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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... e VOLUNTARlY CEIURCH ASSOCIATION, al e INSTITUTED AT /DlNBVEONi THE WMfh SEPT7'EMIBER, 183. n HE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES of this ASSOCIA- a n Tl TION arc:- g That a compulsory support of Religions Iustitutions is incon. P it sistent with the nature of Religion, the spirit of the Gospel, the ex- e press appointments of Jesus Christ, and the civil rights of men: That, in every case where the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T - CLUB R EFT S i n the Purasc LlooCMs, olt MIsolitay the first day of tL Oetober neXt. , t} Bosiness at 4-Dinner at 6 o'clock.' -jABSE N AUXMLSA1UY 1ILE SI TY. 1lE Anua:ll Genil 3Meeting of the ABl.ERDIAEN AUXI- LIARY BIBLE SOCIETY ivill be held in thoe 'idnt House, Aberdeen, on Thursday the 11th. of October euSninljr, at 12 o'clock noon, vwhecn the Friends of the ItIstitution are invited to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOO;S, AND STATIONARtY. TOHN SUTITH1RLAND, BOOxSEL.ERi alnd STATIONER, Aber- j deen, respectfully informs his friends and numerous customers, that he has Jlatelv enlarged his Premises, No. 13, GALLOWGATE, by the addition of the Shop No. 151 ; auln has nowt on hand a mnuch, igarr anti hetter assortment of BOOKS, both Nenw and Second- hand, than at anv former period, which will be sold at v ery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION OF' IINTSE TO FAUDIEIS, FR PricC 15. (LI. This day is Pntdislsed. THlE SEC.O.D UDITION 01'. HINTS TO rAR1~rRS, altt ON TAKING LAND) IN scbTLA ND. e~ By JOHN SKCIRTING, tnor Land and Wood Valua1tor', Forres. a Tile Work contotins the folfowvitij Articles'. por I 1 t,. Oil tile amnount of Capital required. l 2il, Ott tile sitnation of the Fitri, ats to ClitiatO, S~i1, RttIO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Occupied by Roads, - I 1 :31 5B2 1 24 In addition to the LDtS above specified, fiom 30 to 40 Acres of . Moss xvill be attached to each Lot. Apply to the Yroprictor at Aden; Alexander Crombic) SEsq. of Pbesllo- or Shirrefs & Alrock, Advocates in Aberdeen, in whose hands the Plan and Title Deeds of the property may lse seen. Aberdeen, 24th Jan. Io32. - - jAMES CHRISTIElSAT 'EIa IN ABERDEEN, ...


... D SOCIETY, e FOR SWINE IN ABERDEEN ANVD KNCIARDINESHlIES, And for Cheese from Skimmed Mill:s in Aberdeenshire. s- SWINE. VT HE Society have aithorised ?? to .ivsil the fol. e ll lowving FPemiums for SWINE in Aberdeen and 1sncardine shires:- IFor the Best BOAR, not under twelve months, nor`'xcvediiig 4 years old, fonelide, the property, and in the possessioi o ally Propiictor or 'enant ilithe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of To Mie EDITOR of the ArIilDELNa JOURNAL. iii JRIi,- Ohl that mine mnemy would write a book l isean old expression, 59- S thle mooning of which is well undlerstond;,it sutits our presest purpose r- c:jually well, that a polit icai opsponent lae wr'itten a letter' in thle loot Journal, re riefer the Sigiatilre of 'a Donside Farmer.1 M 'I'llat a naial idhould be the greatest enciny of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... th TO TIHE FARME111RS OF ABERD7ENSHIRE. de AS one of yourselves, and deeply interested in the agricultural prosperity of this country; I take the liberty of calling upon you, to thinklwell before you decide on which of the present candidates for the representa- le! ltion of this county you are to bestow your votes. Muah has been said cU land written on both sides, and it is after a careful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Unlder the distii'guislied PItronage of ' bi : 0|Sir .Mf IC IA AEL B R U CE, B art. Y Zt.11t. AND) MIRS. WIVILuSi;iS, a . (Late of the Tlivatre, on their way tso te *A1tropolis,) ,t F AVEt t e ihonor of amnnonpeni- to the Nobility, Gentry, and Jr P, ?? of Abttrdven ml its vicinitv, their in teitnsion ofgivitin a ?? D INST FII55.;TE'AL CONCErT, On Fridiiy rvening, 14th Septemtber; d and most ...