Advertisements & Notices

... X~to pbict J5 Thie day Isepuob~s *price Os. T HE PLEASU-ES_ 5/1SE.LIGkON, and- other TpoEMiS. ,By h 1v.1/TOWELL. ..M. Luon-Messra C. J. G.blid F. Rivlngtoti, and Hktclsard Liverpool: A, Watmsley., T. Rai'e, W.; Grapel, vil,jgan~d Woodl, and D. Macpes FAMILjfY LIBRA~RY. TIbis day is published, with VieIPortraits, and a Alap, of tbe C rsofthe Nigs, BVIs. Ss. eaeh. NARRATIVE Off tI5, ADVENTURES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N1 SALE, an ENGINE, nearly new, for Mining LIpurposes, &C. of 14-horse power, works 1 8, flade by Fssreett and~ Co. Of Liverpool. Also about 100 yards of CAST IRON'I'PIPINGh.-A~ppy to SXDox, sand LSADLay, Liverpool. rf 0 be SOLD, a neat well-built Freehold COTTAGB, JLTiviistslled Stable, roomy Yards, and small H-ouase be. bind: a good ?? well, and other coliveniencee. Situate j, Ciarsmont ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Daily, expeteid, and edO be immedialdy despatched. FOR NEW YORK, The well-known American Ship I GEORGE CLINTON, Captain EDWARD B. RAwSoN; Ja A regular trader, burthen 389 tons, first class, coppered, RB and invariably delivers her cargoes in the best order, sails SI remarkably fast, and is a favourite ship with passengerS.- Si For terms of freight or passage, having excellent cabin ac- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SANS PAREKLJ COOK-STREET. under the Mangement of Mr. j*eway. -cv HIS pi-esept. IrlDAY. thre i nstant, for the, BGNtFlh'~t niIr, R-. DRADIIUI. Js. CLOWN; and on SaturdayS these pverformances ?? hre sipeted. The EvenlrneM elseltalnilnents wilt enwibmenctr with THE WIFE: OF SRIVN HUSBANDS. A PAVOURITE SONG -BY MLR. BALLENTT1IE. A Nava? fiorilpijpe, fe.iharacter, by -Xar T.- The whole to conelqde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. N consequence of the numerous and increasing in. miries. particularly from parties residing in thesoun. try. SIGNOR DE BEGNIS feels himself compelled to an. r0ounce for repetition the LAST T iME, ?? Rsing, (Friday) thle ?? lustaut, Mtozart's Grand Opera, 1L DON GIOVAArNI, colrbining the full strength of thshole Company and petformed on the same gran. ale London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~al g~o iConcrSpontUeft%. NF PROVDENT DISTRICT SOCIETY.-We regret that we cannot find room for the long letter of Mr. Witherspoon on the subject of this very useful and meritorious institution. We quite n agree with hinm in the opinion that it is calculated to pro- duce the best effects, by promoting more kindly feelings si between the higher and lower classes, and that It is the J. duty of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR RIO JANEl IROt The line A. 1. Brig Captail Jolt\, PolTrs, (250 Tons Register,) The Prillipal p-trt or tile Citrgo is 'pasitively engaged, aol w~ il sail to sulit the Trade. F pt` Good Accomnodaitions far Passenters. For Poirt icunisra applv' to Roanuur GARDBUTT, - 10, 183~ No. , Northi Walls. \TO5TICE TO HSA!M.XNS. Triniity.Jlorra'c, Jj1;iSrqstpnVP011..Ku1l, Novemher S. 1832. r Hio E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ra TO SHIPPERS OF GOODS. th FOR LUBECK, te THE ina WILLIANI THE FOURTH, th Capt, SAAM,. BULLARD, h Burthen as per Register 71 Tons. al llas three-fourths of the Cargo engaged, and will Sail st wind and wVeatler permitting, in about Twelve Days. v Aply to WM. BELL, th De11,. 13th July. 1832. Exchange-alley. hi FISHIING S1IP IrARMONY. le TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, of BV J. & R. WAKF. sa On Tuesday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Ii 4 ESM'(AY RX ,~ ik, i ?? ~t'ii Is ?? 17isl ?? I-i ftrv ?? u hidnote&t eNe4~ UIAhNTS; PTRA ES~IUN,~and S P51 .X GOD lgieri? id e,,itt's of lt sit6tre;s but toi gmirai tee~t~nnie Oi~ ..Sitig, f~ir~al ?? Yea, i 13~uil PoWlcic aii4 D. otinehr ll d. lfeilbtp il, PA$~W b oils, Ito of gidfo Ide wfts'rfuseain ' 'SQ tlnitsho hos e rn e it but ?? b Ad Oh 3 Iss.,F1 , yar, .s~ilesssrs. Q flh ~u l f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ri 0 THE TEN POUND INHABITANT .O1 , iHOUVSEHOLDERS OF THE BOROUGH OF IIALIVAX, * or GRSNSTLEMeN,. !usc Thetime alas now arrived when it becomes mly Duty, as I 'Vell nl my heartfelt Sathifadtibil, from tbe success whichl esle attended my Canvass ofthis Borough last July, formally to no declare myself a Candidate to represent you ili a Reformed y as Comumolns' Hones of Parliament. *iu Tle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~R,,BENTLEY, late-(nuitnv AJ.BNfl.i 7) M ~~ii~~Teubls the b calwng full WOKS irugtbxpe 3.-The UOLDSTR~AM GUARDS, dedic..te. ?? o.t A.s aljeety2 n 4 T 111111614. Hs`662hlth nunroult Hirbellish.1 MeaCte. -~~ORIGIN AND SERVICES OFy THE COLDSTRtEAM GUAMDI~ Foc the F'ormotion of the Regiment under General Monk, to the 13lttie.0t.Wafterloo., By, (,ol~oxil, bi cRIeNlIc. UI--n. ;Vo16,'.iOf With 41ne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In lTEDICINES, several of them adapited to the present period, SOLD? BY. BUTLER, CAEMlIlST, CHIEAP'S'IDE, M ?? Of ST. PAUL'S Lb624o.'5. JANIES'S FEVE'tit POWDEM k- isusniversallv approyed by ?? aridcthe Pubilic; and ?? equal aleei in Fever, Inflami~matory Diseases, w Measli,8, IPleurisy, Sore' Troots, Ithecualatisrn, &e. When given lin Colds. Catarrhs, &C..t It s geiierally found to cheek ...