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Advertisements & Notices

... ORJIIATAL ROTUNDA, MOUND. At S the NEW PERISTRE.PHIC PANsORAMIA f 1 of the l s0ltONATION of [vur Patriulie ICING, W11,LIA5I IV. ad QUEEN ADE511,A.IDE, andthe n CIIY of MA DlRAS, in this East indies, lhts et to isit di atl the cities and large towns of the Empire, the l'roprietors .3 most respectfully i timate, that it can only be exhibited in R' Edi nburgh for a very few davs longer. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TORY TACTICS. rRIRER Y! BRIBDER ? F ELECTORS of .1,1D LO THIAN are :' ,.n-l. CAUJTION EDoaninst the Base ani In- _ js by which the TORIES are now urging . ;-.e attenpts on the Indepeudence of'the r iep principles of the Newv Electors of DAL- ,a c ;inalrrailal)Le, they have resnrt:- to h, .irlvcl nn,) atrncie~tos, to deprive the 1e. ; -te of their support, by endleav urine to pur- .tit rates. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ts of the Italian Operas the Price of Ad- Ie Boxes will be Five Shillings, and no can lie reccvdcd. Tickets to lie taken at -.curing Boxes or Places. The Dtiors will --, ant) the Op ra begin at bal!.pxst Seve In .n1iti Eigit o'clock. Ir tornis of the En- ,;re i hets Signor tie Bepis and Mr -t parties are lbounui not to grant Orders 'fur F e t i ir: ^-e to anv par t of the 11tjuse, ani the Free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t SAI OF LONDON FURRIERY, 5*C, GEO21G STJLF T, . Ojpmsie th'se ntdy ?oains. . CI]t. PAITE.RSON respectfilfUy inti- A miates, that,.in order to clear off his Stoek of Li-dbxanii-le FUIRIERY, he lha comimenced sellieg MIUFFS, ROAS; anld MANTILL-A.S of every Vrevaiiing kind, at very iow prices, fer Rea&V - zIIoaney.-Has got to liaafl a rIarietv ' -j SHAWL DRESSES a MIERINOS;: COLOURED & BLACK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' iNOTICE , iYOWNE11S. PiLOIrS. AND OTHERS, (1 QIuENTING THE PORr OF LEITH-I. (iiC)M Il~SIONiERS for the DOCKS and l iOUR lIrebv intimate, that the Depth of *,r stae Harlaiur is now Three Feet One han that idicated by the Pier Guage and Signal t sD efar regulatih2 the safe approach of Ships, es teeth 0n inchet cere than in she narrow channel form. 3rlirl~d Wel, previous to the extension orthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Es, -)IAWING ACAD I) E Y, 1 reh/ given to thjose. perTlons who in- ,0l -loe f;,r hdi..,IIt the betreilis of thi- . yi, i; mwnot isitilqled Ii, tie .1 tiv of the ^5 bd ; hIuhr brY 1I. eaf 1)ralviia .till,. htm t , irtln the jgir'ei ~lj'_F['Fi A I t A S. nti tile e.F~dinburgh, - ,,Irii' Feb. 11 6S 2 F\C iE; z si ~t2Lif ASuRA CESOCIETY, Colt.N~ LON DON. II A N A , F. It'. 1 Ctllntt r5'OE, l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POI.1I , -.' . E IS ItHEREBY GIVEN, in terms of the s e tc , (ithrt tlie ELECTIONS of ONF GE_ ; d ' O 'lRESIDENT COMMIISSION_ 'p(lACl'E, foer the period commencing the first I j iliit. for each of the Thirty-two Wards the Pi'he Bounds as Eztenaded, have been di- '; ramenlce ort MON DAY the 25th day of June ,fr; 't jell o'clduck forenoon, at the places after-mention- a Z ihite Ilrt Inn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Id -, - s, SOCIETY OF ARTS FOR SCOTLAND. to rs PRIZES FOR SESSION 1632-9S. ut_ dl miHE SOCIETY for the ENCOURAGEMENT e. T oF the USEFUL Allrs IN SCOTI.A ND, olfer a the foilowing PRIZES forthe Session 183e-S3:- - 1. For the most important Discoverv in 5Mechanics-Th'L rst Keith Gold Medal, value Twenty-fie Ssveregns. n 2. Forthe best set nF Experimnents on any branch of is. Practical Mechanics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thuir present Evening, THURSDAY, Oetoher I. 1J5&32, rrill be perforined the Natinnel Dranie ofr.tte 111EA-RT' OF IMID LO'HIAN. ,?cm, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iiii nrl-ttlI INSTITUTION 1,[}(;UA-\5l~. MJATHEMAiTICS,. 6.ill I.~ DiAWI~(,X &I.*. -s RE R. CUNNINGHAM, A.M. I 1!; Rt Head MNster of George Watson's Hos- to i 'ein ith able Teacliers in the different t4i > ylaiosrs to open the above Institution on er ar;t jotendeul for those Young Gentle- f&c rn tiaull to eiiplovtments for the styceess- neig f lj-c a critial knowledge of Greek ,,t 1nins} ~ah ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLECTS~ A'D OTHE11l 1XIIABlTAiNTS .OF EDIN~BURGH{. w'rf 1jN7 I w~as prevailed upon by my li), fer thae honour of RepresnitingEdinburghi, it o lelared !iliinmy achlresO, for 'te purposeof prIe- *;ti1 \rtosl' of Seotland from beirzgRepiresent- nl~ re '-% iisterial nomntims, who wonld consi.. br~~l' ound to vote fur evory nivaslir- of the .-iwiwhatever might hie tile Opinion of their ~~~tainn ...