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Advertisements & Notices

... KEY TO POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE. A companion to the Spectator. Distributed GRATIS to Stgb- 1K . p5 Sothfily Supplement. arbmigetSlIciltude, apparently.that properly qualified S ,Ti hisgrdbe elected to serve In the ReformedPal. ?? slitIU.. a uestion whlether this or that community snoet. hil not dentaitld Pl.edge5, or specific engagements or jnt~in partieuladr opinionlts; laod if candidates. icrs' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVER %qjEATR, CIsTM03-STREFf. FLar thfc BENEFI a of MaDeMS O ISELLY CELESTE, and Ladt App/eordlcc but One. HiS PRESENT EVENING (Friday) the 23rd T instant, the rntertainments will commence with flgE DEATH PLA:RKT!e Antoine, a Dumb Sailor Boy ?? Mademoiselle CELESTE. To whiich will be added, CAPTFAIN STEVE To conclude with the celebrated 6 ntic Drama of TIVE DiUl!l B1G NA D P AiP, the Dumb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... @,3ublic In~men0.mnt THEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. on HE Public is respectfully informed, that the Theatre 1 will open for the Season, on MONDAY next, the I tth instant, and that Air. WALLACE, of the Theatre Royal. Drory-lane, who le engaged for TEN NIGHTS, previous to hisdeparture for America, and Mr. JAMES VINING, and Miss HUDDART, of the same Theatre, who are engaged for the ?? pact of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0WL9jAL-SLAVEY OI- iiepotill bed on . ~y next. ?? 'b flr. THOI'JSN'S FIRtST 'DVVLL S1oPf tr Of IAL SLAVERY, b115 e Roya Anigutist2th,12532O.- Oti,~ptetwarcsiofg Lectuls 'e5Will be published In a ~j~he at teybieruy-offace, anid of all respectable ~vo~~ OFHU.MANITY, N~k.frSP TTE~BR. pblised by J. Nisbet,)tesstet o tir AS~eltioi fr cimting Ratid mnt oad ?? raiont, (where a BoO5 opened to receive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANXITD, a respeottsble YOUTH, hoeing ha& agood eduvation, aq si APPRENTICE, to ain 1,UR GEONin' 'Iow ear Mat heer e ried, and tile InptKentice would betrte oo _Apply, if bylletter, post paid, to S'' tteTseo WANTC.1), a P[E1AS0N competent to siuperinj- Mec1tairs inAstitution, Co perr s N l c'0 IA, No. I. Clusrles.street' ' c TO CAL JME11WHA4)Ty', fe. THE C13URCIlNVARDE NS of 1Manchester are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W'TNTD.AnY Ceutlen~an, (or Smal Fautlyv,) of lind ell ara.te. aving iv Ilouwv itt it lieiltl San lte.el.2ii'tl Aitunt ion inl tile w ielnity of Missehester 01' Salfo larger tiata they aCtuallyV OecupV, Wvw for the Bak C casoa asoociatiuti, miiid reeonejile it %will, i~erfeelings togiepTW IO Stit O11t* iht ysuin, thel t card wvitb Ipart tictjiars, le to lii,' &i'., dd~~o~t tt A. C., at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / .TRADESM~EN'S BALL. twi PERItSSION OF THE WORSHIPtt'FUL TH E MiAY OR. The P ablic are respectfully informed that A BL L L VILL BE H ELD AT THE EXCHANGE ROOMS, On 1'edne.sdatlay the 28b inslatd, Wiich will be conducted by a Committee of Trades- ,le, of this town, ant the proceeds given to the Disiocnsary. TICKETS Of Adinission (including re fcltels) Gentlemen L~adies. . . ?? 4s. l)ouble ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROCUGII OF 4MANCHESTER. Commiirrar RooM, 71h. December, 1832.1 nIIE CONM 'ItTEE in the interest of Mr. MARiK PHILIPS, respectfully inform the Electors, that' filev sit rerv day from nine o'clock in tle morning, at 1leMMillt'h'E ROOM, No. 7, BlOWNSTREET wihere they will lie loippy to receive coi nsnnications, or to give uny informiation clonCerninz the at-rangemnents whihel havwe beenl moifle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ady ers. PROPOSALS TO PUBLISH, }N MONTHLY NUMBPRS, PRICs OY.E SHILLING EASCH, Ha dsomely printed in Derny Octavo, i to A MISCELLANEOUS Von COLLEC3TION OW p2GiS1 IN PROSE AND VERSE, Hal- B %y E G Ai : T 0 Z . S f ;i :1:O s ton- ow LIA n1,L by 0LIRi0L Including several Articles xy-4ihh were published origLiafY in the Twenty-one Volumetdf the LrvsnPodL MeretaCPT t~le les Eleven Volumes of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n. C, E or THE LATE AcCiDENT lN DALE STniEzT.-OUr readers irll find lal in another part of the d/ercury) of this day, a letter from id Mr. Edward Bradford, Druggist, questionibg the accuracy e. of the report of Mr. Rigmaiden's trial for manslaughter, ar and denying that an expression attributed to oue of the n witnesses was used by him. Our reporter sands us word, thate himnself did not hear ...

Advertisements & Notices

... laublic ftiturmento. Cl dr SANS PAREIL, T COOK-.STREET. tR rander the Masageient of 31fr. Holloay. R r lqls present FRIDAY, the 18th insiant, will be per. 1 formed the interesting drama of TI11E VA1VAMPIBE; Rr OR, THE BRIDE OF, THE ISLE. i A great variety of Singing sast lancing. To conoo.d with a B. COMIC ffNTOMIME. ,G - . dt TO.MORROW, (Satueday,) the 14th in s6t, the perform. os ances will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To s it si onih 25h e .oA i, The splendid AmericanShlPGRFAT BRITAIN, - la Capt. WILLIAmi THO lsoN:; Burthen 720 tons, coppered, sails remarkably fast, and i In5 all respects one of the finest ships ever built in the United States. Cabin passengers will find ?? Of a very superior description. havinoc a ?? and upper Cabin, beth veity handsomely fitted undbing ?? high a ad roomy betweenl deeks. ...