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Advertisements & Notices

... 31IS JARMAN 1hOnour of announcing to her Friends 'neblie, that her BENEFvlr will take It; aI)AY the 19tb of May, when will be per. ,.. AVOURITE COMEDY, firt tine this season, the Popular En. ' erisinmt'nt called tihe VOuTHFUL Q9TEEN. Frderick Burv, mlr TERNAN. Frtji aerS, Nr MIURRAY. Christine, Miks J WMAN. 1,, le lwilh the New Drama called TTocTll E RENT DAY. ,artiD Hevwood, Alr TERNAN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF INHfABIT.ANTS. Edinburgh, 2Sd June 183-2. Apt that Vol, xill call a MTEET- . eh lt~eq TA NTSof fE)INIlU i'f; fl 1 lea a d Inb if' order thAt a I0 al nthe prepanred, expreSitlvie of f ' Il cia' in the MetrOPigll flee], at -,j I~uti onl thase Inrat o H's M.oas -n u gt kf rthe f111I fetsf loryalty and lj'i' hrth '9tTr hour rand our dutT to aovwsr,th Severeigo of theae realms. c ,ae th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g T:{8F86t lt'iitSiOF EN' RDAIt7WILlk;R, ,a aid of the Finds of f , OF HEAI1' l, EDINHBRWIGH. S pA PASTINGS are hiiefly descriplive of In- it ft11;[ ,esaect. withl the lit.vaIs Frarinll rO pr..eont t( 1 cld.r f , .s ,d it i. hoped that tief denirP elt r ta Icitibitte .iethit' towsrds itne Charities Ui irsage t in common with hi s iltttrious rlactritrs. - Cii8 5ierein, Ii cal tie h5,pps1i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IZSIW- Q',i'tt£D 3igtlnbUrlb;i. crfelnt Evening, THURSDAY, larch29. 19S32, iii l Nbeperformei the Ne Drama, in Three The I Acts, raled THE RENT DAY. Ileywvbod, a F nrmer, by Mr TERNAN. Mjartid l I1,yw( ;{ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f33>RE ZROYl, 3 ,,7EG~ i ;rcnt Evenint, T HURSDAY, December 27, Tw~ll be 7orforrrd Mr Sheridan Knowles! Adniiied Play df tbe. ITUNCUTBACK. Julia by 31iss JARMAN. Afaster Walter by Mr TERNAM. tcer tbe Play, a Favourite Pas de'Deux by 3loNSIEt:R D'AL.Brw and WmSS E. LAJCASTEU. g which will be performel, the New Fare called DUMB BELLES. Eliza by ises JARMAN. rie ol to cotld'e with, Fh Time, a Ner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tri A l i'l If Illih '- .3 t~ii ' AlES.Ahi Air AIll t'33X, I '~~~IN I f ~~~~1,3.ii A DEN Tit i t.,.l; Tihit i Doi -ii jilt~~~'! I) I-I I n ,n - ,I x tiii '''lilt AN Itit- tit -1~~. .-----.- ___II ___M if- tilt fli: iti-7l~f!1SUPlYi nit Ell liii:)! 3I.XitkI'alSpal )I 1i.W TIr . ii i.P as A ri il'tA .iiii-lo tITEM Lt- alit -. ll h, imi.d i th Mt- it-? a?.. Lit- II-s. til Xj)s )A ~N tIm. M nrix ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUB4IC SALE OF SUGARS. To he SOLD by auetion, in the Sale Room,; on Tuesday thd 11th September, at one o'clock, 3093 AGS. SUGAR, just landed ex the rthits. B . MtAtr, Captain Mlerchanit, from Mufa,_ Apply to Mlr Charles Philip, merciant, 1, Dock Gates, or JAMES SCARTHi, Brolier. Leith, 29th August 1832. PUBLIC SALE OF MALT, HOPS, ALE, BREWER'S CASKS, &c. There is to he Sorn by public ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~,jD1,ALE~VNE ASYJLUM.1 ,,;%xAL SER21ON, for the support of r JIF lE h p'ealebd by 'he Rev. 3 AMEFS t'i* soch C'c, on 'H U It- tS I , p .lj'rG Ine the %lof y, when a Collectiin p S hVI frbehorioflf thaL Institution. a I\ bmd, for ith much regrret beg to Onnounce, that at hi TIW )ic~,1 patance, the Society was in debt to no less ot Apt no' I ll . 2,1. witiout 2ny means whatever of th atIt l : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItWRAIIA, &e. LOTHINAN ROAD. Now Omvr, very SPLENDID PICTURE called jzVUlNS IN A FOG. This mnatchless per. , isplays the most Ie-autful ehanges from Mlist to md, in the extraordirary illusiun of tile scene, if not PUperir, to any of its predecessors.- '. ,MORA.1A has three new and interesting Pic- 'din- the interior of Westminster Abbev! du- , co(ronlation of their present Majesties. ,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE1, al EOIrUG. .r** fz*~ilg THtURSDAY, Septerrnler.27. 1982, hep l ~ the Mmieinl I'ln. in Three Acts, called lSEEI HEARTS AND WITVES Iilvy lImck-a-Day, by Mr MU.TRRAY, ;acea licter he vill sing the Ballad of -;%jrta %MaIn is born to Sorrow. Susan by Miss NEWTON, Cletaracte'r she will sing ss W can a Ponr Maiden do ? Laura. by WiniI BYFELD, h ,.1, laracter she still Fing. M.eet Dle by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;UETY. ANNUM' SERMKON. ATH EVEING, the 22d of April, the B ItFRAGE. of Falkirks will preach the ^s-le-DtHFzuESFllM11NS of the scoTr 01f of ths'be04ity SOCIEE Y this yeatr, in the Rev. S 51s Church, Niculoin Street. Mlr JoiO' 0tonmence at half past Six o'clock. ' Vor ----t°-- ANNUAL IUEETING. Fte 2Sd of April. the A1NUA On pl o6f the sCOTISHI .ISSIONARtY SO 'IEFlTUN' 1 be held in the Assembly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To T1HI *1IOLDERS OF TIlE COUNTY OF AiCYi.L. Lo.-;Dow, Sd Feb. 1S3i-. .,ri' uost leawrneit v-tli some surprise, that a YE J bseen comfnoie iir the Renre-entation o it f Atc1- * Mr Allealm, who ofilers himself cri ~e~ontaty FrelIle ~ 5 o come f orwad ,, un f the Freezhalderr. ;profesqestocm iwr d tice° a that a wa'a'Cy will PPegdilY Occur, by * the of the petoetit 'Member to the Peerage. bee ...