Advertisements & Notices

... J. G. JU KDDS, IN _ffD1?APE1?, I1'AIERDAS.JIER, &c. .A 52, MARKETBLACE.. yAS just received Becond Supply, this Season, of j .ReW WflLSH )L&NNELS, which he bas great pliasnre in recommendinglto the attention of-his Friends.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M.ER1CANTI LE SALES. EW FRFN Pi.11 fI-. I ILAG t'a i N (iNILL M Ki,,& CO, 2:d) Qua! ter Boxesf hiteat Frothi Plumis, 3(ft Boyiel, ind Half Bores Pyloolo haistiae, i.tP (s'ats Sul] Haotf Leiaj falsinas, 80 lioxce Old Buntch Mnsttstel Ralatos. in goad eun ditioti, 20O Cesatlii Jordoti aitl Bitter Altaoyids, 60 Beitta and ('irattel Newi Zatite Curraxisi, 300 Hal nl td Quaiter Druains Pulledl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4elf ea .PlLTSMOUTH ASSEb[B-X:B . mHE Nobility and Gentry are respectfully ini ase N-The SECOND BALL for the Seaion will be *is_ held at ihe Green Row RooMs. on Mlonday, Jan. 2nd. tile ..PATBONESSES. , d he Lally L. FO~LEY IS'y WILLWS n- Liuly CAcJPBIIjL I, Cra. Cot. FOIISTRIa lg Lady SOvAiotSt mrsM. HYI VE PAARMnR Non..ttbscriber's Tickets, Aie. 6d. each, may be had of 1rt.Hollizgsworkh, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- - - u W Ifln i , -: -: I ROY LtV P0QL. : 2'Il VVKOP MIS'S W4ALLS AN) ifS IFATspO I '1 iL~R te BNEFT o MIS WATSy ,'bi~P - rards Opera of the : ^tMARRIAGE1 OPF[GAiRO.- X -- Co6iunt Aolrmav Wit. Son Qi.'l9ti Ciseruinao (the Psge..Iiibs ieS T~o vthich wll b ddd(fri ttllrdle a faigourite. * T~le Fosit, Mowlrsis ~il~f ll) , ~ I~s a~n Toeidityb5e; r8 glel ; ^ ' ยง 5 -'HII -tIL EYE. ?? ,. aceedirig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I INAL CLOSE OF THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Frad PLATED GOODS, RICH CUT GLASS. ;;,EF'FLEvRY WATCHES, TIME PIECES, F C11INA BRONZE ARTICLES, . D. MYRES tSpECTFULLY announces to the Public that he will positively Close, and commence packing after St e he therefore earnestly solicits those ladies tentlefflen who are desirous of making any purchases, to apply at the beginning of next week. D Jriel yres ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /re PIANO FORTE. rD cdfnseqnence of a Gentleman going abrhad, he wishes I to part with his PIANO. It is a ?? Cabinet, Six octaves, in perfect order, is a first-rate instrument in every respect, by STOl1ART. Theperson to whom itbel1ongs purchased it in London, and has only used it 12 nontlths. It cost 95 Guineas; and is to be Sold for less than Half. Apply at 14, St. Wilfrid-street, Fox-street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SE-RMONS.: E LORD Wir5., TveRsER . JOHN.M. CAS1ITPBrLL, LATE IMIoSvTER 11F ROW, IS To PISEACH - SABBATH, ihe litlh, at -11 A-M. ani -half~paot Six h in FREEAASON'S HA.LL, foot Of'Nidsrv Srreet.. l On MONDAY. the la'h, at 'a qulerserpst Six Eve- is r ig, in FICEENIASON's HALL. * ar the ASSE3ii ILY ROOMIS, G ;t THE FOUR GCELEBRATEO The BOHEM IAN BR1OT H ER S, F;RST ArrFEARAYCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zbe~atl E-IqRoras Qcuitil yru ] I16 prrsent Evenitiz. 'II lit SD1) Y. IDec 1.i. 19'71. will ic perlormed. firt time tis 5Ca-, the C-r, e oy itt THE PROVOKED HUSBAN, D. L ord 'lnwriIley- Nlr TE ItENA N. Sir Frarics Wrongheairl.__%r MX A C AY r. Squire 1lichsrd .M r 1 U R It Y. c John MToly.Mr STANLEY. Lady Grace-Mrs S l'ANIE.Y. Lady Wronghead.. % rs NICOt' . Lady 'iTownleyv 'dins J A R.'v A N. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORNING CONCERT *BOHEMIAN BROTHERE S, , ESPECTFULL.Y inform the Nobility andi Gen. try of Edinburgh and its Vicinity, that they intend to gove A CONCEIR' TilS DAY, SliTURDAY, Sl1t-Dee. 1,331. WThen they will appear in the Costume of their Country ,,,d will sing several of their NATIONAL AIRS. Tlie %whole to conclwie with the cclebrated Anthena 'of Ilaydr, Gotterhalte, Frrinz, dor Kaiser. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FiEAT E-RO YA L. 0parance of theeele KEted ?? ir.KEA!.wboj engaged( for Eight Nights only. yItEsEN FI' THUJRSDAY, December 2i, thsir A0 jlll se vants ciii perform Shakspearo's tra-gadyJF ?? ~ ~~ fete ; O lF.LiO.. , r* KIean; Isgo MAr..Ceicraft; Desdemona, Miss ?? Ard. Shuter. edaar; tsr eras will corsclude with the ?? of 'j IE SLEEPING DRAUGH-'. ,itMr. Jounson; Nonna,a Mrs. C, Pettirgal Fron. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRESH ARRIVAL OF BEST LYNX. CONTINENTAIL AND l.tiNPDcN FUR WAREHOUSE. JUIiN Al. B.ARNARDO 1-1fRSPECTFL LLY inirt-iais those Ladies wiho ii bt;|u 6P hI0. hind in waitiug for the alove Artiele tbat bh Ia I Teady a large supplyf V) MUFFS arnd BOAS e n-itl escry article in the I ur line, of whiohb 4ie aciicit rlv insierticn;. ITbe prices are suoh as have gxvtn the n t d cided preferencte. N. B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEiE SAILORS' HOME!, AND DESTITUTE SAILORS' ASYLUM. FI HE Annual Meeting, of the above excellent IL Society will be held (1). V.) at the Lancastrian School Room, on Wednesday next, the 14th instant. Captain GEORGE GAMBIER, RN. the Rev. JOHN DAVIS, (Chaplain of the Episcopal Floating Church.) and other Friends, are'expected to attend. Chair to be taken by the MAYOR, at 12 o'clock. Derby, Dcc. ...