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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... AEERIDEEN FIRE AND LIFE ASSU AANE AND .4ANNUI7TY COMPANIY, For Insurance against Fire and upon Lives, and for the Purchase and Sale of Annuities. 89, Union Street, Aberdeen. HE Directors of this Company beg to intimate, that the T Preminums due fbr Fire and Life Insenances on the 25th curt. require to be paid, the former wvithinfi.freen, and the latter %within kvenly-one days of thot date, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g BALTIC STAVES, TIMBERI, PIZANI-, &C. v FOR SALE, AT PETERHEAD. Just landed, fo is Pk>7> Froma the Schooner HELEN, nc Ff rcm S'rsa T1N A very superior Cargo, Ship.buihlig OAK TIMBER and PLANR, of various sizes; 1000 PiPE STAVES, 54 feet long.- n d00 HOGSHEAD Do. 44 feet long. e 120 BARREL Do. 34 fiet long.-And, Ile d 120 HOGSHEAD HEADINGS, 2 fcet long, all 3 inclies or h thick. en MEMEL R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This duy is Putblished, I anu improved Form, and containing a great adtlitional Qualitity of Letter-press. 1 c TIME ABERDEEN ALIVANACK, AND NrORTH1E RN REGISTER, FOR 1832. To be had of all the Booksellers in Town and Country. : IEoO:ES, &c. sILOH respectfsdlly solicits the attention of his Friends Js. wad the IPublic to the followinl valuabfle TZ 0 h' S, ichich are aniony the Prizes bi his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'a'S VE ET B13LK_91 wZY PREPARED FOR JBURNING. -)RJG13 ANDERSON, MECITIANT, No.- 12, CASTItS STRUET, Aberdeen, respectfullly begs leave to ikftoril his c friends and. the public, that his preseni Stockl of the NEW. OIL (fromnthe Vianglo, ?? Plant) is niost. ample, and that hecan s-pply any quantity that may be required, This new and excel- 'let Oil is mnoeh sujrieioria. many respects to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMIBLIES. lI RST ASS EMBIILY wil1ttilee pla1Ce, inl tile PUBLIC Tli1~h'.irsdayv tilb ?221 of December next. Daln2ingy to covln~ai aled at 8 ?? an~d Rcfse.Sit. bu aeents, as zeual. 0 Stranigeresintr'oduced 1wb Subscribers, topay 7s.Wldeach. AG der. At sa General. Mee ting of Sibscribrs, hi.eld on 28th inkt., the Pos ?? were 'appointed Stewards for the Season, Prk1YOst1}1ADn'xeec Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in t] , Nt'.TXDBL' T;O ~Di3ORtS AND ODBDYi'^TO1¢. it l OEils. Eiaviqn Claims on the difeeoser Di, WILMLAT . LNV'LT)N, foeitawly of tie East india Copfiliny'sSui'vied, ansi livi'y ntf Fonfore, iln the counlt (V it' Ahe(riil, fire ue;(listel k tnl mu)de : .aSteii or these Claimsinn (liiiy VOhnthn'd; eilben' llf r Mn .conlne V.u Witoun, Largnin, Pariish of Folktiun; oir wit!! Moessrs l- Otnainlt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adon. .idon, ,rived eters. Hog. part Go- over or to pool, rallen f the tolls, 5the Eng- It is o for Ilitan gate, ty of 14th e has crew othe ctur. !d to This this 'art- dlay, er- 'st lfl 'sty's I he Hie. gun- V six ly to , ~THIeODON'S. IMECHANICAL AND PICTURESQUE T ZIP 'ifa E O1! UB r tS, NOW EXHIBITING IN BlORISON'S LARGE HALL, UNION STREET. A. THIODON, semsibi of the very distinguished ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * N13W FRUIT, &C'. &c. r~ILLIAM:FRASER respectfullyv begs leave to announ.rce, V, the arrival of a large supply of N9tW FRUIT, (lireet ~*,Bo311D~A~ aid MLAG. he PLUMS in A and ~t xcsfro Ilurdaux ilC Iartenlly arg ad fin the MUSCAELL AISIS, frm Maagaare f.a11 speri-or qua- lit', nd n lrgecluter. Lbcrl aloance will. be made to Hec would recoululend th, umaernoted articles:-- Fisand Oranges ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODPRO.. '~ltiand. ilk itsj in AMATPEUR on onR, will co ~ ?? di eeO,~ Dec. cc, ,U1l4rm i be laced ist'the dieosal of thle t o IaI bte given in' a fftr dvriee i. th1 Novt. 29), 18 1. c~rieet G LA'K SON,-have just 'get to haend, the Lo-;Dow G.CALIdAXACKS, .And AMJNUALS, for 1832, (;ifd expect An afely~ays'the £DTNI5VII 'eI and A~~wrLAAg, )Nfnlcenui's maitual of the Welathlc, !Ur MNil; Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l -: f~ 04 ' ' l !l S'E, : 0l BIiooksllcrs, in fulll he fersidshed to Slj'- tt 6ective Bookseller. s without del ay ab htains a statement of a ' view at its com- Mcpress to say how N r.They have to sgerlent ss never N --icad before; and as .ofession In soliciting public favour, ced it, equally solicitons to avoid a like the'contrlbutorn'they shiell only say, that di .erate with them, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2,0. ?? DP Lr -- .. ac. ?? .*Ie |iS e . i'bLi':U.L.LX intienawt tinit tiseir'pressist ,S'OCK con-. , iiet ?? .-QBG3.(t)AC BRANDlY, eight vcars olid, Dr se Ur. D o.- T. IDo., l ive years okld., ANTiGUA IUAM, ei5ht yctars old. JIAM-ATCA RUM, ?? ol. St1p.Irioir MALT WHISKY, ?? years old -: 1(v,1A ND ,GIN. . - ?? .OLQGNIE GIN. Forrl5r1oN RJUM SHRUB. 1tULxie PUN''iI:C- ?? E ?? BlB 1R. .- S \7;:i L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VJL - AII2 10 0K5', , * ao d th,- Pujho La 11w fidlouwneq Bidnble' H' 0 RI K 8, whiech ar I amonrl the P'rizes in his :~ttbeeriptiou Sale, lo be * 300 Th, E11L11', C v'als. qnarto, eiegnltly bound in Russila, *arls P0 iTOL.WRS,1 ls. livo. cif g-ilt. WtA1Vl.:lRL iRY NOVI R LS, iO %-uds. Nen, Edition. l3uRrxSH ?? SYIS'T'o% :30 vols. IlUMIPi & SMOLLET'S JllT4ORY of' ENGLAND, 13 i'olfl. ILORD :UA ...