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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... POI.1I , -.' . E IS ItHEREBY GIVEN, in terms of the s e tc , (ithrt tlie ELECTIONS of ONF GE_ ; d ' O 'lRESIDENT COMMIISSION_ 'p(lACl'E, foer the period commencing the first I j iliit. for each of the Thirty-two Wards the Pi'he Bounds as Eztenaded, have been di- '; ramenlce ort MON DAY the 25th day of June ,fr; 't jell o'clduck forenoon, at the places after-mention- a Z ihite Ilrt Inn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Id -, - s, SOCIETY OF ARTS FOR SCOTLAND. to rs PRIZES FOR SESSION 1632-9S. ut_ dl miHE SOCIETY for the ENCOURAGEMENT e. T oF the USEFUL Allrs IN SCOTI.A ND, olfer a the foilowing PRIZES forthe Session 183e-S3:- - 1. For the most important Discoverv in 5Mechanics-Th'L rst Keith Gold Medal, value Twenty-fie Ssveregns. n 2. Forthe best set nF Experimnents on any branch of is. Practical Mechanics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S.7It IN. I lIOUS KNOWLEDGE N I IF: I'OOR. B1 s rlrr 17 I3f;.e *x*s, ;L SlE'IMON it aid of the Funds ii ,,'cbc preached bcy the RcIv. THOI_ res i1 I4 1l I I '.,1- | . .CsE (i.NotCiiy's CscAr'EL, il ST Z~lrU°RiLIX (!TSA X I;AI'[[ EVENING3,tlhe3d CCj ,;i he tnate imnnerliately aft r the Ser- : jicv 6mlo the stlate of their funds, itave rec ld twn. SS. cf thetr Schools to many ui qli Th, tctizics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HrIGIILAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. NERAL MEETING of this SOCIETY, e 'ierrnm of the Charter, will be held in the Society's il plan e, on IlMONAy the 2.1 day of JULy next, 11,11, :. ckaftcrnoon, .en it is requested Members will ,Icr' 1ur rcciyelv at the hour, as, besides the ordinary busi. $ tnhee jill be a 13AX.Li;T for the admission of NE. rtidi, ij prescribed hy the Charter, that no Ballot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ebl nturgt. AIRS OMlANT HILL. (1[.ae Mi1ss Grace Oman) 0 aance9 to her Friends and the Public, that TI.EUl BENEFIT 0NSDAY next, the 1 ith of June 1682, e tir hen illbeperformed a SHE ST(OOPS TO CONQUER. A uOL:AS FOR AN OLIVER, .*r E~ tliomtltr combinine the whole strength of t b n vhich occasion Mrs OatAas HI-LL sill rerp't ApiParince in Edinburgh this season. t her , ndl'rrs. to he hod of Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II O1D'S ST ATE ME rN. SIIc~tnicnt insertedi as an Adver- ' 1'4,iP , S4100ined, 'John k eto remark, in t'te first plirce. that I S t theLetter gricl o have been nd. p ij frfend Mr ~ dtd' trdv Even..n thy di-k',i~rnd 'M. Milton,' till I read it fIr its 1sl therefure ltive nt' opportuni ty ,,P h cirn mtance of rny friend. Mr *, re-; ~ sodeniy to go to Engl and, with. orhnlfrom him, 'after ...

has the pleasurc of

... infirming the Public, that their dlisiinauithed fiaenurite, M ISS JARIMAN, r journey to fu!fil her numerous Summer En_- il l England, most kindly and generously offered her elutable assistance (FOt 11i1REE NIGHTS, car This Evening, TO-rO1trOx, and Saturday, 'Vill aPP l her oast Appearance in this City this In additin to which atraingement, erred his Enpagement for Three Nights more, 5115re5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i R.,' ; AND ;iRS YATES. ill- 1 , 0 r1 illS sEASON. ') V' ' fI f ^-; X t l1DAY, june :0. 18:3:, T:.. *n'ettl '.irlr~1 thL' New' Driun:;i ot rt ? mI Mr VATiS. Ruie. la v m'; YATES. \ 04rT1,;;r, Tinill a 11ci loniantican * j, the Tirt, Ti; c , iapdt.d from -Ier .s:~ ' ail f lOBEI1T TilE DEVIL. R 1T 'tli,, Dre~s's. Bnmiers, Properties, ndai Appeiinieflts o he @ flcett' S a'ntd 3lisn E. RkrttP, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iE INDEPI,'NDI-Nr ELECTORS Ov . EllIN13URGiH. 1arliame1tt :ill likely soon be Dissolved, and for Rtepresentation of the City will no m;tflCC. I think it proper to caution the voters plTigde t~ielealves tiill it is known who are to COJie ,snrd A CITIZEN. fIKjSPECeTABLE MANA~, 34 yeairs of age, who so , i, , I r ? tociderlb¶ esperittce, is l'Ous to obtain l-Ui \flte ss an A 1' ENDANT to an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I v;ll SoCIETY OF SCOTLAND. --'~n~F , XL i., iTING of this SOCIETY, ',.insof Itlw ( itrter, wil be held in tle Societys, ';s I lre, on 7i1,ntNDYS the 23 daVy of JULY- next, I .ci 1f-nlnoirll. bsell it is vequiesttd Mlembers w:li; p(ii i atl, t-lutr, as, Ltesidesthe ordinary lasi- ,ill ie a Vi iA1. T Inr the adnlijion oF NFw tll i. is elltscr l ty tile Charter, that no Blallot P ;.n CitCi . U ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF INHfABIT.ANTS. Edinburgh, 2Sd June 183-2. Apt that Vol, xill call a MTEET- . eh lt~eq TA NTSof fE)INIlU i'f; fl 1 lea a d Inb if' order thAt a I0 al nthe prepanred, expreSitlvie of f ' Il cia' in the MetrOPigll flee], at -,j I~uti onl thase Inrat o H's M.oas -n u gt kf rthe f111I fetsf loryalty and lj'i' hrth '9tTr hour rand our dutT to aovwsr,th Severeigo of theae realms. c ,ae th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T IIISDAY, Junc7. IM-32, ' iii be revived, _,;lF'N!)El OF CALAIS. lir -t.t by Mr PR ITC HlAItD. ,-X 'tll I.-st l'wrreby Mr I'EItNAN. e, C n 0r M r XV lE K IES, .,tr w3e wiii introdoce the populnr hallads of jyosMe 104-vt Cathleen- Be a good .,tz' l,'e` it V,, irself..-and the popular air of it l j Ai(.oirebv r GARDNER. ,Iltil bvii' MASON. Iit Mis% NEWTON. I, fjr tie First rime this ...