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Law Intelligence

... Raw ? I . Tr Tim-FMilary Term, as fixed hy the Statute 1, Williat4IV. will coialnelice oil Wednesday, Jan. ll, ,aId end on Tuesday, Jas. 1. (ifib CAx~E~ ttitts~easafIIAI.mEGsTY 13ll.-MrI, -irodgson Myi P. for Newcastle, has given notice i., ltbit blten oMr. Campbell's G;eneral Registry Bill a is ?? into tle conimitteo, he littenis to more i that tbe counties cot posing the tiothern circeit be ...

Law Intelligence

... Uaw flitelhorilre. COURT OF KING'S IBENCH.-TUESDAY. S[SIrPsoN V. UNW1N.-Tbis was an action to re sc cover three penalties of £2. each from the defenod- 1 ant, for bavieg two partridges and a pheasant in st his possession on the 9th of February, the game T season ceasing, accordieg to the statute (the late ci Act) on the Ist of that month. The case *was eo tried at the York Assizes, and a ...

Law Intelligence

... .Uaw Intelligence. PREROGATIVE COURT, JAN. 4. NX:TRAOlDISlV WILL Y CAUUSE-JUDGOIENT. C. *- l estw66od v Burke. p Sir.John Nit:11 gave ?? in this canoe to3 day. Thlis as a question respecting the validiity of the Will and codicil of tbe late William Snell fl Chanacey. 'ilhedecease(l died wolrth about £X24,000, n ti1m1k (if which was left to Mi. Brown, tilc deb ceeased's natural son, the residue ...


... ICOURr.MAR'rIAL ON LIEUT. COLONEL : BRERETON. 'r DEATH OF COLONEL BRERETON. B aRsToL, FaIDAY.-Early this moriling a report ir vrvas in circulation here that Lieutenant Colonel, *e Bieoletttn. had put an end to htis life by shoolitig hiuseif, Many supposed it at first to lle an on. founded repolt, got uip for the purpose of giving a r noment's gratification to those who might enter- rt tai towa ...


... (Prora the London Journal of Arts and Sciences.) To Rohert-Williamnl'Sievier, of Southampton Row, in tle parish of Saint George, Bloomsbury, in the dousity' of Middlesex, geitlemgni, for his having invented or -discovered certain improve- ments tathe making or manufacturing of cables rapes, whale fishing and other lines, lathe and riggc: hands, bags, and purses, part of which said improved ...


... NtINTH DAY. 31 SrNEZrrNcr OF THE ParsoNsrs.-The Judgec S *carne into Court at ten o'clock oin Wcdnesday; and S oimrrediately after taking their seats, C. Davis, T. L Gregory, If. Vines, W. Clarke, and J. Kayes, were. put to ithe bar, and on the Judqes putting Lin their black caps, Kayes throw inriself 'conivlsively on the floor of the dock, and roared and sereamed in tir F r most hideoas ...


... ' MAGISTRATES PRESENT. 0' Colonel Parry, Chairman; Rev. W. Williams ba Rev W. l Jones, Iev. J. P. J. Parrv, RItchar(i or Garnins,1Lsq It. T. Carreg, Esq. and Owen John in Ellis Naincy, Esq. .At thics Sessions a number of bills were pre- sentcd to) the Grand Jury, but nonc of them wvere brougbt to iial those cases in which true bills ac swere -fioild beiog traversed tothe next Sessions.- cl ...


... ANGLESEY- QUARTER SESSIONS. me . s i i . _ . rn . l These Sessions wereheld at Beanumaris on Toes- te c day spod Wednesday last, before the Chairman, to 1l John Williams; Esq. Sir It B. W. 13ulkeley, M. P o R. T. Griffith, Esq. the Rev. H. W. Jones J H st. e H. Lewis, Esq. W. W. Sparrow, Esq. anid tle Rev. by i. William Lloyd. ' ' tll ° The Ubsirinan, in addressing the Grand Jury, m . informed ...


... CAMBRIDtI)GE BORIOUGII 6ESSIONS, JAN. 2i. _- - - . ?? ?? ?? I.-. I TItE RING V. IIENIIY BratUSN. 'lhis case, swbichl has excitedl so unmmusual asl in an terest, nlot only ill UitmliesriIge mmii, London, but lat 1lb 1mmghloot thie counmstrre, am Oiln to be idcd tim day. Time delemlmimst vwas el lagel withl bariing intro. 'i dmlced into time letter.h')x 0if the post (office if Catn.atn lriclge ...


... MACC ,ESFIE LD Pr'TrY SESSIONS. ALtLEDGLE ]I¶U3ICNG AT WIMUSLOW In thle following cetraordiaitr case. which was heard on Tulejsday ecek, Mr. I'honias Moore, a surgeon, residing ?? ?? li fee, was the defendant anmi the Rev. Johil W ?? BlOrri s, an eccentric 6 preacher of the Unitarian nocirine, in the Chapiel s of that conripxioi at Dealo T,,v, near Wilmnslow, o titn lo rinterl Hionorary ...

Law Intelligence

... . ?? Klifelliord . PL, ceNtee- Friday week, Mr. Michael Levy did-- penance in St. Margaret's Churcb, Ipswich, durilg divin e servie, for ulfefoiang the enaraecter of the wife of Mr. Moscs Levy, sentence having been pro noonced against.1iin by -the Consistory Court at Norwich, with !ll costs. ELECTION EXPENsEs.e-BsrEMRIDGEu AND ANO TH1Ee, V. CaA71riarvK ENT.-This was an action brought in the ...


... A strong sensation has been excited at Devon. 2 t port, by the unacrisntable disappearance of the P Ref. Mr. Griffith, Ifiinisterof the Methodist Chapel, in Moriceostreet. It appears that Alr Gritlith f. visited Kinigsarid, a village about a mile and a half J on the other side ?? t week, where he preached, and received dbe quar tnerly ticket money. Ile left that place about nine o'clock, in ...