Advertisements & Notices

... Fire-Irons. Sale at Twelve ?? to pay. the Duty. -JOHN DODD, Auctioneer. t On Private Sale, a large consignment of Woollens. Cash ad- vaneed on property conpigned for Sale. INFORMATION TO FLORISTS. JOHN DODD WILL OFFER FOR SALE BY AUCTION, THIS DAY; (TUESDA'Y) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIrs, F. Con- El tlOu. Mrs. C. Pettingal. ' Atter wicb thle new Comic Piece of JOIIN JONl.S. v (jotajuck. Esq. Mr. Rees; Mr. John Jones, Mr. King; )It' lt.ti Alr. Shuter ; Cox, Officer for Surrey, Mr. Duff; jpper Officer for Mitddlesex, Mr. Haigh ; Eliza ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eter Murphy P. Lavelle I John Campbell Jobn IU M'onn, M.D. | John Clitke Joh t Fitilay, Bar. Riahard Barrett Andrew Cartan llgh Ml')onal'l Irratcis Burke John W. )l31iLu Fred. W. Conway E. M'llonaglh r. il'Iieever, D.l.D. John Donrineliv Timothy O'Brien ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wotrd (til' a'sshsr ?? Tirenssiarto, M.Sr. Lisltar (the author of GrAntyyo), Mr, Theodore Hook. Mr. Horoae Smirtt, Mir. Grattans. Srt. Hlallser. Ac. &,c. ~Ao Site ?? o ?? eheatsattil Untiquea coilersina to limited Sto Sit copies, iiine swho are ,te-icnits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T'ownshipr rrf I'llhrir, rrll nicurl y tn- geteror, wid flo rirrr thrie Te'nuare rod Occeuplatiror rof Mlessrs. Thirros. firrr John Gr'ryirtm. 'lie Landru nill ib Let rarruailly, or, onl Lerrse irs rrgrceroler 'l'li Distirrce frrorm Gairirorr' %nrrdei' 'To' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN JOHN and JOSEPH WAVRING'S BANK- HUp I.CY. hEFrTING for last Examlination of tile B lorupte, and Prolit of ADeits, enlhlrged by tie Lord Chanecelllrs Older to Thursa=y, ]21h April nrvxtat lite Plck Ilurse In, li Hlaud- derifleid, at 'Ten ?? In the Forenoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGrNTS. Ind 'Lmtns ?? GEORGE MARCH. York ?? W. H. Locel.' Mull ?? .. . J. lulicotoli. :C. I-liliax ?? Sandiersoni. Wc. ?? John Malrsdeii. - ?? obert Kirbiy Jun.' Y9 Searliro' 1111..Thooe. Saintthihvnitc. Dosncaster ?? . Falcoear, Jun. Sofir. I f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Treasurer; Sir Josias William llort., Btirt._ Grand Secre'trv; the Rev. John Arm- str'oAiCnohlan, Graid C Jhaplain Jobii N orman, Esrp, P.V.G.(JM. thd Rev.Dr'.' Wh'ideotlr, P.G.S. ; John Fowler, Esq., ?? Ofrcoe,'52; Ieryvii-'street, or by any of the Governori ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Byrne, Esq., James-s eer, per ditto . 0 10 o .!auraes Shiel, a q., Kilmainlam, per ditto . 0 10 0 John Darcy; Es ?? Usher-street, per ditto 0 10 0 John M'D)onnell, fEsq., Ormoraid'-'qua, per ditto. .O 10 tl Joseph M'Donnell Esq., 1Merchrants'-quaiv per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and St. John's Chafehs, iu aid of this Interesting Charity. Resolved--That the grateful thanksof this Meeting are justly due, ?? hereby given, to the Very Rev. Sulerior of St. Jihu. street Chapel. The Rev. A. O'Connell, P.P. S.S. Michael and John's Chtapel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BiUILDINGS, olle liac it 151 Flax Mill,ailud the ostier'as a Cottoni MilI, wvith otler Erectiolas, late 151 tile Oceiupationt of John SbnithI Jackson Loll others., Also, SEVERtAL other FRt-EEHOLD' ESTATES, situateat Liversedge, in thesaid Coltliit ,t,f York ...

Advertisements & Notices

... presumption hbich Ee do not possess, and a disreputable selfishness to which we cannot stoop. GRATTAN & -(0. MEDICAL HALL, 12, CORN-MARKET, BELFAST. 3May 16, 1832. G.RATTAN &--k . - Compond Concenrated Fluid Extract OP..THE :. -.-. RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA. ...