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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... JbgNt MATHttSOp¢, )JOOKS3LL]SR AND STATIONER, : :a, B.road Street. Aberdeen, RYSi3PEOTFULLY ennolti~e3 the arrival of the following New FISHER'S DRAWING-ROOMI SCRAP BOOK, a QUARTO ANN UAL for 1833, wdtil 36 fidne Engravings, and Poetical Illustra- tions by L. E. L. Price 21s. This is the cheapest and most splendid volume among the Family of Annuals. FRIFENDSHIP'S OFFERING, fo0S833. Psice 12s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G. M. FARM ONTHEESTATES Or RALLOGIE AND Di MAII O VDBELTIE. HiO T HE Form of NETHER MAINS of MIDBELTIE, in thle aI --Parish of Kincarilhin O'Neil, is to be Lot for 18) year's, with entry to the Housos and( Pasture Grass at Whititusiday next, 1833, PI' and to thle Arabie La.ndI at the separation of the ensuding crop froin of the grouud. Th'Ie Fasineconisists of aibouitseventy-one' acries of As; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELGIN DISTRICT Or nunGns.( 1,'R.T ?? Committees in Baliff and Mactdluh have I 1now% scon fthe, namtes of Colonel LEITHi HAT'S Comm~rittee for these unite'd Bisrgls,-the s'enownerd Eighty i-vvith the no less overwhelming- lists, milsid up fromn it, of Clhairment, Deputies, Sutb. Coaktnittoee, and Clerks. 'T le Riglt, Hotifursi-ale Holt Macke/urie's Committees and friends si's now inore titan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P in The followVing~ New Books have been received, for theI use of Pr( Subscribers to Per A. 11ROW VN & CO.' S PUB3LIC LIB3RARY, Pe] No. 71, LTNION STREET, AviREDEEN. Pat ArxNtDItt's (Captainl) Travels to tie Seat of War in the East, 11- thrciuah Rntesla, Illd cile CrImela, in 1829, 2 veilo. R r Annual liiograplity and Obituary, lii Vole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE iREMISES, NEARII ABERDEEN, T0 BE LET OR SOLD, ,Entry at June 1833. TH(HOSE neat ant1 evoniunodions PREMISES, (with the MILL;i 9_ DAM anti G(R('OUND aroundl,) sitmt;teil at BARKMILL, pie-. senttly iielipieii, part lv as a Dis.iller., by Ardeison '& Co., .int pertly fila Bleaching au't Dying, by Mi Cur' and others. Thr twno depautnuents trillie *i slioseel of in either bf the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is To the EDITOR Of the ABERDEEN JOURNAL.a MR. EDnTon, IN your last Journal, for the apparent purpose of humouring a politi- cal partizan, signing himself Fair Play, you published an extract from fi the ?? Observer,' in which it is stated that I interfered with, and altered the Resolutions proposed at a recent Mel reting of Electors of the County, as Kin- tore. I distinctly state that I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,rtst PubjJilshd, 'Clsel printed, iil 96 pagnidemy 12 mo, PRalE O0c SHILLING,) rsosn or SRt WALTER SCOTT, BART. With Cri ical Notices of his 1WZritings, ( Comnpiled froza authentic Sourc:es. C By DAVID VEDDER, S Author of OrcadfianSketches, &c. S £1 This Memoir containS mlany Anecdotes new1 to the Public, and tl ig altonether written in all ?? and eloquent tone of mind. Edn vu s tening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO T'E: ELCT5O:r. OP INCArD!N3IIU5. GENTLFO5EN, Tf r.estrationl of claims by the Sheriff of this Coulty is con- al Chided; andl th? result firle justifies the expectations express- ed ina ome des ?? tl.t hve bl atl- i ttedl, I find that of threse a moloity of upwalild of one hllndrel hla been enrolled hbr the Ateuts lof tlie Cooselivative party; exclusive tf beutral nrnd tlatlared Votes. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON wEST INDIA COLONIAL TRADE, &c. he true that indistrv and trade comnose the streath and richE If it be true that industry and trade compose the strensgth anti riches of a State; that our means and power have atilraced Wi ithand Ill tire ratio of oar trade; that our Navy bias arisen oett of these, and can only be manned by means of extensive conmnerce-such consisueratioes are aloaie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 16 THEt ELjZCTORS- O-P T COUNTY Or ABERDEEN. GENTI.E1UEH, Scotstown, 2d November, 1832. T Have much satisfaction, now that tile Registration of Voters is U completed, in being enabled to repeat my assurance, that the -probiises of support I have received, and call depend on, are such as leave-na-in no-doubt of attaining the high honor of representing yov in th e first Reformed Parliament. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIHE ELEECTORS OF THZ f;X(Z' OF ARDER1112:5N. GNTL.EMEN, (;lGandholia, fthi Octobvr, 1832. fISNCF I losl dida7 yself1h 7oi1' to address iou, t71C Reqistral A, tion of Votrs ilt tbis ctqj has hee17 ill so far completed, and it is note inty pleensilit duty lo retienl lo t sny sincere adll ?? , than/e1}z7; for the rcrq zeal aie aid ttinnol in iehich, so lit- mr,nr)7a8 andl so hiq~hly r ...