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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... T]rHA'R nROYAL, 3DNnAM3Ua1. Tj1i- rre-ent Evening, THURSDAY, October25. 1832, p,,i herforined, Mfhr Sheridan Knowles' ndmired Play gibe TI UN C H BA C K. Julia by Miss JARMAN. Helen by Miss WYNDHAA. si Thomas Cliffori by Mr PRITCHARD. Mlaster Walter by Mr TERNAN. Modius by Mir MURRAY. t ,,hich will be performed, the New IndIan Melo- Drama in Two Acts. entitled 'IrHE CHEROKEE CHIEF; OR, THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EQITESTRIAN STATUARY. *OPEN IN THE AREA AT TidE ',ATiJOXAL. 'MONUMENT, CALTON HILL, ^ N- I;XTIBTTION of EQUTESTRIAN STATiJES of ROBERT TllE BRUCE, ~ t E~N of SCO'liS, the DUKE of lMARL p ilt ()lJII, aud the DURE of WEL.LINGTON. fhc Statues are generally of Colossal ldimensions, ,1 h uasingle cknfstone. AST,-lR,,03-SIMON and BAULDY, SOUTER Y)llNNY, and the origijual Statue of TAM O'SHAN- TER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr -uhR Cl2IIGIF, FEOW OSF THil ROVAL JJ COt.t.EcE OF PIIVSIC.LNS, Edinburg , nnd one ~f t-. F V~iiianS to the T l Snfirmary, will commence cOttRsE of LECTURE~S on the PRINCIPLE S and PRACTICE of PHtYSiC, on Wedlnesday 7th No-i \ ..nlber, at 9 A.St.. in the ClassRoom, No-.4, High School - Yards. These Lcctures, which will exhibit a view of the o,,west improvements in Pathology and Therapeutics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ': NS OF TimE OLE RGY. :.~ ,iTY for.h BESEFITof the ; f the CLERGY of the CHURCH of N i il1 hold their STATED GENERAL N fixing the distribution for next year, on -a da of November next. A-i Olapilc:.i for aid to the Sons oir Daughters of l .rgyel; 1t be transtittedun er befre Wednesday 1 e *;ist d av ef Nnverdbcr, tn some nf tbe C.rrtotittee af ,%It-hrsement or Officc-Bearers, and must state ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDE;BURGll RACING MEETINGj. l. Mf'lITBERS are requested to MEET j E we~le Tavern. Royal Exchange, on Wed- Ihi current, :at To o'Clock Y.l., for | 1 ' * *kiitsg into onusiteration a Commrnrica- ; rdl Provost, ineloging Extiat froms the ' Boeard of OHealt as to abandoning the ' . B., Secretarv. xVlE.AL COURTS FOR ORTHERN COUNTIES. NOTICE. Hfi E SHERIFFS appointed for considering , relative to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ti)i3ETrS LECTURES. . 'ThuETT will Commence his LEC: -. i tbe ADELPHI THEATRE, i ; lk, ou Tuesday Evening, t iS9h curt. fid.-Pit Is. 61L-Gallery, -ls: ath lilf-past Six. Lecture to coummence to the Boxes to b e had at the Adlclphi Theatre s;, nitatid Tuesday, from ten to four. Ml U SIC. I-;lE , DEWAR respectfiuly intimate, }4 , tbey hare Resu'Med *vio INSTRUC- jvS { PIA&NO FORTE TUITAR, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIOiiA31A, Ske. LOTHIIAN ROAD, SPry SPLENDID PICTURE calleil , *- lrlNl ~ IN A FOG. This matchle-sper- i;tITII'' l~llS. t llm t ost Lo. y f i4 eoh - fic i:n 1ist ,, in the extraordinary ilhlsimn of the it; j if not 11iprtinr. to any of itspreileces- ; , ( t)..10RAMiAhas three new ani interret- t. rs. oiencblding, the interior of Westminster Ali- eiirieit the Coronatinn of their present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hi m TO THE .:LECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF BERWICK. . G'(111 in my last address to you as my ttstituents, I statedi my conviction that my j -. the ensuing election was no longer a matter of m 1t. I now feel it a 'duty to infiorin my numerous, andI, S I 'cv. ily inrireasioug friends, who have honoured tc t tnhih,.ir 'ipport as a Candidate for the Ripreteuta- fa t- oiZXnntv, that nfter a most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thuir present Evening, THURSDAY, Oetoher I. 1J5&32, rrill be perforined the Natinnel Dranie ofr.tte 111EA-RT' OF IMID LO'HIAN. ,?cm, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y . L CA LEDOINJAN HUNT I' M4EEIIS are requested to E3ET 0t t :-m's Hotel on Satturdayntext, the 13t t::e o'clocn, 'when lsins of-tTprc X }lf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SlIt WALTER SCOTT. ;. pI 'ILIC MEE'TING will bA held in the IA*SEEliBLY R(OOIS, GEORGE STREET, AFnRIDAY the 16th of OCTOBER next, at One 'Cleck afternoo, for thc ,urpose of consilering the pro- 4 rrof Erevtin- a MOVUMENTto the lemory of .;iJ ALTER k'COTT; which all who may approve of, Ire *JiDtoetl to concur in -the promotion of themea- e, are infited to atteud. N, B.-The Day of Meeting has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE , L2 iCTrs OF THE ROYAL BURGHIS INVERNESS, FORRES, NAIRN, AND FORTROSE. p ,mallIE Slaims for the Registration of Votes 1,ahig now been disposed of by the Sheriffs, I e 1; l., pjisrtuinity of cordially thilaning you for the ri Vttr r~zif~ianti extensive assurances of support wihich '1av' w:r. ,iveel in the course of my Canvass. i by our kindness and confidence, and by ,, n.aachment to ...