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... THE HEIRS of ENTAIL, and all other Persons concerned in the ESTATE of BKOI)IE and others, under a Deed of Entail executed by the R’ghl Honourable James Earl of e, dated the 14th day of April 1775, a Corroborative Deed of Entail the late James Brodie, Esq. of Brodie, dated the 10th day of March 1819, and under another Deed of Entail, the said James Brodie, dated the day of April 1819, are ...

lIKMAT.KS ON US STATEMENT reference to Statement inserted as an Adver| tj'rment .n the S.tur.lay iC-ren.r* IW, ..

... 1 Iwn* remark, to the first plire. that I mier heard of the Utter said to have been addressed to roe friend MrJ , dated * 1 hnrsdae Even- Kid, half-past sia o'rlock,’ eifned ‘M. Milton, lilt I • ,, in that new-pspet. and rm.ld therefore . opport.tnrtT of answering if. Krooi the rlrcumaUnce fitend. Mr hafieft suddenly go to England, with, not me* -een or heard from him. after -he ...


... MR & MRS LOW K the honour to announce, that a PUBLIC ASSEMBLY of their JUVENILE PUPILS will take place the Wateri.oo Amf.m-mi.t Ro'jM', Snturitoy the SUh in*l. Dancing l ...

FOR THE BENEFIT MR MAC KAY. MR MACKAY respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that his BENEFIT lakes ..

... THURSDAY the 17th instant, when will performed, the New Operatic Drama called THE SPANISH LOVERS. Dan Vincent, PRITCH ARD. Don Henry, Mr WHITK* Signor Fernando, MACK.AY. Mia* RTFKLD Donna Julia, Miss JARMAN. After which, the Interlude of BLUE DEVILS. Megrim, Mr MACKAY. conclude with the National Farce of GiLDEROY. Jock Muir, Mr MACKAY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '7;UNION' P SRJ3JFTV. Sil~4~iiY'l5~t t'weiitv:~,a V, ii 4 intilde of w~hlch he %Would To vice tsj Lizthehas ?? PlainI ,'tuhid Colourell-T~t~FRPIT~~iiEw WORK 'AIMAES, -WO KM4CR BXEVAA S, FIRE ndHAND S'ES 90 AECADRCS CHI1m- &c.'&. fr rasf~rrng ritson; has alsois-a g'sspp~f CUSTI *VRNIII~repr~dby him- s~ ~n tbbtties of ?? ies,~ ni'w osith itd, diretioncs fo aistug~ ?? hmimt' or cirrftylo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the EDITOR of thte ABERnDErN JOURXtNAL. Sin, lN ribrenen to tile Letter which apiellred in the .Aberd7eM Jo?1r- ; v al of Vester-lay, stating- thrt aln un rarvautable li'oerty hall been taken ititl the Nattts of myself and others, by addihu them to tile Thquisition for C olonel GORDON of Pill-k, I find that tile insertion had ?? naide from sonu misapprehension throun il y friends. I rin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sol htiler t atrteinhe of Colonel Hav, pl) re. rl li - - d tRegiineitt of Dragoon the cirlenratedl Band] of that a ,.nt l leviii' treeeived thle ptrniimsion of li hLatre, and will pecrform. a rnil nther lustruimentanl 311scir. * f , P1 1'1~i~eOFTrIFI PRESEIST F.S, ''ult, celebrated Cmbdiean, v. M Ult PO-1VER, perforalinr in Liveriiol, and vho, in C enrier. will apacar whn enSeue1, TUitRSDAJ'V ...


... To be Soto auction, by Sir Laltec. Royal Horae 1 Edinburgh, on Wedoeeilay the Slat current. I THE following Valuable STUD, the property of a Gentleman. Sale commence on* a Cbeenut OehKng. four yeufs rid, Peter Lely, out U GrHette,, dam AUraera, Brnningbrough or Hambletotnan. Con- Itantia Walnut, Tuberoae, Herod, Ice. he. he. 7 Grey Filly, three yeara old, Epperson, alw out of ...

HOUSEKF.EIER «o wpertsliW FamHj. « « COJIFAMON LADY advanced in Ufa, WIDOW LADY, who formmy an of ter own, end

... who can produce the most retirfactory teeti-nuaiaJa rf «ha»«cr mud respectability from some the first persona tkectmntryPt^UaryJ is unjoct. compared wtth other creum*UF^rFmculnr, apply the Mwaury (personally, or by letter, pot t jiaii*.) caFUITOas or COLIN GIB, Exi. now lately remdim; »t No- 30, eat King Sucut, Ea'inburgh. THE saiil Ciri.iN (It* linving, on 31st July last. e.\tur«ted a Trurt ...

PLAN miss ELIZA PATON CONCERT Assembly Rooms, George Street, the Evening of FRIDAY, April 1889. ACT I. Owßure .

... k 3io*^rt. for (hejoyou. d»J« *of old,” • • • Uar^n. E. P*TOl- .nd Ma,l*r Cook* (hi, fir,t appearance «t the Concert.)— pretty p»!te. • • Sonff—Mr hi ' .ppeorancc in Kdintmr*h)-“ Wo*,n’. rt»r.n,. Let. Trio— Forte. Violin, tind Vmloncello, _Mi,« Napica (her flr.t appr.iance In ruhli.-.) Mr SritaaT, and llancux, Hnmmtl. Son(j—Mr Wnir.- 1 The Sea.” . BfXtuktmn. irlo-Mi» K. Patou. ...


... A Numerous MEETING pf SliOJ,‘ men ami MERCANTILE CLERKS, lu-M tiie Koiitd, . It uivmiuiously Revived, that they Mionlrf Memmi* tlieii- Employers for Shortening tboir . Honrs Atteruianoo ouihisinesN. ...


... THR CHAIRING *f SIR JOHN DALHVSIPI F. will (akr (•I.'ice Edtnbulgk, the Only T«w», Thi* Dev. will hjr ih« Sheriff, from the Hrntinf*. el twelve. ebo intend join the Proceeeirm on foot, will ijhrei fbvwteelve, in Hne, npjmsite the Hunting*, extend- C. /rum Bank Street down the High Stree-. Those jJah the CcmMtry elrewhere, who mean ride, cartisier, will draw up on the Mound, at quarter bc- ...