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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Slea'e of tite PUBLIC KITCHEN, ?? emndin s SOis .Jtsne, 10332. SOUP ACCOUNT. E.ipendod for Bseclser M eatt, Barley .Ve:e;Weei, anid 3. - £17 13 0 - S ~tet - 10 4/ B~eadi ?? .. 10 3 4Y2 . I'cideifvls, FS c. - - - , 0 18 0 Ser%;auts¶ W age e j - - - i 12 0 6'ceiv o fo r S osp url D re sad S old, viz. 4081 -Ci'opirs Soup, t ld. - C earn ::r.o lls Bi ead, I Lois to ?? WsrftituLioa, . - £14 0 4* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTORS OF G ENERAL ARBUTHlNOTT, in r'equestill your suffrages 0 W at the next Election, has addressed you in thc followvinig words:- It is not necessasy for me to enter into any explanation of my poli. t tical sentiments, which are so wvell known; btt, sehatecr 7111telar theen Ic ?? to thoe cotraree, I cane assure e it that I haes sovcr teaer oipcsedil to tlhe oeiteseion of th7 Elc/ttive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TSE PROSPEC'i?197S ELECTORS -OR TEE COUNTY OF ABERDZEE. Seoes seani Bruce ens of/era led! V t, aobcrt Bruce! tice true. Conservative at Bareochhurni-the A Tory Patriot; but wohat is Sir Michael?-Who will inform usl Is ?? Michael Bruce an utter streeger to you and to your county? Are not hissentiments, on almost every question affecting the general and local Interests of the empire, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THlE ELoE:C:TORS OF' XEOUNTY Oa !UINCARDINE. ?? - E?;Tl.EBIEN , g AVING cousiidered it my duty to ?? here during the discussion of some important qpuestions nowt before Panin- I m~nt, I did inot intenl to ?? addresesel yon in this llillner, Ultil I thelsrefolm Bill for Scotlanl hald- been passed;. bht, havinz,11t u 1 no' been informed that Mlir Bult xRaI;T of Leys has commenceod I a einvess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO T'HE ELECTORS O1 TllE COUNTY OF AMER. DEEN FOR THE ENSUING PARLIAMIENT. GENTLEMEN, HAD not intended to present myseltf to your notice until the Bill for the Reform of the Representation of the people of Scotland had received the Roval Assent, and had become the law nf the land. The Address of Sir MICHAEL BUucE, which I have this day seen in the Abersdceen Jotrnal, compels * e to delay no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YZAS~IR'S MAG41AZINEZ 270 JULY. Prire 2s. Ott. CONTvEoTTS :-Cana~da: Bl I ?? ook of Jashiur, front the ]Etbiopis _MTliomson's Liii of Mdel sig ; Allan Cnuritn~nhatm's Pd:lid o lvr;lo ?? Manllers of the(, British Pat I fly Coloneol Iliclznvr. L ttev SC, 11I. froml Paisley ; Latter 1IV. from GIitw; lrry of, Li- of teriiry Characters. No. XNXVI. A fulil-le-ithtt Portrait -f Pr 1 ha LarnlnIzer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. MRB.E ACADr;:iyt, in CoODimrCCE STRimrET, at present tauight .TL v Mr'. WILLIAMSON, wras visited on Thursday the L1stinSit. bv the MAfitister of the Parish mid other Clergymsten A' cozpiscted with the Establilsuienit. The Pupils were inuinitely Oxtemitned, glass hvi- class, according to their progresS in the v'ari- ouls branchles tauight, vix.-ICEADIE te S1rXTt.I.Ie , W~rlIT5NSI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REPORT Or THEIl AMEI-DEENI)EAF AND DUMB INSTRITU3TION, EL] JULY, 1832. THE11 Directors of the DEAkF and DUMB INSTITUTION k~ JL avelitle o rpor ?? undier their charge -0li duri ingteltyar tile. Thre arc niow 12 Pupils in the Institution, 10 as Boairder's, no0w and 2 as Day Scholars. Two Girls have been maintaitwd, 01e 'it cii wholly, and,~ the other to the extent of one-half of hler hoard, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * .A'FZVXIUNS )For. AG UiVTJ4TUATl STOVE.. t 37~HE BANFFSHIIRErFA-RMEAiR-CLUiB, desirouis of pro. ha A:moting the imptovernent of ?? of-BLACK CATTIL.E -and DRAUGHT HORSES, in. the, Coisntyxh' ve~resolved to, otffor not t4he folloivin,, PREMIUMS,.-to be -a-vardd Competition, to ox *it~ebeda at ?? of CORNCAIheI'; inla de ?? hill, upon.-Tuesday' the 7th day OF August at ii11 o'eloek 7 .forenoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y' AI.LAUIInaackttnsc; tile 21st day of July, 1832. At a Xtecing at of Farlmers in Kincardirieshirej held within the Mailon Lodge there, in conisequienee of an advei-tisement signed by Mr Ro- of bbert Hector and others, alid plibilihed by 11tind-bills, and by being ihiseited in tihe Aberdeene Aotrenal and foittifse Re: ( Mr. DAVID MILNE at Carnhegg, ivas ?? elected Chairman; and Mr GL4O51GE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -A T a PUOLIC MEETING oc Ilte INHABITANTS of CrIEPF, ca'l acilby tile Eeborm Coimri.t.e held in thc S:ce son Chuich this V Evei ?? . ' Mr M 1ILVrtIDE in the COhr:, 17 Tbe-io!lowieg Resolutiois were movdl amid unanimously adoptcd:- R. Tbat this Mleetuing are of op;iio;s, that 1isose on whom the leforin li11 co Ievs 1the ri-fit of votin- for a Member to serve in Parliament, have received il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To70 lthc EiDIh 'to qf Ilac AwiwtDF'N JoIttlN L. A lr Erwrol, :IA Mai il 1 a gr' sofelillues T0te54.'5. Though a hidcmmis, it is El Comimon e cinough symliptomi of Inietal ltte; ted cotOldlPwI have got A peep ii 1t the writer of thl letter, so bvritsr;t o1 No hig, ill your Piaper or Oie i. t lli, vye shoulld 1a'e firouni that at (lie time lt ihe %vs prutertding to be mllised,' with Mr iiu ...