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North West, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WANXITD, a respeottsble YOUTH, hoeing ha& agood eduvation, aq si APPRENTICE, to ain 1,UR GEONin' 'Iow ear Mat heer e ried, and tile InptKentice would betrte oo _Apply, if bylletter, post paid, to S'' tteTseo WANTC.1), a P[E1AS0N competent to siuperinj- Mec1tairs inAstitution, Co perr s N l c'0 IA, No. I. Clusrles.street' ' c TO CAL JME11WHA4)Ty', fe. THE C13URCIlNVARDE NS of 1Manchester are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W'TNTD.AnY Ceutlen~an, (or Smal Fautlyv,) of lind ell ara.te. aving iv Ilouwv itt it lieiltl San lte.el.2ii'tl Aitunt ion inl tile w ielnity of Missehester 01' Salfo larger tiata they aCtuallyV OecupV, Wvw for the Bak C casoa asoociatiuti, miiid reeonejile it %will, i~erfeelings togiepTW IO Stit O11t* iht ysuin, thel t card wvitb Ipart tictjiars, le to lii,' &i'., dd~~o~t tt A. C., at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROCUGII OF 4MANCHESTER. Commiirrar RooM, 71h. December, 1832.1 nIIE CONM 'ItTEE in the interest of Mr. MARiK PHILIPS, respectfully inform the Electors, that' filev sit rerv day from nine o'clock in tle morning, at 1leMMillt'h'E ROOM, No. 7, BlOWNSTREET wihere they will lie loippy to receive coi nsnnications, or to give uny informiation clonCerninz the at-rangemnents whihel havwe beenl moifle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kI ~ ~~ ~~~(tlD old 'l.leithld 4~ Mi~p~inie. above0 line. To') of Piec'idd ', ~~lit/ ~ 1,8ridil sitt I.Ro ino PrivaIt: o~o K 1i)iD Rasm~'Ntbd Roomi, f 'i oul' Cli til. 4ti ii IV~ 1~i~ 0111 ~iilr-Tj icheli, Pantirv, osl fOrdi. si0c1W I IJTURS, i.1iiddc £100. (71 ~~SAL.E~B UCIN BY Am. '1ORRiS, At tilt. 11,iiiq or Air. W1iIilliam sildioi, fthe Manor lIIh,) Cit ii'iih.t ''t. S ('0.9 0)) dWoo l 01. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3zeatS O r(ALT 3SZA1E;PAO . 'iLT: ' A ' t r m Prsill t 1) SA'lURDAY, Mtachr S, b e sch estd til -gral,,.l-u l o t1( ,Ptclaelle fir .0t na .4DE Lzi; OIe AFter whi I r, W lr. sI' ill introduce his riloU ' AN COilP>pNY AND FAIRY SrMD hs Oe perfrn;Iices liast nligiit %ere received Milt the loudest plaudits, by i house crroWded tomi overflow. Tr11 (,I:RlPtAN NON.DESCRIjIT vill go th9rough his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jp~C{ESTR L YI'YERS' ASSOCIATiOA. ('CFNERAL AIEEI1NGL of this ASSOCIATION / ihe held atb tite Al 1OI5T LioNo INN, I1aitging- di t sevrti oi'clock Oil 1V.EIJNE55AY EVENING lied, PC 1tl srttor for thle purpose of emi ol lo N tsv ittii tittsactin~g other tiecessary business oftLlie -Ery Lr v%11vr willy heroine a Mcnibter oftiiis Associti. 1w pa~iliA OtIllShit iIi sct iitntiieeInioiey, mid llurce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0ruO lE LIXT, A GOOD DWELLING4IO0USE, Twwith Stable- attached, NO. 7, DAVlDmS''REET, Di'sri'chester. -Apply to CLOUGH4 and L'YON, 4, 1'rin- eeis'storeitetRo. t.Jais'-suae Ur ~~~~November l6th. 7J I AP~hic are respectfully informed that the .kDIN NER to be given to Mr. HOPE by hig Cont- tnittee rudFlriends, wvill take place in the TrHEA'rflE- ROYtAL,msc TIUESDAY Dec. 4,tl., at F ive o'clock.' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GouOCESWER an .WILT8RyyI0 IOSEI01), 17, MAascEr-sTizR2T, MANSQCOSESTIr. /J OHN ARMSTRONG, Wholesale and Retail WOOL. LEN DRAPER, has tow Oil hand an extensive STOCK of STRONG and FINE CLOTA1, well adapted for School Boys. In the Tailoring Department J. A. flatteis Himself that he is seldom equalled in 1itting and workmariship, 3 wbilst his prices are full 20 per cent. lower than where Credit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rLIE Puhlid is -respectfully informed that the Theatre Wtt't' Ol'5t(.eOR 'ril, R.ACR4VRrk*)NLY,,on Whit. Mlondlay June Iliii, lo=, and that J1R. . AI,!c,~tl 'hil.Ry'Drury Lline, and AIRAMs IV'V seritag hen ill e prfored (or te trst time here) thle hglic.P~ulC sw daft cvittabvisms~leridolt Knowles, Esqure, utho of Virgnius' WiliamTell,' &c., called (AS produced tbis9 season, at the Theatre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i A~~~~4L nms:5&L- INSTaUlVMENTS, 1i2, zLNG-STIMET, 93 toundmi j& inna-,rloflt-, tile EC'6tladi MANeCrI f E~~SlTE , t hc nabitariti of Mannchlester, and the sur, roundijnp (, (I I/AIi th Colururrralirgficrof gmnthl rorelle jvev 1,11 ryil 'lluutr. nretuibrjn Fi~sj¢saincere tacktiorvledegireontsor tliregreat encouuragement and decided pre. 01s11evritll kn j~,L'r ;O iformi hi fifllta sleln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO TlE' PUBLIC. rE~lEii~ii~itC,.ii etei. Sale of Dr. LEWIS'S ' to 01iA)JilJ. 11liip tI e Ildiid lui. 'loii foii-t upon thle plube;I oitAmpcrasilaitis e vail 1o10 vemitiP lo~la, ciallit ig tit IIIIIR'S VICC;ETA BLIC PILLS. jrii. JLORIAN thvretoote iotliiI' li 0tIle? WIE orfl public . J 111 DAN, are genline %%t , 11 C i ,l rapper, iiuitate whichisiil FeIony of the dtelpelt d0I,.DI~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jCH.X~ 1A.IRZriy sVIZOOL. (G4~EN~i~RA L 'VI F W ElSlD yN , , FFVp 8th, Tcleasurer laid tiefoie the Micting, tie A~ccounlts of i. tTts anid .Enlrnldituie,-illeludiitg the Acto f tttiit of te Building .Eoniniittee, oe the additiolal BL,1u d ing no4d Repalis.. PItced, J da hudited, they were unnniniously :m1'hi fnllowiig L wedis woe elected to form ihc Com- *o .anageauclt ter the yen' elnsuing:1 ...