... to Glagnow, Friday, 4a . h tean The Spring Circuit Court of Juslielary wis opened here r this morning, by the Hon. Lards Gillies and Mer wyn ; John that eSha Stew art,Esq. Advocate-Depute. Afterpralerbythe Rev. Dr Dewar, -the list of Assize was read over. On the B name of Sir Wallace of Kelly being called, th i gentleman A rose and stated, that this was the third time lie had be-n cited Ale as ...


... lRISM LA W4 IVTELLI&E2NGtE *df t T Il1 %.J - -- - '.bsjusi UP KING'S llEX(, l'rii.tt1DAV. AlRCH1TI-CI S TlIt Vf:LTNG EXlMiS£F5, E.LN 0o N'FtLt. a. SAXUET. ?? Mr. BiNo err ft .C., apdd lied to the court in ?? of thiZ idow of the diefenidant, tlo show cause whby the con li'ionrl order granted in this case, 31st lest J nu;-ry and renewed on the Cd May, should not he made absolute. ;ibis csse ...


... .MR, tLAVENDE1kR'S CHARGES., To the Fd~Ro of /,fil'leiflC1W5sll Tinaoe. i - br li re Sia,-A letter that sstaj tbriwurded to' the' bsog vree anid c~~~~~~~~~Ifrfi nnstifilel a Ide*) corssttile.j of anchlester by Yott fur ta tescib taj iorinatt it of l Ith levpflouet a otIt cjitAi letter .c 4 Jail' I FL caert ial ir ttiol Ile tcltv'iitn 1aventler, the qubltsii.'le of wh1'1icoacaSlly IlIp ...


... COURT OF KING'S RENCH-1rsDNsSDAY. I ?? V. BRAINE.-Thim was an indictment against the de- fendant for not serving the office of petty con~stable ofthe parish of St. Martin-le Grand, and on trial at Guildhall he was found guilty. Mr. PRENDERGAST had obtained a rule Nisi in the course of last week to arrest the j udgment, on the ground that the in- dictment only alleged generally that the ...


... COURT OF COMMOIN PLEAS,-TnOURSDAY. [Nis'l Prlus Sittlugs at London, before Mr. JusticeBosANQaUT and a 0oninuin Jury ] GLASGOOY V. Dixot.-TI'ie action in this case was of trover, to recover a tsmn of ,5001, iud(r extraordinary cIrcuimstantces. Mr &,rjcant WILDE (with whom was Mr. FoLLrrTT) stated the Caite for tile plainliff, who is a respectable officer in the army, and i hald beent a ltegatee ...


... THE IRISHMAN AND HIS DONKEY. John Sullivan, a lahnurer at a druggist's warehouse ill the Borough, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having gallopped furiously through the streets on a donikey. The defendant is in the habit of wuorkiug ia what is called the Scotch, or more properly the brinihstolle loft; and, as his hands are generally full of business, be has seldom time to ?? ...


... 1Fronts the In vern ess Courier.) L MACXITssOSH V5CTSS5S CAMERONS. Ottllonday last, atthe conclusion of the ordinary business, 2 the Court proceeded to the trial of the case, Lachian Mack. intosh, E'q. of R.aignmors, with the concuirrence of the Lord Advocate, against George Cameron, Esq. solicitor in the. town of. Inverness. Cottissel for the Frosectutor-3olttn Cuninghttme, Esq. David Milne, ...


... COURT OF CHIAMIBRY-SATVRDJY, MlAY 12. At the conclusion of the business of the Court, Lord Brougham stated that he would givejudgment in several cases after he had quitted the Great Seal. I trust (said he) after examining all the oases, I trust none have escaped mhe which I shall not be able to dispose of within a very few days. And I do hope that I shall not leave to those who succeed me ...


... I COURT OF CHANCERY-LONDON, SATURDAY. t -O,E -fT CTT- A (FlROM THIE SUN.) At the conclusion of the business of the Court, his Lord- ship stated that he would give judgment in several cases af- ter he had quitted the Great Seal. I trust, said he, after exiilmining all the cases, I trust none have escaped me whic h I shall notbe ableto dispose of within avery few days. And I do hope that I shall ...


... TI BAISTOL POLICE BILL., AFrTR1 the decided marks of disapprobation manifested by our fellow-citizens at the time the question of a New Police was first agitated, the igeneral expression of hostility to it manifested in the resolutions of the parish meetings, and the still more receit display or feeling at the late public meeting of rate payers, we own we felt surprised that any consideration ...


... VICIAZIN.A 111705At IfON, jW KING0 AT Tils Ptt0Sp.Cijt)N Olt ALIIUI1PAA JDAULtV Wi. LVXX WiLL ~Aiil TWO 0Th555n. Aft- HOLMES apperd tedfandiiits, and applied to h POU14 to~slowtj- case, to stand over, Th'ey had filed affda~vitsI to sbow .Osusea.-Ird ?? ooly'baad received noti6ce from the PI-oitSa~to roinef,t iocourt ?? diy gild a6* ?? ~for ta t9 (p-6in6iffs) shotIi. apply to haviie the ...

Law Intelligence

... WIM B COURT OF KING'S BENCH. for 3 c-rmV. TcontEN-T'ris was ali action Olt a po I;Cy of irrsurrare SubscSr ibedi by the defendant f,,rI 2£1,000. 'Te plaintiff a ca, al carrier, isnsared the Tu gloos to he carrited i;l thirtv specified boats, on Ric the canal between Lononin and Wolverhampton. Ali Birmirzgham end. 'Manchtester, from tie 10th of the April, 1828, till tile 10tir of April, 1829, ...