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Advertisements & Notices

... rhi, present Itvei I'C, T U 9it l) A Y. Dec. $9. ISSI, will ;b be ?? O'Knefe's Comic Oberaof 'HE CASTLE OF ANTOALUSIA. Din I-e'nando by Mllr %III'lEl'. Don Ctear by Mr A51ARTY'N. Donna Victolriaa ty ?? ATKII NSO.N. Doti Loreiiz by Miss BYFEID. Arter which vill be perfornmed. the New Comnically jljsjori- cal and Mythologically 1Ivstitri-ti11ts Panitotmitmecalled HARLEQUIN SINBAD. C lt'llE OLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a . E ET, as r'.w occupied b .f2 GaE`It. The Front is Fou ,. oik ajrav.nts. Besides tbe advants _.on of this Concern, the two fir~t Storeys can b t.ced hito Sale Rooms, or Haberdashery Apartments, L any ltind of Busin es.-Possession from ist May nest. Please appl3 to Mrs. BUNTING; or GEORGE ASH 27rtr Ditueeber, 1831. (51 COW POCX INSTITUTION9 62, SACK VILLE-STREET, VUBLTX T HE PERMISSION to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE 5MANCHESTER ASSUR;ANCE CO¶tfPANY. .T.for ASSURANCE against FIRIE, and on LIVES and suRviVORSHIPS, PURCHASE of ANNUITIES, ItEVER- SIONS, &e '&C. Oe'rcBc, 33. Kirxo-s5TRxr, Ma.cusielrs. CAPITAL-TWCO ILLIONS. Established .Marc,, 18i24. FIRE DEPARTMENT. g ThejAssured are entitled to onelhird of ?? owf ?? on their pert to the losses. Parties intending to continue their Policies,'falling due at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DflGRces oa CONSAtNOe(UiTy.-_Wc really cannot undertake to decide upon the question submitted to us for arbitra- ton lby A Ce,,a,rcn Reader. All ile can do Is te state the -case, leaving the decision to abler theologians or civilians .han otrselves. A atnd li lhay mager oil the degree of relt- tionshilp btswreeu cousiils German, or first cousins. B beta thit it is in the second degree, vhich A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALEXANDERt NEW1,AUR,_SlJRGEox-DENrTIS1Y. Akilate of Berlin) respectfully solicit the attention of She ~Public to those inimitable comnpositionls. thre NeUbaur Tincture and tire Neftiur Tooth Powder, recommended by thece~lebrated Htifflaid, and used by his Majesty the King of Pru ssa. A tia ill at once exhibit their ef ddiacy In eradicating the drfsetses so destructive to t eth and gumas. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiub~tc *Imlsl;rneht. THEATRE ROYAL. LIVERPOOL. STGNOM PAGAN ?? TIHREE GRAND COXCE-lRs. gfnE lirst Grand CONCERT of VOCAL-and IN. S-TIUMENfAL MUSIC will take place 't this Theatre ot tl'rdilv Even ig, January9th7 1832- A list of the Blmd, onh- tie trumonils auid complete, alid of the Vocai ?erforwer enreaged, will be aliounced in future advertise. xieflt~ arid bills. liithciur-' (of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE i1VONDERLUL TIVE ITH.NIOTI'P CAiii. W1T i RAi;HURST, CONFiC'TiONEi, (Successnr Y ?? to lr. It. Leigih) No. 8, Scotbmnd-place, Liverpool, most respee1thlly begs lease to inform the Lndies and Gen- Y tlenen of Liverpool aid its nelifhbnurhnosd that he has just a inarinfactured the LAilGEST FlUlliT CAK' ever seen in O This Cide trill be disposed of it a LOT rvRY. on the Ereninze f the T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :. PEGRAM and SON, BYRO1.-STREET and I . HirtER-sTRMET, have constantly on sale, for Ready oney only. / I ,egnac BR.NDY, SOs.- aids trong DITTO, is. peaan. Supecfine DITTO, 20 pears old, .36; Ditto. Jaynt;ca 1M7, 13-sand l5s.; old st?1g, I16s.-Ditto. LFRISKEY. 13s.aad 16J.; 8trong Mi'MRDITTO, 17:. Ditto. Br tslJ GIN. 12s. and l3s. CdpidMsFDITTO, 14s. Ditto. 4DEIR= , fine o.d Land, son Za r, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THi OLD LINE OF PACKETS. FORt Ni9lV YORK, jvk Isro h rland It&40f C-7y6ferrth w ?? ?? Ahar iL J. MACY- tool, Iet of Jass .M ES. 'IC A ofnny.f llthof Jan.. BiITANNI'Al MfanrI u, lent of FebO . NEWI YVRK sa,.e*5E, on.16th of Feb. -ALEDONIA. G I N t of Marh. KNI., NsIAXWE ' of Apri;. a C A INAODA, % E..ltot',l lotof April. - pACIFIC. B. L. Will .i ,'toi 2tb of Apr . irhese YipS were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORNING CONCERT *BOHEMIAN BROTHERE S, , ESPECTFULL.Y inform the Nobility andi Gen. try of Edinburgh and its Vicinity, that they intend to gove A CONCEIR' TilS DAY, SliTURDAY, Sl1t-Dee. 1,331. WThen they will appear in the Costume of their Country ,,,d will sing several of their NATIONAL AIRS. Tlie %whole to conclwie with the cclebrated Anthena 'of Ilaydr, Gotterhalte, Frrinz, dor Kaiser. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And meay be entered upon imasediately, SHOP and CELLAR, centrically situated in A Union Street, Newcastle. For Particulars, enquire of ThomasBell, Land-surveyor, UnionStreet. December S27, 1331. BO^IANDZIG AND DAY saIoasoroR o OVWUG BrNTLun,3N, DABLIEoNON. 1/rR GhiTHING gratefully acknowledges the Pa- MJ. 1tronage with which he has been favoured since the Com- tiencemeot of his Establishment, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI-EA T] -E~ L - Saturday Morning. IV certify that Mr. Keen has smtiicieotly re.overad from a' 5yiara modmapogittan and is ;lly able to re-assume his o atonal d utiu t tbu I 5 . A. B.In > ?? B. N~AMrzE f * ~~~JOHiN S~ou i5s, Last opoeararibe but one of the celebrated Tragedian. MR. K(EAN -,N 'ilS PRESENT SATURDAY, December t, thlair AIRjesties' Servants will performn Morton's Comedy of TO', N- ...