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Advertisements & Notices

... sol htiler t atrteinhe of Colonel Hav, pl) re. rl li - - d tRegiineitt of Dragoon the cirlenratedl Band] of that a ,.nt l leviii' treeeived thle ptrniimsion of li hLatre, and will pecrform. a rnil nther lustruimentanl 311scir. * f , P1 1'1~i~eOFTrIFI PRESEIST F.S, ''ult, celebrated Cmbdiean, v. M Ult PO-1VER, perforalinr in Liveriiol, and vho, in C enrier. will apacar whn enSeue1, TUitRSDAJ'V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ~~~~TO TUE ELECTORS OF TltE CITY OF EDINBURGH. ABERCROM*1R Y WILL BE II._kpPY TO HAVE THE HONOUR OF FiFTiENG WUITH THE E L E C T O R S OF b; t .ig g(-IfI; THECANONGATECHURCH, 3 Vl\>lt i(pAy THE 6riz AUGUST, AT TWO t :1(0(h AFTERNOON. t lil liii FORBES HUNTER BLAIR'S at COM3 ITTEE. ti __ ~~~~~~~~ge R? BLAIR'S COMFMITTEE MAeet ),paiiv to give Adsice to the Electors, in regard a] !e eii tmcnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The fo ilo~vi:jfri i-' of El'. Snck-.y are ,nez Ciann es-.s jar a wa -cwg Sh 51cvp 1'rm:civiltos in the five first District S 1-s-a. mic- Fra'.1r I)IFTIC-r-jIriTIt't1', L'q. of Cnsfl;' T';p'ar;eaii5st iiclohilan, EsNq. of Blacleshlan i~ii~to ~t'n~ei, -q. of I l1inro-e; Archibiald Camp- lud-l, Etq. of' Drio'Aoiie ; John Ctimpbell, Esq. of Southiall; ~ams Foilayl-s. Yunger of Castl 'w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iE INDEPI,'NDI-Nr ELECTORS Ov . EllIN13URGiH. 1arliame1tt :ill likely soon be Dissolved, and for Rtepresentation of the City will no m;tflCC. I think it proper to caution the voters plTigde t~ielealves tiill it is known who are to COJie ,snrd A CITIZEN. fIKjSPECeTABLE MANA~, 34 yeairs of age, who so , i, , I r ? tociderlb¶ esperittce, is l'Ous to obtain l-Ui \flte ss an A 1' ENDANT to an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ) ~1 =7.~'S OF171- SCOTI, A ND. )F LA.(S I 1*M K )I APFS' %V011 -ill atae pance ill 2d 1f~o tit A EL.IC sCI ,s 1.6., tocnnmerce The I'lfcrs~'~ '[he co- - of .I1 it v .Th1e Llly 1' '1 h T1ho !.AnI' A , s ~ l '. lANMA¶ Th'e ill'i. LtT'vtS 'Qti ixe r Sitrau-. n of Ml11111will 2Io'id 'de %%ho fo ln izerest in the IaonpoTt 'If GH~1t, k5r~ 1tICllYl 'Aor r thte ;lWkc :ret-r, 1.37. Gi,I.oee St , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PdIEBILL.. 13 LI C M E I G cotilITTEE of the WARDS, in m j~ ~ eatdelgaedt&s i0 theim by the annexed 'It 31.k.INGof the INI-A BI. i ic L il to hle helt] in 3Merchtcnts' Pe F 'S [)A the 5thl May curt, at as5 0:1 d h e fo i t.. ftroe f o il h e t!e na tires to be adopted to prevent its Sar I j~~set 1'r~i~n~ fitthis sesotn, while the bil fIst sit nature to a grea t extent, and, that II l id'dy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREMIUMI FOR STALLIONS. UNITED EAST LOTH IAN AGRICUL_ rT IAI1, SOCI ETY offer P R E M I U M of T j tYE GUINEAS for the best CART TALViNT(*nog undler Four Years of Age, to be shewn th St ' heEA0t is HAUGH, Haddington, on Friday the 13th C attIa, at Eleven o'clock. re llte rnsddtt of the Shew may be known an application 1o the Secretaries at Haddifltflfl. will be a SHEW of FAT CATTLE at the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i - -,YAL CALtDONIAN AND FIFE R'UNT, (Over the Cou;rs at Cupar.) , DAY, a GOLD CUP, Value lbo ( Seeigns by Subscription of 10-Sbvereigg ,,,Tr rotor oldg , 7 strnte; Votur, 8 stone; Five, nu ¶'D,;. 'Six and aged 8stonelO lb.; ?Mares , ajTt, d lrwdinb. Two miles. The declared W1.. T'- 9 c a ld Cuip or King's Hundrcd in the year 18a3 ins ru . llo.-'of two or ntore-, 5 lb. e~stra. Ii ,, rT 's 1l; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pUTERLOO HOTFL* CURsE )OF M IR WOOD'S LECTUfES; 5; ~D ON H sloXt0ltY' &e. ,O9D having been repeatedily reqtlestedl o l tgv \ SECON 1 COU RSE of bis HIS'lO' 1. C! 3 jBlIEs. and Rs it appear- that his infientiinj i. L,' Lectilre' 1f oil %uljeets Otf muich interest, illu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . ;-;ro'S POPULAR LECTURES ON THIS ,::E OF THE FEMALE SEX. .-tliES will Commence in the Assem. . n Thursday the 6th April 1832, t j oek anria connected therewith, will preceee, th d1 o ite Univer'se. and the Formstion and HIistory noi oan Aeatid athe at Lrret length. the EXCELLENCE If of Ian;tlIALy; SPX, vwith Biographical Notices of wl g the and Illustrious Women, in ancient and modern C2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1i late ,t Gracious Majesty GEORGE THE hasing been pleased to grant D. B. I 3 gPAUOTEI in Eogum ttan, his Royal Letters liY' H~ N~ewr Process in Painting, for producing the rat~nr Cof Dannask,.the specillcation for which expressly tr etnnlrt: the itave n t,00 s in producing the np_ $ttfby mrtrs or the combination of a pesrrnfld smooth surface of paint. ar-h 1 . respectftlily begs to assure his ...