Advertisements & Notices

... M.ER1CANTI LE SALES. EW FRFN Pi.11 fI-. I ILAG t'a i N (iNILL M Ki,,& CO, 2:d) Qua! ter Boxesf hiteat Frothi Plumis, 3(ft Boyiel, ind Half Bores Pyloolo haistiae, i.tP (s'ats Sul] Haotf Leiaj falsinas, 80 lioxce Old Buntch Mnsttstel Ralatos. in goad eun ditioti, 20O Cesatlii Jordoti aitl Bitter Altaoyids, 60 Beitta and ('irattel Newi Zatite Curraxisi, 300 Hal nl td Quaiter Druains Pulledl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEEATRE-'ROYAL. The Public is respeetfolly informed that Signor DE B4G passiog thron'9i4Dublin, on his. way to thie South, Witfis ?? Companj;-the Manager has gladlq. fuiled hjmself of thbispportounity of complvicg with the wishes of the Public in presenting themn with the italian Opera £or'Two Nights rnily,- this EVENiNG and SA71IRUAY iext. Last: appedrance--b4t tourof the a-elthated comedian ...


... IST of PERSONS claiming to Register their FREEFHOLDS, at a GE NE R A L' QUA R T E R LJ SESSIONS of the PEACE, to he held at BALLYMENA, on the 2d day of January, 1832, for the DIVI_ SION of BALLYMENA, pursuant to the Act of 10th Gee. IV. Cap. S. NAtamne & Residence of Deaciption oj NO.I 4J~ppicant. I ape I William M'Niece, Crumkill Houses and land, 2 Thomas Gordon, Drumlickney ditto 3 Nathaniel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q lobp Rurtiow. HORSFS, CARRIAGMS 4C BY MR. LUCAS,On '2-imirracw (Saturday) the 10th Instant, precisely at OeAl o'clock, at his Repositoly. Grat Charlotte-street, 3( A Dappled Gray GELDI NG, six years old. 15 hands te 35. inchles high, steady ha Single and Double Harness' tt a Bay Gelding. Six years oliiN asuperlor Hack; twro Draught St Horses, two Sets Gears, at Mill Cart, and a Rubbish Car S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Silk MEarcery5 naberdashery, and Millinery Warerooms, 12, BRIDGE-STREET. S. OFFICER, & CO. HA AVFE been for the last three weeks receiving their WIN TE R A SSORTMENT, which they have this day completed, consisting of E,7Od Frinch CA SHUERES, from 2s. (id per yard up- 34 ditto,fro-r I(d. ?? STUFF.S. from 64. up _Thibet and other SHAWILS-Blark Lace VEILS- NETTS, LACES and QUILLIGS- a veariety of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS OLD -IE 01r PAXCKETS. FOR NEW YORK, Salon the lst antd 16th of MerY Month, viz. B.L. WAITS ?? l0th of Dec. 8 1_,16 LCL -, , - tons, I St of Jail. PAVlFtlC AER - I ?? 5 tons, 16th of Jan. BItjTNNIA, MA~sHALL. ii toslt of Feb. hORK . . ?? tons, 16th of Feb. IgANCH4F.STER,~ SRrtlEy ..6;tous, lot ,(f Mar. CALEDON IA. GnAiSAM ?? .97 ~ ,16th of Msarch. Mignd ?? axELLP t o tons, st of ApriC. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOR COUGHS, SHORTrVF.S of 315AVTH, ASTHMA, 4C. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED, under tbe lmmediate patronage of several of the most distin- guished Nobility and Gentry in the Kingdom, in bottles at IF. I id. and 2s. 3d. each. This invaluable Medicine is universally acknowledged to be one of the meat efficacious remedies ever discovered for alleviating the miseries incidental to the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 lubjic amuun0ew. THEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. FIFTH WVRFN OF MIISS W hELLS 4 MISS WATSON. OR the BENEFIT of Mr. G. HORNCASTLE.- F'On Monday next, the 12th instant, will be performed -the favourite Tragedy of ALEXANDER THER GREAT, OR THE RITAL QUEENS. ?? Vandenesof) statira.--MrsW. West A variety of Singing by Miss Wells,, Miss Watson, &c. Mr. G. Horncastle will sing two ?? Arias from the Con ie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEAT'R4OYAL. 1 ncit appearance but four of the celebrated comedian, Mf DOWTON. f rr ilIS present FRIDAY, DECEMIBER 9, 183t, theii/Me.. a jesties' Servant's will perform (for the sixth time) the new I ;,gedy-of the WARDEN OF GALWAY. Written by the Rev. Edward Groves. With new and sppropriate Seenery, Dresses and Decoratone. I iis Tragedy is founded ou a well known event of deep ?? niurest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I rl POLITICAL UNIONS.-SIR FRANCIS B VRLDaTT.-We decline the letter of A Radical , condemnilig the conduct of Sir Francis Burdett for withdrawing himself from the National Poli- tical Union. Sir Francis is a man whose character for political integrity and consistency is Without a stain. He is one of the few men who dare to think for themselves, and to act op to the suggestions of an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEAFNESS, NOISES in the HEAD, DISEASES D of the EAR, and NERVOUS DEBILITY, effectual and sarelytreated, atthe MEDtCALINSTITUTION,92, PHILLIP- STREET, Klngsland-reai, Shoreditch, LONDON. Highly respectable cases of cures may be seen. Terms very mo darate. Advice from Eleven till Viye, (Sundays excepted.> Patients unable to attend, bystating theircases, (postpaid.) and inclosing £1, will have ...