... The THEILTP. Since our last nqtice of this Place of' Amusement it has afforded mouch tisrt rails for praise, sad some things certainly thot if nirt t'eriesvig illyithbig so harsh Iso vimore at leaist soughtto leadtisi to 6pesik s fit Islrgws. Since tlie period tooe of Which we speak, it liran Iren Iinansseod With thle pastronage tof tile Chief Maisgitrate aofthecity ai eircuritasoiace list ...


... ; Irelahd Before and A~fter 'the' 'Unioita-In the saven et from 172 to 1729;lthe eipbrts firbot Irelafi4it ~h'3rtr undulitedl Accbrditig' to: Sir '.Chfirle .. 'W1irh,,obt' 4 * frk t 2,3O7~T2~f. w inst 9'iili '#edr, 182,9, thq0 hi~ban' OIg~od4~ live stock~ ?? h pr~o. rf~,,CdiC Ing to, ,evideikee given. bhforp. tbh~ Irish' coemittee, Wi5' 2363t. III .801., 'tli -agrae ofi, u y~alu ,f t eiportsi ...


... PUBLIo aMfu3im*, DRURY-LANE THEATRI -Thit ve -r c,M#. _,Enmcreadyv; Camae, Mr. preaent;LEd. r OTHIztFLLo. othele, fr. K 11l 4 nii EQUltI. TO f~nilidewith 20th lmeei a 01ndce 1s0Ye ofthmoat~ Ctriemakble Sceneryt of urltrope, hal.A~frIega cd AmenC Te~m~row.Chares tie Seondw~th~drattime a Mw C picece, called The Nervous Idan anti the Panotomime.L COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE--This Eveniog wil be ...


... PUBLIC JMUSBMBNTS. DRURY-LANE THEATRE.-This Evening will be presented. SA9SNIELLO; or, The Damb Girl of Porticl. Liasaniello, Mr. Brabaint Don Alphonso, Ir. T. Cooke Elvira, Mrs. I. Penley. After which, PETTICOAT GOVERNMENT. Hectic, Mr. Farren; Clover, Mir. Bedford; -Stump, Mr. ayliffe; Brideso, Mr.Thomposoi; Mrs. Carney. Ur. Gloveri Annabella. Mrs. Humby To conclude with (17th time), a Grand ...


... r - ZqIRt-o OFqVA #RLz.. [ tOUT1 COURT CIRUCUAR Earl Gity arved at his residence at East Sheen on Saturday evening froin Brighton. PriuceTalleirand and the Baron de Neumann, the Austrian Cbarg d'hfatres, had interviews with Viscount Palmerston OD Saturday at the ForeIgn Oid. Viqennnt Althorp visited Viscount Godertch on Saturdsy at the Colonil Office. Governor Stirilng, of the SWan River ...


... CUPID AND AIlNERVA. MY THOIMAS MOO'1E, ESQ. As Love, one summer eve, was straying, Who should he see, at that soft hour, But young Minerve, gravely playing Her flute within mi olive bower. I need not say, 'tis Love's opinion That, grave or merry, good or ill, The sex all bow to his dominion, As woman will be woman still. Though seldom yet the boy bath giver To learned dames his smiles or sighs ...


... BY LmIAS BIRD. MoTrm.n, raise those downcast eyes, And look upon our play; And, sister, close the heavy book- Is this not Christmas day? When did you ever let us laugh Alo.m, the livelong night ? Play with us now, or tell us tales, Around the hearth-fire bright. Then spoke the gentle motber-she Whose cheek was wan and pale, And from her fair and faded brow Drew back the mourning veil. Alas! ...


... Uiterillitre. 0 - DARBY DOYLE'S. VOYAGE 'TO- QUEBEC. A late numbiber of the Datbli Penwzy JoIurnal cu taius the folilowing capital sketch iof Da rhly ) oN le's voyage tl Quebec. written, or gopposed to be vvrittei bhv ?? ail a pe tip to Cove, with sonme ' brass in his purse to pay fur1n his passage, when hle tmet Ned F[, billol oh then hell office of Imate on hoti d, oe of the Quebec ves ...


... NEU STRAND THEATRE. Miss KELLY opened this little house last evening, with an en- 'tertainment in three parts, entitled Dramatic Recollections. In a very smuart address or prologue, she says, that the state of the drama has obliged her to have recourse to her own resources. She ktilrizess good-humouredly, both the Majors and Minors, and compares herself to a female SELKIRK, forced to flourish ...


... THE MA.GAZINES. 1?7 I 71 Tess Platss io THE TiIFE9SS AND TrEi AnlsTocnATs'. qomf'AsiRe.-There arc papers.wvritten fort 6 pot-houses, aiid paorsevr itien for the fashionables, ald 'their legiors, 'of -servilc imitatdrs; anidit is an indispsitable fact, that' the potl'-hoqusse papers ace, in style, matter, and decorum, ,snAperior to the ashionable ihe' which, in evi- edelsibefore a Committee of ...


... = :T3?* The following beautiful Lyric is taken from Evenings in Claz Greece, chili B1t THOMAS MOORE ESQ. ' 'Tis the Vine! 'tis the Vine ! said the cup-loving boy' Har As he saw it spring bright from the earth, Seli And call'd the young ienli of Wit, Love and Joy. havy To witness and hallow its birth. Dov The fruit was full grown, like a ruby it flam'd, vive Till the sun-beam that kiss'd ...


... i THE FASHIONABLE WORLID. _ !f A )t1RIEF C131OHICL2I *stP ABSTRACT Of T&Trnot, a Th Ducesistt of Bedf-ord, rkh tsea Marquis a of Abercor floreaect5d therrve in town this day fro r 'e North of 1tred. Apartmeuits.hbvy beea tetij for tbe e party at the Bilton Hotel, Sackville-street . Th.ln. Q. Lamb, *MP., bas arrived in tow, frc garvan. :The Rev. Sir Jl. Lees, Bart., has arrived In own fo 1 ...