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Advertisements & Notices

... to G s too t~ ltl3-^- ?? ty, The letter of Argus shali be published in the newt Merour; use with such remarks aus appear to us to be called for. Tie :a a 5lnfl etlt : t ?? haj ilj tej i j.,ti Will, perhaps, msl:e drr la. open his hundretl peepers v ith suriprise, if he be one offtl2 in persons we took bim for whenv we replied to his foraier ro- letter. Whatever motives -may Influence hios, we ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ow :uh We nii+:. . mos * *o Qre #iei--t Ort~aiwwoxgioru1 Ah vraaa.W betto emit *i o Ie th leadiu ld Ihoof re ?? 0 t ul e teelti -3^ orta uat thee toes em .whih ?? Lecomimend are, ?? 1sn¢thnnhlV nigleeteid ~iajority of readers. :ho W t t*¢tttpalth ti 40 that ;whech. in the. end*',roud ive them lossnons erepdbesrides putting tlsein in pos~eelon oaf vast Bto ek fotniatioo, *iblch would ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the temporary suspension of anypublie news of much in- terest, we have great satisfaction in devoting to civil and domestic affairs the space we usually dedicate to politieal articles. This arrangement, at this particular season, will not be unacceptable, 'we trust, and in this hope we wish all our readers ,a happy new year. F. P. is respectfully informed that ve are not in the habit of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pi ,lcD1rnwy Dounty of DERBRY onlmit a 1timmmlmer ini YOUNG G el ,LN E EN rder tire Hmlrirmrremmi ot' Mmr. BL'1'BU BU'iRA N. ' n e x'ide *itid nelellS 1e rdctillslO dll peaali ar oinid efliciet n i T hmr r 0m m t m e i t mn r m e i . tD hi A Adl > el'slIulellx ,llllv reomn rc~iilt to Pmet l -le t o , l' r i, mmm ie . rm, t im miac' m m lv' te s c mvili m I lii oOa 1d nl m iNIn m I ml ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ViB IN~STITUTIZON. ~ln. it r~lc~snnuarnJ j nSh, 1S32. ANNUAL NMEETING or this INSTITUTION, T I~ befel n IRIDAY FIt, thle 3d. (lay of 1`011111y a~t Ilfpast ttselve o'clock. F~s5ItA..n NIC1IS. TLONIASON, S ctatry. NZNV SunISCaIFTIONS. 2,le stIof~illifrd, Dunliiiii Piak X22 0 Er Tattoo Purk .2 12 0 1pjlbatsntli~gitdfl ESI. Ditto .I1I 0 Mi~~ liroth erneitro in.. . 2 25. to 4J. 0 Mr. JOP. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ft thio pjS*NOGRngRS and CREWS 9f SaIS. _ ?? :q.pAClkTrS and PZ8A9VRw.EOAT&--cnd 'eqt cc 0 hdvtd ~iw the Do* *an4 Quakis, for the itfdate t j Persons 4,5 s ft P ten r of Dr wninft. s.1 Skt E .T HE;ME R-Qr1E LORD-ST!,LODREETT, ° ~ WHLWOLESALE OR RETAIL. RAID LI-FE BUOSO, re r eb'ec of Person hi danger of drownlng. Price from Six Shillings to Seven Shillings and Saxpenee. War. Those finished ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SANS PAREKLJ COOK-STREET. under the Mangement of Mr. j*eway. -cv HIS pi-esept. IrlDAY. thre i nstant, for the, BGNtFlh'~t niIr, R-. DRADIIUI. Js. CLOWN; and on SaturdayS these pverformances ?? hre sipeted. The EvenlrneM elseltalnilnents wilt enwibmenctr with THE WIFE: OF SRIVN HUSBANDS. A PAVOURITE SONG -BY MLR. BALLENTT1IE. A Nava? fiorilpijpe, fe.iharacter, by -Xar T.- The whole to conelqde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P4GAyy1TfW.[. LAST GnAND MXTillDe~L's (Oc~ ilto' ie'~l I8lSkN'T SA'TUtIDAVy January, 141.h, lSI',2 l~it3. ST. ALitI,~ltt;tn LiV~~tpO~l~oem.~ Oisso a.danol will PeriiuiiU on thle I'Oii~ 1 orte. C;In'Able t, inlei Course of, tile Evening: lante..T by Siti(Cnrde. (milwA,'iNI J09fle byi~inEVrntot tlst br~eti-~ il(ar NOR SIGAO NORVGN(..Paoll~lin Vend r.(ti.a Vioz,tni stRnt eh 'nrttl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U.BLIC NOTIE If tlte m whit presented tloAdmission1 Ticket, signed RIt.J. RIlCHAiRD- at thlt door of' the M~inodr Theatre, on 0tte of the Ci.- Wobh Mr t lecturted there, wvill leave ienn~ tdade .t. this 01ome., lie ixill be kiitedl upoit, _____________ R [J. I11,61A*RDSON. S~ALUAs BY AUCTIO1N. E.aetetpt froh?1j. 'ttn Simro ln, fiirCtirrs. btj Powers, ~,vi. (Berbrts' fthe us gitet's of John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mut~ation, MtE WALTON ACADEIFY etoll be-1e~op~lsen o A. the 20th lns'ant lag, JOIH'N 11`M10ToN ?? ms tionof oun Get~een~at sMor- rnwerehe Pt, ab'; ESSRlS. PRIORK ina SON'S will~N abd ori .M.I DAY SCHOOL, 4y and 48. PEM th~.L~i il e OrTe re-opene~d on MONDAY next, the lOth. h2an. n th - tc. comnsosation. of Day Puisl;ad MrDY h Mi.h slant, (or the reception of Boardoarder foe As bir. 0. Patrot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to'. as se AImcN scsCS ANOI &PPRENTICEb5 LlBRaRY.-On behalf of this fo excellent Institution, we have to thank Mr. Ralph Sheldon. A, b?'74, Vauxhall-road, for eight books and pamphlets, wheh In 'weUxaVe forwarded to the librarian. II WomSr.-Will Mr. Smith have the kindness to answer the foel. a lewid quoestion in the Mfereary of to-oaorrpw.-.1 At and B, Iil ;cad C. and D, play at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re g 0o Corroponbentt. ill is TsIsPEsANcs SocErsies.-We shall next week publish the re letter of an anonymous correspondent on this subject. le. S. W1. . of Parkgate, is informed that his Lamentatiorns W reached us too late for publication this week. We shad1 ill attend to them in our next. Theversesabout M-,although mn written In a very proper spirit, would subject the writer to IY ...