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Caledonian Mercury


... to Glagnow, Friday, 4a . h tean The Spring Circuit Court of Juslielary wis opened here r this morning, by the Hon. Lards Gillies and Mer wyn ; John that eSha Stew art,Esq. Advocate-Depute. Afterpralerbythe Rev. Dr Dewar, -the list of Assize was read over. On the B name of Sir Wallace of Kelly being called, th i gentleman A rose and stated, that this was the third time lie had be-n cited Ale as ...


... O&abu t oi fill. Wanes&ay 4th July 1832. hriLEL.LA% & Ay tv. s,LAY. FThis -LS an action for thQ hiaitnce of the price of a ctr&iot- The defender pileadeId that the carriage wasi die- conform to order, and inferinr in sundry points to the decription of carriage ordored ; particularliv that the axles were greatly inferiar, And ditsconforin to order; he therefore mnaultain.dl that no balance was ...


... NI-Tit on the LAss witu PILMoTtCEt rt'tittvC to: ''CIAi L etitit I~arotr, 35inedifCLili'ifuJ(c. [Iy Hlitih l3ar- ngi'ae E-ui.'ri Susiueo h ~esteron District Of Il'ethsittire. U1nder this Mn' det title we eXoCied to find only somec scattered remarks di, the dettartment of law la which it te- fees ; but we have beet, gratified to discover a neatly writen and conp~ehensivo tlitze-t of thle ...


... 1. ]CI COUIOURT OF.USIICIAARY. thl I;ondi nlE 111ewer slhano six diffrcrit cases C-rC brotglit hefore this Ci rt, in all tt 'wthich conviill~tis took place, aticd punishnietit was in conseqttence nwa-arded to eight The iirst wvas William WVllice, naccused of theft, cum- mitted by mneants of ihuseibreakin g w ith thc aggravation of his being habit ant reptie t h ief, ted *f pt'rioti5i ...


... SC TCH COURT OF EXCP.qUM ly 'e tepart of the committee nf th , HO,, of OD tie CourE of Exchequer in Sctland, lis: ist b ° Le tetgelthei vrith a copious app' dix ;sd n~re 1 ircul 1 cla ixxaridr-.~ It na. in tive docu isents relating to Scotch affairs l-Mae been f . (! .e to tie public than tbis volume contains. With resnsct'N use or prpprierty t keepint up zdch a Court as ;ilis to ttei c- lieve ...


... i MANSION-HOUSE-MICK STiUBSi SIIO Do.- . t irs Martha Fuller, the wife ef the keeper of a %i leg-of-beef soul) shop, was charged by thc Count ti Do. Rtokc, an elderly Frenchman, of very small n dimensions, with having committed a violent as- c I sault upon him. s The complainant stated he had been in a delicate D StRte of health for some time,, and mlel taken a rooni t - ill the hou0e of which ...


... POl,'E. MAa~f.floi~OT5~ii STilEE--Ass, ti.T-. li motniv l-lagall, an Irish ninth part of himDanity, thie pride of' umgnaciolls tailors in St Giles's, wea charged by Jerry AT'Kelland with having pulillscd his head in a Cook shop, wvithout reasonable cauSe. Your Wertship, said Jcrry, I wint into Misthress Dinnis's cook shop to get a treepcny plate of cowv weal, whin I saw Tim Hagnia and two ...


... .: - - rr._rs.I ^_ nx AS.- 1-m oe| TtiE RIVAL NMVSICIAlNS.On PMonday last a flute-player, named -Srmith, and a chin-chopper, r -.named Coploffe, were ,brought before the Lord °l -!,y-r or L~oitdon,' tipon is chage ' F distutrbintg the tlb -&tffet§0th hb~irsrlZk'nd i'ndtfiet''o , .sablting 'l . eriit'Thefi{l liiltd c6ffigeratsne~vnsuend :,ael hat ]i ' d .several com- .ed r --p n lei ,ow'~;nthe ...


... SUIT. A l- -: ~.. 2 ' I rgeatQuenSiiirepo see Oc1 ofi~ce, the other day, with creating eidnc a rnisr-ii n Lawrenice.Street, Glhelsen. From Itmassoevdce rri 8forug~hose~at he.end~fLawrence and Street have ocoped the attention of Ile Cour fdit CbW eriingusqnfe o fsre of disputes Fo repetti rth ight f elisdots. A gnltin fo namedMalni hd, placed perons in, possessionitut uhitil'ithe qiiestioin was ...


... 1itHltSDlAY'. SUt William Hamn1, alids Hugh Riclhiirdon. wisarged be Mith robbing, on the 27th Nov. last, William Balloc i, clerk inc-the Excise office, of a goltl watpi., chain and Mt seals. He pleaded Not Guilty. Evideneewas adduced; - but it appeared to be unastisfactory to tbe Jury, who re- turced a verdict of Not Proven, anid pandel rsas disrniss- ap ad from the bar. - rai l1%urdaci, ...


... I ~~~~~EDINBViidir; eiiecvrs Oct. 4.-?Nw chsts, 45 Die7lt Ort. r3.-New eases, 23; Dlied, 16; Recovcred, 1.1 Remnainin,- 134. Total cases, 14e2 Deaths' (ett, Recoveries, 840. n The new cases on Thnurslay ;era in Artlusrrcet. s Huntley. Street. Paol3's Workt, High §4oeol clncos- f Ford's Close, f1igb Terrace, Cowgate, CziibwS ali C- t Boy's Close (4 Loudojs-tre't, Ilox- bnr Clnsc (e), Pleasanc6 ...


... REGISTRATION OF CLAITMS: O0UNTY-r i EDINBURGH: APPEAL COURT. * The following particulars have been transmit- ted to -us by a hiighly respectable correspopndent, .li,.Passures us that their accuracy may be. relied on:- 'URGH. . 1. There were 98 voters~of the Lord Adacc'e, and M' Abercrnlby; ,whosoz elaifis were rejected from ehange of residence. M1r Sheriff Boswell con- eurred in rejecting them ...