Advertisements & Notices

... NNIVERSARY OF TH'IE TERMINATION OF THE STATE A TRIALS OF 179I. TO-MORROW EVENING (being the 37th Anni- versary' of the above event)1, M~r. THELWALL will deliver at the Theatre sans soodi ,Leicester-place, Leicester-s'quare an Historical Lecture on the Institution of Trrial by Jury, its Evasions and Violations, and the Persecutions endured in the Cause of Parliamentary Reform ; with appeals to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYL, DRURY LANE. MONDAy-Richard the Third, Richard,Mr. Macready;wvith RyderAli, or the Lions of Mysore. TUESDAY-Barber of Seville; Rosina;Mrs. Wood. WEDNEsDAY-1Masaniello; Masaniello. Mr. Wood; with Ryder Ali. THUSDvsAY-A popular Opera, in which Mrs. Wood will perform; with the Brifle of Ludgate. THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. MONDAy-Pizarro; Rolla, Mr. Young, Cora, Miss Taylor; with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT BRANDY. ORDERS intended for HENRY BRETT, BRANDY MER- 0 CHANT, of No. 10g, Drury-lane (the only Dealer therein supplied by the Patentee), having been dishonourably intercepted, through insidious misre- presentations and assimilated placards, it is particularly requested that persons who have suffered from such impositions will be kind enough to communicate the circumstances to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FHE MONTHLY REPOSITORY for Dec. 1, contains:- T1. The Claims of the Poor on the Followers of Christ, by W. J. Fox. g. Remarks on the Bristol Riots, by the Rev. Dr. Carpenter. 3. The Question Ontereceipt of Public Money by between~ the Church and the Nation. 4. On the ?? Dissentin Ministers, a Letter to his Congregationby the Rev. James Marti- neas, of Dublin; and reviews of Dr. Pye S~mith on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ied SOUTHAMPTON. THE S( ung fHE LA)Y PATRIONESSrS SECOND BALL TN the Ig7 T will be at ?? Victoria Archery Rooms, on LSTA ut. Thursday, the 22nd December. 1831. RrCeAat Itt. LADY ~PATatONaSSes tig LAD MAOY L.o'G ~ Ha s. FjanININO C~ntly fie Lat SMY Hs. RTB2-SHXDD5VO be prefixe tat, N.BJu arn~~2~wl su imited number ptlantationi ~ af--uie ~ ,O~orsidents only, at more im aplctosto be made for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * R ATUB.'~t, Fifth night of the -i er l e dy, b th lerrorm. anoea on Utbrti ifhlglxt'vilb:Q*%4 Stistic demoxistratioas ' apsib- bII4 croirdel1t - ' very roof of the rlhe' -' Last wveekt but one of the b r a t bdt p HIS preseat MONDAY, R 3, 1831, tceir fMajesties' bervpntS WiUl performu: for jihe. fifth OqD mtew. Trasgel of the *. . WARDEN OF GA'LWAY,. . Written bythoe Rev.kEdwierf.rroves, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRUS1'E;ES' ACA.rUEM11Y . 1- pRAlWilINGS of the STUDENTS of the ,|'ItUSTELES ACADE.MY, produced in Compe- thr, Annual Premiutm'.nre at presenttoin view, in .x ° 'r . sliory of the Royal Institltiion, and will re- . ulgrtg thie week open to the Public. ADDRESS TO THE KING. 11E LOYAL and CONSTTTUTIONAL AD. Il)ItESSto HIS MAJ ESTY, voted at the Public ISCIO li in the Assembly IlIoons this day, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )O PORTS6IOUTH /AD P sFO'OR a- SAVINGS. , 7IlE Office oP this Institution will be Open eve r. * onday, from twve to one o'clock, as usa efor the Receiptand Payment of Money. Attendance wnillbe giyen at the (iire on Friday and Saturday we Evenings next fiou Seven to Nine o'clock, fbr the u purpose ofc ?? of Accounts, as n.lo Ehange ueit be mode on Monday the 6th, or on h Afanday ter 12th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE METROPFOLITAN AAGAZZINIE.e) C'l N i U..\ IS. P'f'lIi F FP1,il a uiti' T'J I Nio V_ tii A 1I! f 2 .S~t solinoe iii elt r. O(ii0fi' Prr 5tit litato and F'oTore Pros- goet oil [lie (h lontr Q'1esoein zA Viewi of INvtional 1EcDlgrtiav 'Ie, Life of a Siii1cr, No. 1`1II A Viow If AI'dere )eIh 1 ericalre, Parr ii. liv J1anteo 8lrnigifiiOleI E' q. 'niv i \'fii'h Nv. 1. . ir C rgaitva ~'Ui I;a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t TUSI' ifrived, direct froa) Rottern m, ex Ody, Capt. '4 ?? tt-A Cargo of prime Rled' and hll ite Coated i DAM and CANTER CHEESE, and now discharg.. e tng at the Portsimouth Cu'stoinm 'ouse, for Sale, by t therimpdrters, 0. BAKER and Son. . 28, Queen-street, Portsea.' U. C'itl \ ?? OlkV 'Iu'lI T. !: UST arrived and pow ?? CARGO ii . of NEW FRUIT, from lfarow; consisting of' 5' Almonds and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. :tat Sweel but one of the enstgemienit of the eebeb t&colI t ?? DOWTON. ' TVHIS present`'UESDAY, DECEMBgR 6, 1891, terr A shjesties! Servanta will pedrsio Slakspeare's. Ti:Fr PARiT 'Of KXNG. THENRY IV. Sir John Filsthtf, Mr. Dowaton, (-of the Tbtre-Rnyalt DWy- lane, his eleventh appearance).; King Henr1y, Mr. Mattews; Yenry, Prince of Watiles, ir. Mii. Stadi~ey PHittapr, Mr ...