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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, FOR T11E R1ENfAINDER OF THE LEASP, TMHE Farm of BANKS, in the Parish of Cairney, consist- 0in, of 127 acies, of which upwairds of 100 are arable, auid under the highest state oFicultivation. It is neirly all enclosed, vell sheltered and Wl'teretl, and has a fine south c-posure. The Parml is situiated betu'eeu RIuontly amnd Eieth, about a mile off the Turlipike Road, with an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AOR1DEEN -FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY COImPANY; *For 7NSJRANrCE a~oainst FIRE, and 7ipon LIVES; . J1WASE and S,4LE. of SANNXUITIES; a, ENDO WMENTS tl CHILDREN, §c. .. r( -, AD fOFFICE, .No. 89, UNION STREET, ABERDEEN. Y Ci-- ail, £750,00.h -The Right Yon. LORD FORBES, GOVEiDrOn. L ALEXANDER WE11STEIu, Esq. Ciairman. di ?? ~~01 T IE Direetolssb'eo to intimate that the Premiums for Fire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP, FASHIONABLE, AND VERY DURABLE .I100TS-'-iI'TD SuE OS, MANWFACTURi)D BY. P PATRICK POQARTY AND.._C. O. AT THEIR ESTABLIiSHMENT, 10, ST. CATHIERtINiE S WINfD, UNION STIIEETA ABEI)EEN. lHE Subscribers,7grateful for the extensive patrona' gve whiclh L they have hither-to received ;from all classes of the comrmu- or nity, respectfullv intimate, that they contimue to pay great at- tention to. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTOHN SUT1HERLAND, Bookseller and Stationer, Aberdeen, Jrespectfnlly informs his Friends and numerolls Customers, ththe has lately, enlargcd his Premises, No. 153, Gallowv- the addition of the Shop, No. 151, and has now Oil hand a much Larger and Better Assortment of BOOKS, *both Nen' iand Second-hnnd, than 'at any furmler period, Which ,will be sold at very modosate pr-ices. Amiong his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB f1.llETS in hie PUSLiC Rooms, on Thursday the 21st day .M ?? Cf 1. Blisiniess aid Ballot at lalf-past 4. Dinner exactly at t 'Clocl Otis June, 1d32. TO ME LENT, onH witable or Personal Security. As-it belongs to I A_ t)500 a Trif t 13state, it may remain with the Borrower App~ly do Jchn S nith? Jun. Advocate, 14, Adelphi. t TURI *PIS ROAD. DIVID5NDS. t-NE tlES1T of Subscriptious on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RMIWEPPE'S SODA *AVVER AND LENteONADIL ~jESSRS. SCHWEPPFJ & Co. Purveyors to their Majesties 3/ and all tile Royal Family, beg to informn tile Nobility, Up, Gentry, and Public in general, that they are the Original In. ti ventors anti Manufactaurer of SODA, SELTZER, SEIDLITZ, h, MAGNESIA, and all the AERATED WATERS, Artificialland A iMineral; also, their CARBONIZED LEMONADE, which isA found to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : EOO0 s AND STATIONERY. TOHN SUTH RLAND, Bookseller and Stationer; Aberdeen, eJ 'respeetfullyinforms his Friends and nhMeroulseCitstonmers, that he ho s lately enlarged his Pretuises, No. 103, Gallow- gate,: by the iiddtion ot the Shopm No. 151, aned ?? now on hand, a - nwIe- Larger anti Batter Assortment of BOOKS, both Ne-n acid Second-hand, than at afy former period, which wll be sold at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADJOURNEWDIZEiTING OF COMMUTATION Pmb ROAD~ TRUSTEES, TH OQf 1/se Ninth or' Tottn of Yfberdeen Disli ict. T, V HE Undersigned having resignedl the situation of CLrRICS COl nrrrilil COILcr'~OR~S of this Dstrict-the Trustees, at their F Aunnual General Meeting, held upon the 95t1h current, adjourneld CO: eto Thur1Sday thle 5th lrssly next, at three o'clocklafternoonl, With- A in tire Court ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s I~rIss DAVIE respectfully intimates, that she has just re- M ' Iccived NE W MUSIC gron L0NnOj amongst lvlich are the followintg:- .rsongs-l'hbe Brldal-TheCChild of tlhe 1'est Looking-Glass ?? of the Mountain-When the bright M3oon!-The Flover which bloomi-Lassie, roam Ai' ?? sel_.. Maiden of Seville'-The Remembrance-Gucss the ?? gemt that decks, &c &e. . pieces--- Qual Ardir-The Dablia-Le ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF HOUSEHOLD PURNITU'RE. Upon Tlcsiday the 26th Jude current, there wrilf ho sold, by auc- tion, ias that Housc, No. 17., Constitution Street, MH EN wyhole HOUsEHUOLD.FU RNITURE themein, cousist. .]h ing of Mnhogn Dinn and Drawivntboyn Ch-1h6i it set of Dinlig Tibles, e 'at).Cat d, tnc 'Oile ttj t 'a ?? Sideboard J a AoMeeti toietidii j. d thitfihy ?? ry o ;ihest ofdla ix 'IA cait pets' ...