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Advertisements & Notices

... laublic ftiturmento. Cl dr SANS PAREIL, T COOK-.STREET. tR rander the Masageient of 31fr. Holloay. R r lqls present FRIDAY, the 18th insiant, will be per. 1 formed the interesting drama of TI11E VA1VAMPIBE; Rr OR, THE BRIDE OF, THE ISLE. i A great variety of Singing sast lancing. To conoo.d with a B. COMIC ffNTOMIME. ,G - . dt TO.MORROW, (Satueday,) the 14th in s6t, the perform. os ances will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To s it si onih 25h e .oA i, The splendid AmericanShlPGRFAT BRITAIN, - la Capt. WILLIAmi THO lsoN:; Burthen 720 tons, coppered, sails remarkably fast, and i In5 all respects one of the finest ships ever built in the United States. Cabin passengers will find ?? Of a very superior description. havinoc a ?? and upper Cabin, beth veity handsomely fitted undbing ?? high a ad roomy betweenl deeks. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~OTCE I HEEBY GIVEN. that a Special~ ON Metn ?? acting in execution of a cer. tal, Act of Parliament maeadpseed in the Second Year m oif the Reign of his PreetMlsyKng WVilIIam the Fourth, bitittiled An Act fo moeefculy repairing, amending, - anldbriprovingtbie Roads from Lvrpo to Prescot, Ashton, F and Warrington, in the county paaieof Lancaster.' will be held In the New Court Room, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ad. re- PATENT DURABLE COPYBbOKS AND 'the lorn DELIBLE INK. hit lase o r S L era. ° SA lli res. AT THE LIVERPOOL MERCURV-OFFICE. enly SMITH & DOLIER'S dest dt. DURABLE COPY-BoOORS, aws OR WRITING TABLET, of Which supersedes the use of the common slate, and affords !ncy almost unlimited scope for practice *rith the Pen and Delible t to Ink, as it may be written upon with the utmost freedom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * alt%- bp- ~urtn.- HORSES, CAPRRAGRS, 4r. BY MR. LUCAS. T7e.0mo1w (Saturday) the 21st instant, precisely at One o'clock, at his Repositosy. Great ChaRtlotte-streets I A renarkably fine pair of Bay Carriage HORSES; almnst a nevv Set of Harness, and the Crilage belong.' ing to the late Tbomas Booth, Esq. and solby orderof tue Executors; ten Brown and Black Cart Hgses; two Lurries-, three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SILKS', AND SILK SI11IAWIsSrLTc fF~II ril ~I~ . 1I& TAYLOR, St. Mary's Gate, aind D~eanlsgite. ttavititt vt'sttl' di'e dtieriflt tniirl't, ItLg' t u cttitil '~ n JU rous Friends and t ie Public generally, thatt lie liasselected fosts thet first honssi a cho0ime STOCKI'z Cof at tigto the very depresises1 state It't ilie silli mariheit, lit', Ii's been enabled to Islyi a i'oiit, sli ci II(. cit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DANCING, DEPORT1MlE NT, &a. /? MR. JOHNSTONE, FROM LOINTDON, EGS to inform the inhabitants of Preston and B its immediate Vicinity, that he has succeded to the leading business of Preston, upon the resigna- tion of MAr. St. Alban, and intends giving LESSONS regularly in the above elegant accomplishments upon the same method as taught by the first-rate masters in London. Those families and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? (ched about the 20th of Aapy, rok CALCUTTA.L With leave to call at MA DE)AA, The fine Ship ALBIO7, J. NORMAN MAC LeoD, Con'*ander; Bt.en 500 tonS, well known to he a ry rkably fast-sill ink vesser,; And a favourite ?? pasengers. tier cabins are ilp cos ahfte ?? i P6rt, and other cs~nec5 n lecrisa xe rienced Surgeon.For terms of freight o 0 psg wit pa of the cabins, appl tqtO tb B titth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSICAL INSTAUMMMMS, lZ9 MIG-ST , ill A LNT C R E S '1. Ts H R ET j~~~~~ald e~lltil colnlnln fier fRgmns h Ilbbtao of Manchester, and the sur: ,*vnll7 bi~), jn; b s to' inlorm his Fritudsthat he Is 01`iN l'D a SH1P, i1, ir? STREOV, where hie pornce, eil urellittillgill atteotion to m~er'it it contiounoca of tilt-if favoul'.' lie litg, also touaqualint his csaor 3il eela stocke(I Vithl the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X~to pbict J5 Thie day Isepuob~s *price Os. T HE PLEASU-ES_ 5/1SE.LIGkON, and- other TpoEMiS. ,By h 1v.1/TOWELL. ..M. Luon-Messra C. J. G.blid F. Rivlngtoti, and Hktclsard Liverpool: A, Watmsley., T. Rai'e, W.; Grapel, vil,jgan~d Woodl, and D. Macpes FAMILjfY LIBRA~RY. TIbis day is published, with VieIPortraits, and a Alap, of tbe C rsofthe Nigs, BVIs. Ss. eaeh. NARRATIVE Off tI5, ADVENTURES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To sail aboutt the Middl efdpril, FOR NEW YORK. The splendid American Ship GREAT BRITAIN, A L Capt. WILLIAS THoNso:; 1 Burthen 720 tons, coppered, sails remarkably fiast, and is in all respects one of this lsest ships ev'er built In the United States. Cabin passen~gers will find her acbommedstlons of a very superior description, having a lowef' and nppsr Cabin, both very ?? fitted up, and efng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APppRF:N'!; iCE to a CllEMIST Iln s; e a'III be treAVI hi asIOne ci X\ie IT 1, j 1i(T --Apply 'to lessrS. OD_~TWO DWVELLING HOUSES, O lE so It,,~ Oxiod Road Toll IBr. The nbove ,,t*~'~ e lleiiri~d ii d in tie best style, con. 1 Dc~ite ,urospect.-Appl to Mr. JOSEHI T11,; PUBLIC DINNER TlEjDjPIT0TION who hIave SUCCESS- ° wVOSED THE CHORLTON RONV 1flLILwtL Sl~d pI'ocured ail' Extension of tle II ...