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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 3XoS AND MAGISTRtATES LOIWTH CITY OF EDINBUR*I. -aRTFF OF THE COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. L1f)t-D PROVOST, MAGIS. -pRATETSW, and SHERIFF, bavingaseertaied genertal WI$b of the Inhabitants of Edin- ' c;initv that there shouldW be *s - tNOTLLU3I1NATION * - eI ENCDlOgOf Fnid~next, the lOfina these- tkl recutame that n0 pesesOt5 will- ia ;'~iegr.;n, soc asto interfere witb the Iier ar- ,' br- ,, rthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ~~~~TO TUE ELECTORS OF TltE CITY OF EDINBURGH. ABERCROM*1R Y WILL BE II._kpPY TO HAVE THE HONOUR OF FiFTiENG WUITH THE E L E C T O R S OF b; t .ig g(-IfI; THECANONGATECHURCH, 3 Vl\>lt i(pAy THE 6riz AUGUST, AT TWO t :1(0(h AFTERNOON. t lil liii FORBES HUNTER BLAIR'S at COM3 ITTEE. ti __ ~~~~~~~~ge R? BLAIR'S COMFMITTEE MAeet ),paiiv to give Adsice to the Electors, in regard a] !e eii tmcnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i - -,YAL CALtDONIAN AND FIFE R'UNT, (Over the Cou;rs at Cupar.) , DAY, a GOLD CUP, Value lbo ( Seeigns by Subscription of 10-Sbvereigg ,,,Tr rotor oldg , 7 strnte; Votur, 8 stone; Five, nu ¶'D,;. 'Six and aged 8stonelO lb.; ?Mares , ajTt, d lrwdinb. Two miles. The declared W1.. T'- 9 c a ld Cuip or King's Hundrcd in the year 18a3 ins ru . llo.-'of two or ntore-, 5 lb. e~stra. Ii ,, rT 's 1l; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iiii nrl-ttlI INSTITUTION 1,[}(;UA-\5l~. MJATHEMAiTICS,. 6.ill I.~ DiAWI~(,X &I.*. -s RE R. CUNNINGHAM, A.M. I 1!; Rt Head MNster of George Watson's Hos- to i 'ein ith able Teacliers in the different t4i > ylaiosrs to open the above Institution on er ar;t jotendeul for those Young Gentle- f&c rn tiaull to eiiplovtments for the styceess- neig f lj-c a critial knowledge of Greek ,,t 1nins} ~ah ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItWRAIIA, &e. LOTHINAN ROAD. Now Omvr, very SPLENDID PICTURE called jzVUlNS IN A FOG. This mnatchless per. , isplays the most Ie-autful ehanges from Mlist to md, in the extraordirary illusiun of tile scene, if not PUperir, to any of its predecessors.- '. ,MORA.1A has three new and interesting Pic- 'din- the interior of Westminster Abbev! du- , co(ronlation of their present Majesties. ,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 48AEk[B flOI GEORGE SI;Sm?.;..-. ;,. ii{S£1JIm.E if ste appMlae cornn r' OiIib o performances at the :hove pne at Two io'cllk- T doors tac heurof.Pfor ,iogtv s- Se . .,&iw 9di, of Aurs*.pnd toi Ioe enit atll LOer Pas- IKrJunhiiig theokr;arrd, a M.ORNgN'GPEUlR. n-zstE , ETis flay aad riday.'''. ,;,. '&'iJezibsgt' Ainset'BnihtS will coisc utls' NW ' ' To eonclude iritis thb 'vonidful Da-eis-F . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DSnrISS. At Nvwbattlc Abbey, onthe 13th instant, the _'l&Lc!oleOt ol ' f.rzttHT, ofa senl andheir. AL 37, ilelville Strech Mditholugh, oG tbe !35th inisint, Mer. Mtr1:;11x, etia so~n. At 31, Abercronlby Pller. on tlte l6tlt inst.-tnt, the Lady oS .tAleCtIit.tnt 1lr.1t Ur iE - CE tr.Cbv, Itq. of Middletoj., ci a nno and heir. - ALt Arden, on the l4thrintnant. -1frs flrtuevA ; nf ArMt'!. 01 a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i NIC17T BUT TJ~b, ADin NlNG PERFORMANCES. , ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. I ,:ITZ retrs his sinere thai*1 ,_,! have bonoin: Wis i teir , ull invites those Ladies and Gentle- . e not itheito witnessed his PERFORM-. ,t aail themselves of the present opportunity, ti the abose placeprevious to bis departare tsreF11b where voil be introduced Thi E I pr4tD.1z Sturu and enchi Evening ditrn h 3iff;la loiNlG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g~em TB*lP ED, INB}URGHI. fi~ +vbiril has 1,,' entirely re.-lecranted. S,3 Ni.t *f the lle-eneggement of 'AIL's ,a Night >BYFELD. . nt Evening THURSDAY, August 2. 18e2, e tPfrlnedt e Serious Drama, in Three Acts, IT; I- I called EUGENE ARAM. Euom' Aram by Mr DIDDEAR. Ihwrrd Houscflnan by Mr MURRAY. yadeline Lester hy ilies ALkSON. Ellinor Lester by M- FAUCIT. Avill be performed, a Domestic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Ey'ening, THlURSDAY. Auget 3t. 1832, i priahiced a nea Nautic d Drama, in three BUt aIs, Called O .;M UTI NY AT THE NORE.- L a=s a Seaman, bv Mr JOHN MASON. itichiard ParliCer by. Mr DIDDEAR. Mary 1'arker by 31iss MASON. Mloll; Brown by MEss NEWTON. I Afit d hi will be performed th favourite Operetta JOHN OF PARIS. visiit t oin of Paris by Mkr JOHIN MASON. tens pl.ilicii Potts an ltankeeper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIy PARTIC LAR DESIRE. .leO/lt/Roo mhOsn, George Street. SI(G;NOR BLITZ, 'the request of several Families of the -t espt. llity bns been induced to pro. r .vin Edinlolurg1 fir P j1: J t oNE WEEK LONGER. P to tIle wonderfil THALIMATURGICS a 1: l I ginorBlit7, he will inroeduce a Variety Pp . . A ' - *i4 arld the whole of thos e alread dis . * . ; most exteOsive muitelientu OU lIPS. ..-A 1ust, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVWING I NSTITUTI O N. , (-ORS hereby anaounce, that i l. a will RE-OPEN for Public Tui- i [ 4,; > . JAY the IST of OCTOBER. - i `,]--ntisfacticitt thatt tIe D'rectors are enei El *tion ill continue innder the EI :of ir PE .., as .Master, wiose , ',.,1 fr him the highest character from ',if Loadon. nnd of whose talents and ru ' Flthc esperient eof the past year lois mil '$ w5pirc~irrterqi to ...