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London, England

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... BUCK- INGHAM. I BEG to otter to the Electors who did me the honour of voting for me at the late Election my sincere, wannest, thanks for their valuable support. To those ™- ( u mon who, during this short contest, afforded me their earied assistance 1 can never adequately express the v f(J | feelings indelibly impressed on my heart. The fij-ff of disappointment I may be presumed to ...

Published: Tuesday 01 January 1833
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7037 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

RD THE GAZETTE DE STANDARD A the Gazette, is answer rolio* ing,Ba ivc(lresiiecliug assertion of fc-«5.Tr- , W h9 k

... in ISIO- telle us nut forget I * :>i t the beat in the Mauri£he ,o J'‘.,l troo of France. Toe i. * rt v,ae o* the •n« and the most ndicuhms of hragga- W «tc ’ ,h In the years 1808 and 1809, the ttr^ l „Tsid great injury the commerce pany. The government f* ,‘ expedition ot thou- hanr half Sepoys. The garrison > cm.s'sted of men, commanded ' n.,'aeris. The the expedition * OeneriJ * Paste, ...

BANKRUPT to surrender In the COUNTRY

... MADDOCKS, Peter, Urerpool, tlraber-mercbent, Jan. 18, Feb. 12, one, at the Clarendon Itooma, Llrffl pool. Attorneys, Mr. Vincent, King's Bench-wslk, Temple: and Mr. J. Robinson, or Messrs. Bartley and Roberts, Liverpool, DIVIDENDS to be made In BASINGHaLUSTREET. ATKINSON, G. W., Fenchnreh street, and Leman-street, Goodman s-delds grocer, Jan. 24. BEET. C. Ci..; Blacltfrßir?, ...

EVENING VOCAL ASSEMBLY— Mr. PHILIPPS, Lecturer and Professor of Vocal Music, ha- the honour to announce to his ..

... Friends, and ,he Public, that he will deliver an INTRODUCTORY LECTURE (previous to the assembling of his Classes for fV Season!, at bis residence, No. 3, Soho-square, on WEDNESDAY EVENING next, Jan. 9. The Lecture, which ?? intended to elucidate the principles so successful!) published by Mr. Philipps for tbe more certain and facile attainment «f t ,,e «-ocal art, will be illustrated by ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1833
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5389 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

(To be continued)

... Edward Rice, Esq., formerly a partner in the house of Latham and Rice, bankers, at Dover, will one of the new candidates in the room of Mr. Poulett Thomson. Mr. Rice has retired upon his fortune, and lives on his estate, a few miles from Dover. This gentleman entertains I'beral opinions. Dover, Dec. 31. —Saturday, whilst it was blowing hurricane of wind from the south-east, and waves running ...

STRANGERS' FRIEND SOCIETY, in- J5 stiiuied in th* ear 1785. for Visiting and Relieving fM sick »nd Distressed ..

... their own habitations in Lon : don and its vicinity. The pressure of distress among the poor of the metropolis at th* present season urges the Committee lo make known the claims on •*»'• Society. During no part of the present year have there- been less than 5.X) cases 011 the books receiving re- l«.f and there are now upwards of 800. Many of these faini- lip* Imvpbeen found in a starving ...

Published: Thursday 03 January 1833
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8975 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ROYAL DISPENSARY for DISEASES of the EAR, 10, Dean-street— Mr. CURTIS, Aurist his Majesty and their Royal ..

... and iwhesnof Gloucester, and Surgeon to this Institution, will OMMENt 'Ellis NEXT COURSE of LECTURES on the ANATOMY. PHYSIOLOGY, and PATHOLOGY „i theE^K- and on the MEDICAL TREATMENT of the DEAF and DUMB, on MONDAY, January 21st.- y\„ particulars apply to Mr. Curtis, at his House, No. 2, snho-Miuarf.— The Royal Dispensary is open to Pupils. S--T~BARTHOLOME\V'S HOSPITAL— The SPRING COURSES of ...

Published: Friday 04 January 1833
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6817 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

u it fell into controrersy with its fellow ini j«. journals, and while, with an honourable mu-1, it imitated the

... good temper and gentlero: nlik • icr of its Conservative, then its only anti- Us. If the divisions of the ministers ad\ itage on one side, they bid fair to present t lat advantage alloyed by the degradation of the p ess on the other. We wish that they would keep their vulgar violence to themselves, and not spoil such journals as the Globe with it. The ministerial writer may like a republic ...

N-iIOBK INSURANCE COMPANY, it FIRE, LIVES, AND ANNUITIES, Pall-mall ' Vcornhill- Established 1803. * fspital. ..

... paid up and in- *{J. thereby affording fo the Assured an immediate avail- \ I fund for the payment or the most extensive lo«se» with- m l.afc-lttv of partnership. THOMAS COLES, Esq., Chairman. ?? \RD GOLDSMID, Esq., Deputy Chairman. , Hl -,„ing Stock Insuied generally on the farm. Hate* d conditions of Fire and Lifo Insurance, kc, may- had of the Company's Agents, and at the Offices in ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1833
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8579 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... office .>l Physician to your valuable institution, 1 respect- Hv ofler myself as a CANDIDATE for that appointment : , the ensuing l^lection. * j heg leave to acquaint you that I have now been for four- I „*n ves> a Member of the Royal College of Physicians; ?? I vv »* employed at his Majesty's Royal Naval Hospital i , Haslar during the late war, and latterly as Consulting p hv » lC iau to the ...

Published: Monday 07 January 1833
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8471 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The Fourth Volume of the TRANSLATION of the iVILMOIRS of MADAME JUnOT V-* (DUCHESS of ABRANTES). Written ..

... General’ Secret Mission to Madrid and Lisbon with numerous Anecdotes the Nobility of S: ainand Portugal, Ac. The gossip the duchess is always delightful, and the work is full of interesting mat er, that it would be difficult to light upon any thing unworthy of notice.—Athenseum. Who has not passed some of the most agreeable hours of his life In lounging over these graceful records of elegant ...