Advertisements & Notices

... Zbe~atl E-IqRoras Qcuitil yru ] I16 prrsent Evenitiz. 'II lit SD1) Y. IDec 1.i. 19'71. will ic perlormed. firt time tis 5Ca-, the C-r, e oy itt THE PROVOKED HUSBAN, D. L ord 'lnwriIley- Nlr TE ItENA N. Sir Frarics Wrongheairl.__%r MX A C AY r. Squire 1lichsrd .M r 1 U R It Y. c John MToly.Mr STANLEY. Lady Grace-Mrs S l'ANIE.Y. Lady Wronghead.. % rs NICOt' . Lady 'iTownleyv 'dins J A R.'v A N. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRl(E OV I RISHI STrOcKS ON WLDNESDAy. Gxovernm>e~nt tCl1ao0m, ' statr Ce the ?? ?? ?? Strock 3? per (Frit, ?? ?? : ,. ?? Ditto ?? ?? . 8I Ditto, ' ;%r Cen. (floI ?? . .89, . - l)ebentures, 3i per (e't ..8i. . Oran1d (Call, Stuck ?? i aiicd Cailal Del. 6 ier celnt. red to 4! bter p-r ann ?? 83k1' 8 I~~ibern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thle Pliblic. is ?? ?? &hi;, z, eiigaged Siguor. l)&1ikNIS muad ?? Cretyiw day,0164th','fied S .-t-12 arotnhi faii . I I ki W~ PAE, MMiheti' hh IIConto Alminviva, Si~jioqr ijrfec.; lf Dotto-Broo A. Sapion'; Dotiflasilitio Sigsiar ibli- oel~Signo]R=I Ilsak Sigaga e' 5 De Fhiga; feqw N imse~t e the Ente;ilsinm,Of'tte is I U1 conclude witli rtW Piece in one Act, 'Theatre with great suecesr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ti eve EBfPN WORKS. n to Now publishing, In Parts, at 2s. each, with Engravings, by r, elf Blackie and Son, East Clyde.street, Glasgow; and sold by fi ht JOHN !MAITLAND, No. 50, GaRAT CROSSHiALLaSTREXT, a ble LlvxaEOOL, THE REPUBLIC of LETTERS; a Selection inS T Poetry and Prose, from the Works of the most emi. P as nent Writers, With many Originas Pieces. By the Editor P led of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THP. OLD LINE OF PACKETS. IFOR NEW YORK, ,ei! on the I st and 16th of every Month, ti:. C CB. L. ^AITS ?? 570tons,'16th of Dec. NoRTHF~ dEIC.4 W.J. MACYv. to s, t Of Jan1. N% 6tb of Feb. gMAYA FAHL, 580 tOilO, 1tofFb NACHESTER. SKSTCHLE. Q~pInt ?? ALDll RO . I of Mar. CI ta ind f16th of MsOarch. CANADA, WLSONs,- ?? *0 tons, °4th of Ai. These ?? were all recenp$y built in the city of New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL,.LIVERPOOL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MISS WELLS, And the Last Week of performlng this Season. for six years) of KING JOHN. lging John. .Mr. Vandelshoff I Liud%,Constance. .Mrs.W.West Prince ?? M ss Wat After the f~lay, the favoorite M1elody of e Nortli, -'The KelRw' ssu wt h mot n lte epkiusn theThetre-RoalDubinGiaselt' &-c. whtere Igln ~ftr wich th lahaleiS e.sq4ize Trigedy 1 of * , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTRY DEarIvEnY Or THE NIeatcuRY-Our friend B. of Chor- ley, may be assured that there has been no negligence on our parts. The following explanation will, we hope, satisfy him on that score. The parcel for Chorley has, for several months past, been left, With undeviating regularity, at the White Horse Coach-office, Dale-street, by half-past five ia the morning, and is forsvm: ded from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~ be I~tt. r 0 be LET. with immediate po ~ein, a good DWEL. TLING.HOVSE, with FIXTUR ttpete, NO. 15, Kent. square. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fr0beLT, in a fine, healthy sitOdation, not being To., oerilooked, a genteel DRAV1NM and BED-ROOM, about one mile from the Exchang 'Terms 25ls. per Week.- Apply to the Mercui y-oftice for ad rss. rp0 be LET, several BONDED WAREHOUSE TLROOMS, extra ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pi 'o aotttonlIft. ci 9g 'i1S POON or Eno)rI-ILL-W~e have received the somewhat in- rV temperate reply of Hsomo to the communication of Volens, relative to the distressed state of the poor on Edge-hill, in. in serted In the .Mercury of the 2d list. As that co.mmunica- re tion wasevidently written with the most charitable objects, v *ve are at a loss to account for the acerbity of Hosso's re- v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, COMM1I11ERCIAL BUILDINGS. (By permission of Sir Stephen May, Sovereign.) FOR. ONE NiGHT ONLY. . 'IR ?? ' * EGS to announce tt the Nobiliiy, Gelltry, and Pub lic it) genieral of BELFAST,' that he will have the holnour of plesentinz to them his .MUSICAL ENTER- TAINMENT, or IRISH BUDGET, On MONADAY EVENINTG; I l9th Dde. inst. Composed of Pure National Material, and entitled the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT NOTICE.. LOIMDON NEWSPAPERS UPPLIED hy the earliest despatch, with-hestrict. est punctuality, and on most moderate terms. SECoND, ,er LATER EDITIONS, Up Xto thte depoature of the Mail, invariably '.iorwardud to Subdctibers, by JOHNSTON & CO. Newspaper and Adverti~ing Agents, 1, EDEN-QUAY, DUBLIN. Subserilbers vill please be particular in addressing -'tbeir orders AS Asovr, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PR IV 'TE FA 1 11, I F.s .1. A1N D .1. GOLDSIMiT, I NVII'F thris -asilentionl/f j F sl il tfclinzl to/ mid M~/in . i e e i ,! CD is, to ii, pir esent Sto NAs FRU LT', OLD W1 t ES, fiAil' A TWHISKEY, AN!U GROC:Rli.S, Which theat, we detearamiaed on Seliniag a; lary a.j ciea ,ae P ia$. N.B-A costCant supp i? J nJ INN fStjOW -N HffElISKEY SO g ? ra1lly esteeraed. PRICE OF IRISH ST'OCKS ON- ...