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Advertisements & Notices

... G AM D UT Y. COUNTI of DE, VOY.1 %ERSONS who hav'e obtaived GA ME CERTI- P FICATI ES fpr the year 1831. List (I) GENPnAL C ricULTWW-TEs, at 3!. 13s. 6d. each. . Anthlony, P. L- Plyntouth; I3oltter. ?? Jacohnrs, Lyrnpstone; Conljain, Johnr, geint. Chugford; Clyde, J. B. iil-rk, 1)id frd;, Ciope., Vitti. g1irt. llai;tland Clheri tn, Jilseph, ?? Down St. .ary; Davey, Chat-les, currimr, Eseter; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fjOb SOLDb.'ut Dib , R4's f ite 2d Decemberr ?? .the Foreno9ns2- Pockets of KENT AN AVHWs~ of iery sliperioi quality~, Andaou ie ?? JWtt E.8th ?? da'y ?? are ?? ths ' ?? WDE$JRAvBLEU- MLL 71'pore I L'EK1~,.braTem'fjyardee 46.,,jAdite6Wn e 'Lives' of tbve.Piriarai1siniioltio ?? ?? ;a Sf OCi tue disa theprish ':of St Ienee'rtoStlepsi.8 Exetel~ii nar tido bcuiay~ i' petyrende it Mies~al DAn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Capital GRXAZING Alnd MIA BLE FLtRitl, In 'i UCKLANi A1lONACHIOflUIMUnoN, Greuet TIthehFree, and ?? redcemed.; r ' be L'Et', by Public Surveyvt cbe ,held at the X froellcnson Hall, in) the litiirteugh' i tti lynilotut i, orl Thursday the 29th dny of )ecetnber next, at tkelre :o'lock at Ilioon, ?? Ih~(il) ai tal BARTONN OF ,BICKHAM-;. noxeis .°g lrSOiciC l anhi ( 1o , d, vlam) i fie v olshnbone ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- - - u W Ifln i , -: -: I ROY LtV P0QL. : 2'Il VVKOP MIS'S W4ALLS AN) ifS IFATspO I '1 iL~R te BNEFT o MIS WATSy ,'bi~P - rards Opera of the : ^tMARRIAGE1 OPF[GAiRO.- X -- Co6iunt Aolrmav Wit. Son Qi.'l9ti Ciseruinao (the Psge..Iiibs ieS T~o vthich wll b ddd(fri ttllrdle a faigourite. * T~le Fosit, Mowlrsis ~il~f ll) , ~ I~s a~n Toeidityb5e; r8 glel ; ^ ' § 5 -'HII -tIL EYE. ?? ,. aceedirig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in he Under tsh Protchios of Government, by fioyal Lehters Id Patent. or G RANTED to THOAMAS FORD, fobtis Medicine, I u unirersratly know~n by the title of Xm~proved Pectoral ? BALSAM of HOREHOUND,' arid Great Restorative Medit is clne (linvented snd ?? by tre Patentee) which is.- id patronized by theNobility, andbylie Faculty generally re- commended dwoughout the Uieted Kingdom and on the e- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Isf e 1h 3~ 'ad 10th O vr lnh 'z .5.. 70 ?? of Dlec. P I: tons, Iet of as. riOR~flA)~iCA ?? . 615t tons, Ilath of Jan. ?? s60tons. lot Of Feb. ?? y.. .560 taos. 16dI Of Feb. . let of Mar. C~tED0I~~GRAAM 57ous,16th of loactb. of WILSO ?? 5 tons 1St of April. fe t s hle were- materials- nut inthe ?? Of New Ths best Theirize, Cuperort af be york. of t bnctui and rcu24th of dci art Vi5. - ableCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ADiVr ISgEMENT.] TO GROCERS. A MId sa-fe and e5~ctuai remedy is offered to the A , Public for that obstinate complaint called the SUGAR on GRocER's ITCH. .Dudtey, 22Slor. 1831. SIR,-I consider It my duty to Inform ?? that I have kcnown many InstiNes 6f the great effieqey of your Pearl t Ointment In the cure of -what Is co y called) the Gro. I eer's Itcb, a complait verygenerai n tJltrade, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be LET, an excellent BON ;JAULTsuitable T for Olive Oil, Wine, or Brandy pply to TssossAs KrEN- DALL, 12, Suffolk.street. 0 be LET, a good accustomedYBLIC HOUSE T with TAP ROOM. near the Dfl9ks. Rent, &ci., mode- rate. Apply at the Printers'. T0 be LET, the celebrated VEAL WIE and EATING n HOUSE, No 49, Paradise-str tr Llicense, Goodwill, dFixtures, ?? Ises, between the hours of Twelve and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v a TuE LATE MEETING AT THE CLARIEDON-.EoxS.-A corres pondent of the Liverpool Courier accuses us of having ret ported the private conversation which took place at the late Tory-reforna meeting, in the Clarendoa-roorns, at which Sir Thomas Brancker presided, and of having thus broken the terms of the paction, in faith of which the re- porters were suffered to remain in the room. All we have to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Correaponvento. CASE or HaDsHip.-We are not quite au fait to the point submitted to us by A Sufferer; but we are sure anyrespgv. table attorney will give a deliberate opinion on thequestion without charging him a fee, if his circumstances are as he describes theni. It is an error to suppose that medical meen pre Oes pnlyprofessional benefactors to thepoor; for al- though we have as yet no Law ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I INAL CLOSE OF THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Frad PLATED GOODS, RICH CUT GLASS. ;;,EF'FLEvRY WATCHES, TIME PIECES, F C11INA BRONZE ARTICLES, . D. MYRES tSpECTFULLY announces to the Public that he will positively Close, and commence packing after St e he therefore earnestly solicits those ladies tentlefflen who are desirous of making any purchases, to apply at the beginning of next week. D Jriel yres ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /re PIANO FORTE. rD cdfnseqnence of a Gentleman going abrhad, he wishes I to part with his PIANO. It is a ?? Cabinet, Six octaves, in perfect order, is a first-rate instrument in every respect, by STOl1ART. Theperson to whom itbel1ongs purchased it in London, and has only used it 12 nontlths. It cost 95 Guineas; and is to be Sold for less than Half. Apply at 14, St. Wilfrid-street, Fox-street. ...