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Advertisements & Notices

... Tilt 3%jEtD'3LICANv XTOT IC !-NumarE SO will be published on the FIFTH 1N OF DECEIIBER. % fe' Copiers of NuMsrea 29, can be had at the Office. Ru Hfetteriugtonn, 13, Ringsgate-street, Holborn; and to Ebe had oj all Bovz s!ers in Ton a and; Country. Do unto others as you Would others shoiuld do unto you. FOR THE FIRST OF JANUARY, Wil I be Published, for the Proprietors, (without fail,) ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBEETT-LIBRRARY.. I News Edition. rCOSZEB9TTS. Spelling-Book, (Prie 2s.) Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise JNTR0D.CT1ON *NTO ENGLISH GRAMMAR, This I have written by way of A StePPflglStonle-to my own :: Gramm.Zaarv; w , f Such a thing bayin' been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRA1 MMTIAR.-Of this work sixty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NNIVERSARY OF TH'IE TERMINATION OF THE STATE A TRIALS OF 179I. TO-MORROW EVENING (being the 37th Anni- versary' of the above event)1, M~r. THELWALL will deliver at the Theatre sans soodi ,Leicester-place, Leicester-s'quare an Historical Lecture on the Institution of Trrial by Jury, its Evasions and Violations, and the Persecutions endured in the Cause of Parliamentary Reform ; with appeals to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FHE MONTHLY REPOSITORY for Dec. 1, contains:- T1. The Claims of the Poor on the Followers of Christ, by W. J. Fox. g. Remarks on the Bristol Riots, by the Rev. Dr. Carpenter. 3. The Question Ontereceipt of Public Money by between~ the Church and the Nation. 4. On the ?? Dissentin Ministers, a Letter to his Congregationby the Rev. James Marti- neas, of Dublin; and reviews of Dr. Pye S~mith on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYL, DRURY LANE. MONDAy-Richard the Third, Richard,Mr. Macready;wvith RyderAli, or the Lions of Mysore. TUESDAY-Barber of Seville; Rosina;Mrs. Wood. WEDNEsDAY-1Masaniello; Masaniello. Mr. Wood; with Ryder Ali. THUSDvsAY-A popular Opera, in which Mrs. Wood will perform; with the Brifle of Ludgate. THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. MONDAy-Pizarro; Rolla, Mr. Young, Cora, Miss Taylor; with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT BRANDY. ORDERS intended for HENRY BRETT, BRANDY MER- 0 CHANT, of No. 10g, Drury-lane (the only Dealer therein supplied by the Patentee), having been dishonourably intercepted, through insidious misre- presentations and assimilated placards, it is particularly requested that persons who have suffered from such impositions will be kind enough to communicate the circumstances to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PnHlLADELPUIAN CHAPEL, Windmill Street, Finsbury Square.-On Sunday Evening next, Dec. II, a LECTURE will be given f ON THE ORIGIN AND D.EVELOPEMENT OF MORAL IDEAS. Do unto others as you wosdd others shoeld do unto you. FOR THE FIRST OF JANUARY, Will be Published, for the Proprietors, (without fail,) ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, By B. STEILL, Paternoster Row, and Sold by all Booksellers, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL POLITICAL UNION FFICE is NOW OPEN, at Saville-house, Leicester-square, 0 where the Secretary sits from Ten to Nine daily, to enrol Members' Names, OBJECTS and LAWS of the UNION, with an ADDRESS to the PEOPLE of EiNGLAND. Pi-ice to Members, one penny. Also, POLlTICAL 'UNIONS NOT CONTRARY TO LAW. Price, to 1'Acmbcrs, one penny. Just published, by the National Political Union; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO REFORMERS. Just published, by W. STRANGE, Paternoster Row, price 6d. T HE NEW CHA RTE R; or, The Proposed Basis of a Constitution for the Government of Great Britain and Ireland. We earnestly recousinend this Pamphlet to the study of our readers, not that we entertain any idea of ' The New Charter' taking the place of the Reform Bill, but because the only method of ultimately realizing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S GIFT. Just published. Dedicated by permission to her most Gracious Majesty Queen Adelaide, SONGS of the HA1M[LET; written by THROMAS HAYNES BAYLY, - Esq.; composed by CIHARL:ES EDWARO HORN: Coitaining The Happy Valley-1 love the Village Church-The Dark Eyed Brunette-Your Lot is ar above ?? Wounded Young Kli~night-It is the last Meeting. Price gs. ash boards, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP CLOTHING!! SWAIN AND CO., Tailors, &c., 93, FLEET-STRaET, (Near the new opening to St. Bride's ckurelr,) D EQ2UEsT the attention of the public to the following list of prices (ftr reoh only) which they charge for:- Gentlemeals Dress Coats of Medley 1. s. d4 . Colours . ?? 2 12 0 Ditto, ditto, Best Saxony ?? 3 0 o Saxony Kerseymere Trousers ?? I t 0 Plato ditto Waistcoats. n l Figured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. One of the Knlow-nothings next week. The supplement was at Press, or we would gladly have published his communication in the present Number. We hope all our readers will peruse it with attention. E. I. J. will perceive that our leader to the Supplement is upon the subjeet be refers us to. We .quite agree with our Correspondent that a Magistrate who could act in the manler Mr ...