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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... oIIIGrN.IL ROTUDA, MOU.IiD. SP'LENDID vNEIW PANORAMA, 5iEVFiL DEFOIiC VXttttttTro. MADR11AS AND THV;l CORONATION1 VIIE PROPRIETORS mos~t respectf'slly intimtyne. lj :that ry hAvletPenti R NEW PA N(RAM tA of tilCOII~T1 N or KING WI'LLlI AM IV. andi qFINAELAIDF, andtinth PROCESSIO0N in th, qI~f~ ~' Esr.'MINSTEII ABBliy, paintec, tider 15h directiOn of the Garter anti Cisrencetux Kintz at Ar~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 4sr NIGIIT BUT SIX OF' H - 'RlFqUl 1 A . A ND TEI'l I LI) *1lAN (F TIHi E, SEA ; ~,esi,,ence of the En-gagennelt of SIGNOR DE p;3r NIad the IT S\L~l A^ N tCO M1 l>A Ny. l present Evening, TH UISDAY, Jai, jal I5 2, will be performed- hv de-irr, the Opera of ROB ROY. Frarcil Obailismone Iy M;r %VI ITE. flab Rloty by M r PRIt IC1H A l ). Pailic Nitcl Jirvie by Mr Ml ACKAY. licen Micegregor by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _q n j13LY It OOM S, G E (ItG E ST ItE Er. TIHl. FOUR' C2FiLOBRATxI) BOHEM ,1I AN 13 tO0TH H TIS, E3rr FUT. it~riron Vitt, Noliha and Gon. t dinburh gilditA Vlhiltv, tha~ey intuend tve A MOllN-ING CONCERT, they will appear tin the Cos;iime of their Country, 1,1,.lle shis sEveal- of ttii r eadidt . N~ATIONAL ATRI. 1'l~e e,,110l to cottcltde wilth the celebrated Anthem of I illvdo, Gott.crhalth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LwAST 'IREE CONdtElMs. -rtt rt7r1 CPL5ERAATEn BOHEMiTAN BROTH ERS, resnectfuIY infor the N~obility and Gen- 4(OST @ . nf Flinbungh rid is-3 Vricinity, that they tnter,d tl rY t , 1 T7 heir Den'orLrie] tbeir 3gitt%3e 'rvO MONINGr CONCERTS, ONE EVENING CONCERT, ttr TfeF -.13LY SRoo.IS, GEORGE STREET, ASM On the followvingr daFs :_- Y llth Janrtsrv IfSt. at Two o'Clock, sWfrrlSt*~i Eee c, ;12th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND NIGHT OF TtE l'FALIAN OPEIATIC COMPANY, ow-n~zt ret' I st ttreto- or SI GNOR DE BEGN IS, g~beseit~ther perto~rmdflS5 Z]aae PoSitively limited to Five so the Second Nighrt of a New Ballet, esiled L'AMOUR, IV'AMOUR. a V 'f prexent Everilntg, 'I'll U ltS)A Y, Jan. Il SS32. will tt T e performed the eelel'rated Coamic opera of 11 FANATICO PER lA MUAICA. Don FebeoS'ct1nr D)E BEGNIS. Do'nn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VNNDEIIt Tit PATRONAGE OF I) PRtOVOjS'T ANsl MAGISTRATES. COArcia. IX AID 'F TIIF FINTIs Or r VI E BOARD OF flEALTIH. THE FOtI' CIELEBIRATED BO HEM I AN BROTHERS. 7osTf respectfully offler their best thanks to the 1 Nobility ant Public af Edinhurgh, ror the dis- ½wil paironate they have received sinrec their srrival h hey r'gret, that, in cotnt~quence of previous ar- t., they c.annut prol-:ny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Fhe continued demand for 9 to . , >orttilanres of the ltalimn Cosunpa,5, Signor ,stended h-' engagemeent tor one night more, -) fil ipp,8rr ons FiddJay Evening. U1 j n Ee 'I' llI U ISDA.Y, Jan 19. I bs%. piS fre (VFELIO. me rgE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. n THE A-4~~srn aa1 IINIGANN() FELICE. it LA GAZZA LADVlA, and HARLE c 0.1c It, 9 ANAT(CO. andl fehpir EntertainF InfdBir,.ny0r the Benefitof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iAI, INS TITUTION. * r FXlfB!'rrioN of ANCIENT * U o' be IMI Oil MI1113-1-s y the 23d ft , t 0r 5 2n Shillng. Season 'Ticketr, Five Shil t 1:it1R ts. CABEILON, Asit. Seey.' _ ~~~~~~'1 pClBLIC MEETI.VGC. BU\'ItI tBENEVOLHENT all M41)P S.ritNGERS l F EN D SOCiETY,. el XTFF,\NTH ANNUAL mEETrING of it OIE 1 BiU t7 H IE NEV LENTI' and if jI, LI) IN N) SOCIETY, will be theld in .- t~s-'CeAIL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pUTERLOO HOTFL* CURsE )OF M IR WOOD'S LECTUfES; 5; ~D ON H sloXt0ltY' &e. ,O9D having been repeatedily reqtlestedl o l tgv \ SECON 1 COU RSE of bis HIS'lO' 1. C! 3 jBlIEs. and Rs it appear- that his infientiinj i. L,' Lectilre' 1f oil %uljeets Otf muich interest, illu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 00 hr~ e£-rj rrDI ~ eutibutraWt. . Esetin' 1 Ht 1lS n% Y, January 26, 182, ,l'is PIeset will lte bs*rf.rm. d ,rHEBRIDFOF LAMMEWRN10O0R. *w will hv n'rV'Tr- r, v \'r0 t t1nvaNVnz' sh Afier'%~tlpssQUE TIHE DESERTER. the GENTLEMAN IN BLACK. be, (con le r.ith the New Comically Hlistorical mu re e s u- I'ntornitle, called cie and jvl nLEQUIN SINBAD '141E OLt) MAN F1: IliE SEA. N Ajf~OO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... us 1aj.Jes. .e~s il~ Lfa -l U, .aonutj II 1 - YOIrKSH IRE. to The valuable appendages of this renonend, N m;\/ R GEORGE ROBINS has the hon Ur t notc hatle has received direetion5Ir FM Lxecritr to O FFFEH fr- unreserved Co~ frll 06 ooNIONDAY the 23d Day of April net nell stmceeding lDavc, the fiallrnwlite lote Trhe Property of 0-THE I.AT MRS BEA-U~IONTI re ~~AT BitpTTON HAILL 1I4 THlE ...