Advertisements & Notices

... IOn, Saturdar next, the7th of January, will bepublish ed, nBIRSTNUMBER FOR 18s2 OF THE ATHENFEUM, WeeklY Journal of Ltruecinand the Fine Arts. The Athenamum is the argst itearyPapr, nd o~i asmuch as possible in the Diffusion of Usefl an EnertaningKnoledg, ti Prprieorshave redured the prc ?? o Fur-pnce Pesonsintndig to become Subscribers sholdif heyresde n Lsdo, gve hei orersto a Newsman, if in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b .i~ H I NSIT IN,~ P'ALL MILL:-Natice to Exhi'. * sbitats.-'AjI PICTrURES anrl WORKSl of ART, 2itcnfded.for Erhition an&e, tuist be sent to the Gallery on MOND: the'il6th, andl TVESDAY the 1',th of 3 ASUARy NEXT, between rhe hbours of Ten in the Morning and ive in the Xvening, after w l tiine no Pictare or o Work of Art can b~e received. -ich time io p ?? e :Porfraits and Drawings in Watcr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WDUCATION.-A CLERGYMAN, who has been sorely per. secuted by. his superiors in qDfice, for his exertions in the cause of Rteform! receives ints his house, a few miles from London, Twelve Punils, who fat at his own tablesand who are carefully instructed in all the varied branches of Science and Litdrature, on reasonable terms. Vacancies for Three Pupils. particularslmay be known on application ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -'ROUVIC F Q LIE FEN,- ~~tI~ti roi`Nol rttfro ti~an oIialD ~ I~' ~sywil he itslivere~d (iliA11S, with 'k -rNI HECOCRT JOUTRNA'I On SATlURDAY, Jtittiary 18. rOproveli. disappojntnusint, orderi *.houd be 4orwardet nit- to he ~oua~lrs ridNewaii'det. Whitm e eian ittof [lie Po'trait nait he serri. I paper, prueA 4s., se inow re,.dy for deli'vree.I lrders ruCejred h lsMessrs. Jotiis-oN, tritd Co,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? M ?? ITN It.'.near tluihcrht tic (Jhutcl, itt ' 11 84 nml) 1441 ?? 1t At' 4)18 AU )p. CTfuly ?? Ic 414.4) Kt I.tU CAL Qj1' ?? r11 (Tilie ;.laot 4444 4. 40, 1 i, -t444- ?? at,,r',4 ?? . 'Able Ch~air to, ;I Abdul,)!, id 44444), .4.) 44444,c4 t,444444434.44 14. 4 . ' ?? .-4,4Oie (A44 0 4 ?? ?? 44 1..4 I .4 4, 4,4, 444 ' 44.'1 I,4 Ar, h.,th ?? ]It ?? i 4'T 4 , ΒΌ,' ?? 4' ~ k~ll Lir.4o444' r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR SALE.A Light SECONi.11AN) FLY, 12 F- IL in good repair, on new wheels, to be sold a great Ut ?? be seen at Mr. Coles, Coach Builder, St. Nl ?? Thomassstreet. Portsmouth.-.Letters to be post paid. T_ To t/h Curate and Cnhrehwardens of the arisA [ or of Portseae. ot T WILLIAM STONE, of Dorset-street, Landport, re Ig Tailor, beg to offer my most grateful thanks to H ri- the Curate and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ate St.eorge's.Squar2 it, . annotnices to his Friends and the P ic is appointell AGENT for the Sale of Flic,ts- IIe er, Co.'s superior LONDON PORTiER ?? asto\ r STO~UT ;u and for the accommodfftiorr aftndep,, led whose consumiption will not enable them to take a 3is eeu rel, he will supply smaller Casks of anyIsize, otl he than 4 gallons, at a very trii ng advan ce on the whI i~e na sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMOUTH3 AND PORTSEA $AVIbJGS BANK. ANNUAL STATNEMET. G EWERAL ANNUAL STATE11B NT of the above FUND for the Year ending the 20th day of No`veriber, 1IIti. Das. Tire Trustees of the Savings Bank esrtablished at l'ortsroottirh and Portsea. (Cts. ?? s. d I -. e . d To h:lance due nn the o0di November, .11130, includlinug interest, ais per lakst return ?? 03,2119 12 8 To stuims1 received of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oIIIGrN.IL ROTUDA, MOU.IiD. SP'LENDID vNEIW PANORAMA, 5iEVFiL DEFOIiC VXttttttTro. MADR11AS AND THV;l CORONATION1 VIIE PROPRIETORS mos~t respectf'slly intimtyne. lj :that ry hAvletPenti R NEW PA N(RAM tA of tilCOII~T1 N or KING WI'LLlI AM IV. andi qFINAELAIDF, andtinth PROCESSIO0N in th, qI~f~ ~' Esr.'MINSTEII ABBliy, paintec, tider 15h directiOn of the Garter anti Cisrencetux Kintz at Ar~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j4TEUTRE-ROYAL. *MR. KEAN EGS respectfully to runouteoe tb4tbis BENEFIT, and ToSt Ij lositively his LAST APPE4RANCE will take place '34is PltESENT MlONDAY, JANUARY 2, 113, Ovwbicb (ccasion tre fPerformnuces- wll commeuoe with the Fourtb Act of KIN'G kICHARD 111. ; King Richard,: Mr: Keen, Italian Aria Miss Bets. Song- The breaking oft/Day, 1AWir. lBrough. Ballad- Oh ! no, we nevermention ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? r 0 TIIE, I I lS iON RlS OF l'0f'PT'SEA. Beg l ave nmot respertfully to offer myself as a CANDIDATE, to fill the vacant situation of e ISTItEES of the POOl{-HOUSE, Kingston; arcd t. I earnestly entreat that you will be pleased to honour . me vtith your support. After having btought up a very is large family in this parish, and paid rates, &c. for a ir great number of years, I am now, by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - T7H~lEATEM-IOYAL, ?? PRESENiT TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 12,2thesr 1, majesties' Servants will perform the Tragedy ofltha A -fi 9 WARDEN OF GALWAY. Written by the Rev. Edward Croves. ,. A Prologue will be spoken by Mr. M. Stanley.i W~leer L~ynch, Warden and l~ayor of Galway. MrI 'aliraft; oderick L~eb, bis son, Mr..M- Stanley; DominiCit, -tMonk,' _ * Ca onuor. Servant to Rodatic Lynch, Mr. King,. ...