Advertisements & Notices

... @,3ublic In~men0.mnt THEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. on HE Public is respectfully informed, that the Theatre 1 will open for the Season, on MONDAY next, the I tth instant, and that Air. WALLACE, of the Theatre Royal. Drory-lane, who le engaged for TEN NIGHTS, previous to hisdeparture for America, and Mr. JAMES VINING, and Miss HUDDART, of the same Theatre, who are engaged for the ?? pact of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \the ToilJ,i qf SM;AALL-STREET, Bt-isis. ,o BISOL]) BY AUCTI.ON, By Mr. PARG US, , .(M'i1(1,ACAL R10OOMiS, Corn-street, B~rko, o Y E1)A l ext, the S-d dayont Jly, at Oneo'elock precisely, ?? nb'/S djeao'ble and well, si~tuteid FREE HOLD PROEPERTY. - ~,IA thost' extensive andi Valuaoblc PREMISE S, I 1 ale Sinall-Strct Court, situate near tile top) of' 11 S'ITY1 '~~for Offices, wih alarge, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ias To be LET or SOLD, hls 'With immediate possession, if required, re IFIE PREMISES situate in Cavendish Street, IheL Derby, with a STEAMNI ENGINE of 10-horse power, eat Boilers, good Sheds, &c. &c. suitable for the manufacturing he of Colours. :e9 AlSO, TO BE DISPOSED or, in A PLAISTER BUSINESS in full employment, with the ih, StonesGearing, Bags, &c. &c. he To treat for the same apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II O1D'S ST ATE ME rN. SIIc~tnicnt insertedi as an Adver- ' 1'4,iP , S4100ined, 'John k eto remark, in t'te first plirce. that I S t theLetter gricl o have been nd. p ij frfend Mr ~ dtd' trdv Even..n thy di-k',i~rnd 'M. Milton,' till I read it fIr its 1sl therefure ltive nt' opportuni ty ,,P h cirn mtance of rny friend. Mr *, re-; ~ sodeniy to go to Engl and, with. orhnlfrom him, 'after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHANS.OEANOUSEI MNay 15th, 18W2. 7fH1E iNlANS1ONl-OUgE COMMIITEI' beg k-ave to 11 ndrowledfe lvling receivd tbe fullwing Donations in aid of their objects; and tbey take this opportun ty of agaio appeal- ing to the wealthy Cltizeons, and evpty hababitant able to ointri- bute, who values his .own safety or that of his fellow-reatur.-a to COIDC forwvard withot further delay on 5- urgpnt and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... We-,7 Mar3et-P1lan, James's-Street. T Ir StTPISCRIBER -conceiving that a iA RKET_ PLACE would be an accommodation in this popu- IOUs part of the Town, is at present Building one at No. So JAIVIES'S-STRET, formerly occupied by bim in the - fMBEr. and DEAL TRADE. TA part of the Market will be ready on1 FRIDAY, the 29th inst. intended for thc Sale of LEsHD FISH, MEAL,. 3ATOES, VEGE- ABLESv FRUIT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. BUCKINGHAM Earnestly invites the general attention of THlE RELIGIOUS WORLD 'To the LECTURE -to'be delivered on M-ONDA Y AND TUE'SDA Y EYENINGWS NEXT ON THE 3IDO0-L AT-XIE3S OET'HTE EA ST. And t'bc obstacles presented by' THE EA ST INDI1A COM JUPANY ,TO THE- SUCCESS OF Christian IissiOnS in Asia, The Lecture'to be delivered. THIS EVENING at EIGHT, and TO-MORROW. at Half-past TWO, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST OPENED. PANORAMA, LETCESTER-SQUAI1E.-In the large Circle, a splen- - did Viewv of MILAN, comprising ever object of interest in the City- the superb Cathedral alone occupying ,000o feet of canvass-the Royal Palace, Piozzo del Duomo, and other Buildings, being also on a scale of equal magni- tude; and an extensive view over the Plains of Lombardy and Pledmont to the Alps and Appenines.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIANTS GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS. 1VOTICEis hereby. ?? the .LTGNERAL QUARTERI SEkSSjONS of the ?? lis PEACE for thle County of Snuthanmpton, will ?? holden ,`at the Cistle of Winchester, ose Tueselceithe u ,c 3rd day of JuIVj, 1832, at halj past twevev o'cloch, 'at lag hi In- which timne the Court will be opened, and immediately Paper .S. adjurnead to the Grand Jury Chamber, in the city- of ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES ]W AUCTION : JVBI i-,1, loll, SUMon L'u OI ,1Nlt~ ~ tt JfjRoLiI'lEola il unor to announce jl to te Oiaritty Wdi l'blkic 0f*tlcgh fulicV or orksill A ei(h O ILiolC milco c ioll t valiisble tORIGI~NAL OIlL 1`AUNTIN1' - 1' ' l,,ck ii lit teForenoklil. ars. slt ti ticevel:n et loll Mart, Conk, ltt. Cus, ocnieuea Atile at ll.U,~t~ A I t Jllkkill C omme, lit AL oVNT I INT11fl11' V Dozen of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jriE4ATR`E'R IoTAt ?? but tWvO of Mrs. WO(OD. and Mr. WO , 1 hich Ocasioni will ulsdo ?? the ce4abfuted~rish MR. POWER. iIS PRESENT r'JIUaSDAY, June j, tbeit, rjeatiea' sorraats will perform tue fa.vouritg Opeta of - eT1E L&AVE., of Sturintaril, Mr. Shuter i eolonel Lindenberg, Mr. Csptain Alalcolm; Mr, Woontiin wvicb 'charapter be, will ' atire H'ghland hoqm, 'the Sold ier' Ter, ' The S l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T --WA1, t Nigit of the`.New upoa ik.ii-pbert the Dleyil which ter ibiS Eveninjg, e laid fsude to rake ro fur other ,veltes iernaie ot the relebs r3oalio ftl~ W' o aad Mr. WOd9D, of tbe T rleae . d e11ageie fir a few cigkts 'on YX WH1S PRESEN .psNTIA lgne 1:, their M~stes' Servants will M ,3 frr1 (last time), a new Grand Istntia Opera, In 'Fyee ,cle 1101Erwr THE 1DE% L, or the MYSTIC R BRANCH, ...