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... ASHIFOIRD V. JOHN EVANS. in sel This was an action brought by the executors or terial the late Rev. Robert Edwards, of Llanymyureci, to pegs recover the sum of £200. alleged by them to have mnaki heea lest by the deceased to the- defendant, is close( March, 1830, to complete a purchase of houses, of th( and which he had ?? was proved that tse p £190. (part of the money so lent by the late Mr. ...


... MACC ,ESFIE LD Pr'TrY SESSIONS. ALtLEDGLE ]I¶U3ICNG AT WIMUSLOW In thle following cetraordiaitr case. which was heard on Tulejsday ecek, Mr. I'honias Moore, a surgeon, residing ?? ?? li fee, was the defendant anmi the Rev. Johil W ?? BlOrri s, an eccentric 6 preacher of the Unitarian nocirine, in the Chapiel s of that conripxioi at Dealo T,,v, near Wilmnslow, o titn lo rinterl Hionorary ...


... - X Within the last eigjteon imontsj, we have re-. h e ceived numerous 'comiunications fiom respec- ci e table persons resident-in this city complaining Of -fo the want of an elicient system pf police to pro. at a, tect .the esons .and property of the inhabitants- Cl e fromi assault ani dejrsdation ;.-and last week we re y were favosired ;ith ra'letter bearing the signature Fi S of Justusn ...


... DEXBIGIISHIRE ASSIZES. ;g The commission for this county was opened at ly tile County Hall, in Ruthin, on Saturday after- 'ht noon. About five o'clock, the Judge, the Hon. J. or R. Bosanquet, was met by the High SheriffEdward it Lloyd, Esq. of Cefn, accomnpanied by the Under in Sheriff, John Oldfield, Esq. of Farom,and the nsual ie cortege, about a mile from the town, who escorted er his ...

Law Intelligence

... . ?? Klifelliord . PL, ceNtee- Friday week, Mr. Michael Levy did-- penance in St. Margaret's Churcb, Ipswich, durilg divin e servie, for ulfefoiang the enaraecter of the wife of Mr. Moscs Levy, sentence having been pro noonced against.1iin by -the Consistory Court at Norwich, with !ll costs. ELECTION EXPENsEs.e-BsrEMRIDGEu AND ANO TH1Ee, V. CaA71riarvK ENT.-This was an action brought in the ...


... A strong sensation has been excited at Devon. 2 t port, by the unacrisntable disappearance of the P Ref. Mr. Griffith, Ifiinisterof the Methodist Chapel, in Moriceostreet. It appears that Alr Gritlith f. visited Kinigsarid, a village about a mile and a half J on the other side ?? t week, where he preached, and received dbe quar tnerly ticket money. Ile left that place about nine o'clock, in ...


... Thsmias Green, alirs Mae Donough, who was convicted sit the Old Bailey Sessions last week, of' defraundig sevetal mer'castiile houses of large sums ol5 m505s, has been, pe0isi ps, one of the most suc cessful persons in his line. He is a native of Ir'laid, ansi hisi ftltber, whbo now leeps a small chisisller's shop in a village called Carrick, was sechetay t the White B3oys in the time of the ...

Law Intelligence

... . ulaw - ?? COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Nov. 22. to ATTclMiir TO DEMA T TOE OPERA TION Otl THE co a : REFORM BlLL. iK (Mr. Camihell moved for leavetot rile a eriminal e information~ragainst 'seven persons Iresiding in an a Coventry, the fricnds of Mr. Fyler, for, a conspi. racy to secka the return of that'gentleohen at the. *noxt election, by forgery aed perjury. Thcio names of the parties were ...


... , Central Board of Health, Council Office, Whitehall, Jan. 21. SUNDERLAND, JAN. 26-Remainiing at astreport, 1, new cases,0; dead,0; recovered,f0; remaining _ 1; total cases from commencement, 636 ; total Gi deaths from commencement, 202. t NEWCASTLE, JAN. 26.-Remrdinisg at last report;' 54; new cases, 90 dead,'3; recovered, J0; remain- oing, 6; total cas-s from commencement, 855; W total ...


... The court met o' s r; 12, for despatch of general btusinessi. ' Mr. Fletraer'ri oeved~aeries.of resolutions, to the effcct that the frecdosi. ?? be presented to Lords Grev and Affi~hrp' at an entertainment in Guildhall, giveie by tf'ie corporation, to which all tboses noblemen wiho 'oted in the minority upon lord 'Lyrdburst's oisioxion kbr-ppstoinirg the dis- franchising clause-all' ...


... ATROCIOUS ASSAULT uPbN HIS MAJESTY. Toesday- was the first day bf Ascot Ieath Rlaes and it will be mnemorabhle Prom a, most alr:ciois assault which was comnittcd upon tlie person of his Majesty, while standing at the aitnilow of the Grand Stand, in the presence of her aljesty, and a brilliant assemblage of friends 'ind guests, by whomn their Majesties were attended. 'he cir cumntances of this ...


... .,DENBTGH'SIHE ASSIZES. 1;, ?? ,, , : ,OBEiTS V. I-iU T ; , ,.a Thisa t avasr'b'on'tli-to recover the s'tn of ;!9 £768. i3-5~d unit arose oit of the followingicir- h Caninstancl ' ' ha 'Ilan' Nogd~etbef;'825 ''the 'defendant contracted on o ith tbr~ldintfif and hersona;for the 'purchas'e o' th the OasklAi E§state, with- all timber and' :other lat trees tlereon, for the sam of £1 1,500i. Tho ...