Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PREFERRED.-The Rev. J. Walker, A.M., to the rectory of Radldington; patron, Walter' Calverly TIrevelyan, Esq.-The Rev. Wlm. Quekett, A. .I., to the rectory of Goosebradoh, on the presentation of the King, by lapse.-'lhe Rev. Edward Feild, M.A., has been instituted by the Lord Bishop of Gloucester to the rectory of Blacknor English, in the diocese of Gloucester, vacant by the death of the Rlev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RIARDIED. At Beowdrip. Somcrsetshire, Francis Edwards Leach, Erq. to Harriet Goodwin, youngest daugihterof the late WV. Pag,, Esq. of the Civil Serviie, Bonmbav.-At Clare, Suffolk, Wtn. IHughieCs, l-q. of :outhampton huildinlgs, Iondon, to Emily, di~ut'hter of the late l~et.-_Gen. Elwes.-A ?? i Thorpe, Esq. of liolbeck Lodge, lincolashire, to Susanna MIaria, second daughter of .1ames Staniland ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sundy, he*6th BIRTrHS. on Sunday, the (th instant, at Eaton Hall, the Countess Grosvenor. of a eon. On Monday, the 7th Instant, In London, Mrs. Henry Rnosce. f oa son. On Wednesday last, at Bedf.ird Terrace, the lady of P. o. Carriegy, Esq of the Hlonourab:e E alt Iudia Company's Civil Service, of a son. 'On Monday, 1MARRIED, O ,the th instnt, at Prestwich, near Man- chester. Mr. Tholmas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... onl the 10tifin stanlt, at Walton; Cnmbqerlaha, by the Rev. f William Grahami, ef Artbucet, Captail i'B3l.tN Uno1asoeN, royal navy, tWeSADELL, ?? daughter of the late John if Johnson, Esq. of Walton Hotie. e At the parish chitech of Ilcles, on the 1ith iestant, by the R Rcv. P. S. -Dale, JoIs', AiNSLIE, Esq. of Mdxpofsle, to MAnY S Su sA NA, eldest idaughter of John Arthur IlOrrolpi,5q,eof .1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursdaj, the 10th inst., at Bispham, the lady of I the Rev. Cheeles Hesketh, M.A., Vicar of Poulton, q a daughter. On Surlay, the 0tl iflst., at Eton-ball, the Countcs/rt Oats, Grosvenor, of a soni. t*!rrusg..,0 (/ On Tuesday last, Mr. Robert Riley, to MispJantayes, Barh both of. Fishwick. I On Monday, Mr. James Warburton, to MilAtn I Westell. B ean Same day, Mr. Thomas Rigby, to Miss Ann ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Sandwell, Staffordshire, the Countess of Dartmouth, of a dau lter. At Eaton Hall, the Countess Grosvenor, of a son. In Spring Gardens, the Lady Seymour, of a daughter. EXTRAORDINARY BDirxs.-Eleven mouths since the wife of a poor man, named Joht Boase, of St. Buryan, was delivered of three children, allof which were baptized. This vweek she has been delivered of twins; hbvivn sov z ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n ?? it J131R 711TIS. On New Year's Day, the lady of F'aulkner Boyes, Esq. t Yor-stre, in th;i tosw n, of a daughter. * On tie 2nd inst. at his residence in Leicester, the ladv ni of Sir John L. L. 1(aye, Bart. of twins, a girl and a boy. !t On tle rutlh uilt. the lady of T. II. Marshall, Esq. bar. , rister, Leeds, of a daughter. Li IIMARRI ttAGES . I On Trhursday the 10th inst. at Sculecoates ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH__ At Lurgan, on the 31st December, the Lady of Ralph Richardson, Esq. of a daughter. At Portadown, on the 1st inst. the Lady of the Rev. W. J. G. Dowlin, of a daughter. The Lady of Robert M'Crory, of Ardmore Lodge, Co. Derry, Esq. of a sonE _MAiRRIED13`:_ Tuesday, at St. Ann's Church, Belfast, by the Rev. Arthur C. Macartney, ADAM CUPPAGE, Esq. Madras Army, to CAROLINE FRANCES, youngest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1' 1 O n ?? last, at Southend, Darlington, the wife of Joseph Pease, jun. Esq. .lP. of a daughter. Same day, at Camberwell G-rove, Surrey, the 'iimler Wiliett, 5 Esq. of a son. On Tuesday, the lady of Jolm H-Iunter, Esq. of Flockton- , loall, was safely delivered of three sonis. The mother is doing well, but the chiildren lived only a short time. I, On Thursday, at Selby. by the Rev. Joshn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Shtuirday, t(le 29th tilt. at 1eaunmaris. hv the Rev. Di. Howard, ir. William Suandilord Phillilis, olo; son of the late James Phillips, Esq- Solicitlir, Livdrp iol, to Anile, . otngest daughtoer of 'l r. Jackson, of the formuer pluee. ?? Friday last, at lHangristioliqs, Anilesev, Ali- Hugh Roherts, to Sidney, eldest daugliter of Air. Daniel Owen, shopkeeper,. Ilangefili. On the 25th ll. at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it BIRTH. * O Monday, the 14th inst. at Patrick Brompton, the it lady of Chas. Heneage Elsley, clerk of the peace for the West-ridirig, of a son and heir. MARRIAGES. d On the 17th inst. at St. Phillip's Church, Liverpool, h by the Rev. T. S. Bowatead, Mr. T. 11. Taylor, spirit- d dealer, only sin of the late Capt. Robt. Taylor, of that it place, to Elizarthird daughter of Mr.John Dickon, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... thl i) THE LATE DR JAMES GREGORY. Ont T. _Wall _ It is with the deepest regret that we have to re- so *d cord the death of this highly esteemed and rising P 3s young man, who; on' Friday the 28th inst.. ageg ri 31, fell a victim to typhus fever, caughit in the dis- ?? charge of hir ?? diltis. Few physicians Ly of his years have left a memory more sincerely re- gretted by his numerous friends, ...