th of December, at the Unicorn k Inn, Chipping Norton, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. All d persons desirous of joining the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U -tageCs 'f ll coenter-stig m, rafllet 58 rn c pal if Ied r tltionl :It'uA jolecd collfor I thle Gitlem, isid u 'asienig'tiea pi ; ?? the'e inflnrrut Wn ;'and Its v' drnlla p petlaccftpiji end render ciestic thusie Lt).i .3 Arce hs y tile' Prop ietrifkiiq plrpieo ?? it Withiin the' ji-acim ci 'iii Wa. ci U i .S~ild~' Rol ri' ti I ii i I 30 M afild'2.' lii by. ?? hoeist' ?? Ci a U Ik Lcruv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEMMER TOWV Sflau silica I/o 1lost adver5lsilllt 0 $1w~~scriptins sie / s Xrwa~~25 0 The Earl of Abingdon - -, - 5 0 Rev. l)r. Bandinel 20 0 0 , 11ev. Dr. Ashhurst, (2d donation) 2 2 0 Rev J. Ley, Christ Church ,- J. R. Hoare, Esq. Worcester college- 10 ° A. P. Dullap. Esq. St. John's collcge Rev. E. P. New, St. John's college o5 ° a Dr. tild - -It 0 0 F. olovab, Esq. St. John's college 1 0 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3.- S A LES _Y AUCI'I IN. ALOF I itO N. MON G E RyY AT THlE t:. ii IidT II 1 nhi ?? ?? that hie will I Sl.IW''AUCTION, It ltie Musit-!laoll, Leeds, oil J.olfedal; scitesditii cuj, 1an'1 ;~~itc 'aI,(eficJ/a, Nixili avid Sevecid 'o py~LcIbc'i, 11141 1111 Clu6h lit Aesiri 11101t ?? HIZWN ZE and i GRI:fl 1IAT ES, B.I ize. to :t eel rcuiiirer, Fore Irowi-, g [Ijil cilul P,iiisage Lam~tp' Vrenoo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBEETT-LIBRRARY.. I News Edition. rCOSZEB9TTS. Spelling-Book, (Prie 2s.) Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise JNTR0D.CT1ON *NTO ENGLISH GRAMMAR, This I have written by way of A StePPflglStonle-to my own :: Gramm.Zaarv; w , f Such a thing bayin' been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRA1 MMTIAR.-Of this work sixty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m ?? ~~jj ~-jJ dRE7ROYAL, Ninth athrapn e this seo on ofq ctlebratedl C oomdiani, THI S pre ent li SAT URDA AY,. DE UCkBE ,iBER 3j~,~ 181 aj lae~tier, Ssrvawill Oerlr iei i play ;i THEl HE ENLS 1NHMA 1 lA, l Sir Mtatiew S vras, Scrasoriginally d byhi )M. Dow. ton, (of the TheatreRoyg ?? y-l:nneihinith uppearance) Colonel Oswald, C rr -Cdlcr l\IrTB so woe ap Mrzane; Mr. Mathews ; Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLTAM QGEE F, 3GES respectfully to inform the Mlemlers of the 3 jUniversity, the inhabitants of Oxford, and the publicI I, that he intends OPENING A SlIO'P, in the of a few days, situate in ST. ALDATE'S, nearly coite Christ Church, in the l Opposite ',ibacco, Cigar, & SnuWt ~ialie. l. (lee hopes, by selling articles of superior quality at hbe iset reasonable prices, and by unremitting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 'iCN OjoN', tet f h '1''tiL n ?? Itllnhest Cimtetie .ii is Palilit N~tt tb-abes rihance; C * ENi''ii PriiILtrii N.l b\oe- Aiti.-ON D. Ci-XX aiIi-6 Cairei anite Vi~ IV 1 %l l w- tlI7U MIMI'v\' ViL\TSisitN 1y ope- (it 91,1 i I1VU14518~l with id ut- tih i ilh -iclt flrip.rtsi. Li h ?? ' I-u ii~hl~ io ?? I tht thi s I'll adp i i'lli f-lit)it 5, 4511lidii) bsit iesi In 401e Li il m.ivost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . M ORIGINAL ROTUNDA, M UVD. , i'lENDID NEW PANORA MA, I r N]EVEP. UrFFnE EXHIsITED. TiE PROPP.IETORS tost resapctfully intimate, tint they have brought frnrn L.ondtol, anid ill open Cs MrednrY Iv5 5th December, a Nft',V PA NOR IA NI 4th? (C)liON ATION and PitOCESSION in the IN- of XVESTi'rI NSTrElt. A BBEY of. KING 'IlLD1 AMIV. and QUlEN AD l) AID 1W painted dr the direction of tile Gartr ...