... IHE )XURDZR AT LEICESTER. ni ?? After the cominttal of Co&kJE itmilirdefleitfxtfr I Pas, as detailed in our laastpublication, he confessed to 4 the 0fflcer who sat up to watch him, that he -perpetrated I the 1ourder with the iron pin used by bookbinders in their I buineoss. He stated that the head and the upper of the I body were not consumed by fire; but declared that he i would never give ...


... to Glagnow, Friday, 4a . h tean The Spring Circuit Court of Juslielary wis opened here r this morning, by the Hon. Lards Gillies and Mer wyn ; John that eSha Stew art,Esq. Advocate-Depute. Afterpralerbythe Rev. Dr Dewar, -the list of Assize was read over. On the B name of Sir Wallace of Kelly being called, th i gentleman A rose and stated, that this was the third time lie had be-n cited Ale as ...


... O&abu t oi fill. Wanes&ay 4th July 1832. hriLEL.LA% & Ay tv. s,LAY. FThis -LS an action for thQ hiaitnce of the price of a ctr&iot- The defender pileadeId that the carriage wasi die- conform to order, and inferinr in sundry points to the decription of carriage ordored ; particularliv that the axles were greatly inferiar, And ditsconforin to order; he therefore mnaultain.dl that no balance was ...


... NI-Tit on the LAss witu PILMoTtCEt rt'tittvC to: ''CIAi L etitit I~arotr, 35inedifCLili'ifuJ(c. [Iy Hlitih l3ar- ngi'ae E-ui.'ri Susiueo h ~esteron District Of Il'ethsittire. U1nder this Mn' det title we eXoCied to find only somec scattered remarks di, the dettartment of law la which it te- fees ; but we have beet, gratified to discover a neatly writen and conp~ehensivo tlitze-t of thle ...


... MURDER AT LEICESTER, OF Ali. PAAS, THE BOOKSELLER OF HOLBORN. |(FRao TnE LOrNDON OiisEIIFVIi.) FURTvrER PARIcIULAS.-Whln the CirCumetances of the mur- der were generally known, a number of persons assembled op. posits the residence of Cook, and it was with great difficuhy that they could be prevented from pulling down the premises. The head of the deceased has not been found, and it is ...


... lRISM LA W4 IVTELLI&E2NGtE *df t T Il1 %.J - -- - '.bsjusi UP KING'S llEX(, l'rii.tt1DAV. AlRCH1TI-CI S TlIt Vf:LTNG EXlMiS£F5, E.LN 0o N'FtLt. a. SAXUET. ?? Mr. BiNo err ft .C., apdd lied to the court in ?? of thiZ idow of the diefenidant, tlo show cause whby the con li'ionrl order granted in this case, 31st lest J nu;-ry and renewed on the Cd May, should not he made absolute. ;ibis csse ...


... i (rlOM ?? SPECIAL R[TrowtEt.) d The first dayg's business has just terminated. The city is in a d srate of profound-peaoe, and there are very few countrymen in y the streets, and no disposition to riot Or disturbanee observable; a noti thstanding this, the town is regularly invested by the mili- o tiry and police. We have lancers and rnounted police patrolling f the streets, and I believe ...


... HATTON GAqLuno.-ALLaGeD ATrrESPr AT BunuixG.-y,,. terday, a notorious fellow of the name of WVedderburn, a black forrrerlv a Meth .dist preacher, afterwards connected with be Cato-street gang, then a dealer if blasphemy, sedition, rid ?? scene books, and, finally, the keeper of several brotlels of the lowest d&scriptton, was brought to this office before A. S. i.n, Esq., the Magistrate, ...


... TITHE-TWO MEN KILLED AT ARDBOE. We have been at much trouble to obtain a correct account of the melancholy affair in the parish of Ardtoe. On Tuesday, the 7th instant, George Wilcox, of Stewarts-town, tithe proctor, accompanied by Colonel Caulfield, J.P., and a large body of tbeI constabulary, proceeded to Ardboe to seize for the arrears of c tithe, said to be due to the late Dr. Hall. 'Thbe ...


... DUBLIN POLICE, HEAD OFFICE.-Yesterday a dark. eyed well-looking damsel,; named Margaret Smith, was summoned before the magis. tratee, by a woman of the name of Ellen Murphy, on a chargeof assault.. The ?? stated that she had got a cbild from a gentleman to nurse; ?? Sinith, who was' the mother of- the infant, assaulted her in the street, and collected a mob about her. - She was pursued through ...


... COURr OF KING'S BENCh'-YC5STERDAV. HOU4^%D S. VltlArZA- v S.rgeaot PFIeIR Sappearad in this cade to Show cause wily the conditicial orier u, l.e 9th J.,besbouf~,otb maie ab- I° isolute. 'I hat order waa grantetd on the I.t o r. Henry a Giattan and his att ,rne', and it was to ?? that al eub. sequent procepdsrags hald in hoe cause tbnuld lie 58 aslde, uts-D less cause to the contrary was ehein ...


... - ADULTcnY AND SUICIDE.-On Tuesday an inquest was held at the [land and Marygeld, Bernondsey, on the body of Tlonmas Grainger. i1 deceased had recently quitted the new police, at the request of a cst, named Land, who is a baker, in Long-lane, Bermondsey. Land prevahlea on the deceased and his wife to take apartments at his house, in order thrt the formermight assisthimin hisbusiness, and the ...

Published: Sunday 14 October 1832
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Crime and Punishment