This day are published, price 65.,

... AUTHENTIC LETTERS from UPPER CANADA; with an Account of CANADIAN FIELD SPORTS by T. W. M AGRATH, E*q. Edked by the Rev. T, with LOVtrf, E.,.. R.H.A. W iiliaai Curry, jnn. and Co, Dublin ; and MarthaU, London: and Oliver and Boyd, Kdinburgh. SLAVEHT. On Thuraday nest wSI he publlelMd, LETTER atidreased to the MEMBERS of the REFORMED FARLIAM-CNT.ab.wto* ‘henatureof ly E.G.atanUy, In hi. Sp«cb ...

M* of.Uso6«. l>,. 2d. i» he taiede lA which the eoa^

... * of.Uso6«. l>,. 2d. i» he which the eoa^ the 3«acdi the mi/eftiiei l the -reaiettheAdltfTalty.BOßefieteriekept ibiuxoi^ect. w. about diueDiSoDiitt tha cabiaw. That exiat we bava not the slightest doubt, but matter of conjecture. .We may infer, however, from the whole policy the government,’ that they are beset with diffiouliiea, which have their origin in the stapendous measures which they ...

COUNTY OF, LOUTH CKOWN CODEX. _ Baron Sir W. C. Smith end Chi rived here last night between eig accompanied

... by Edward Tipping, and attended by namerous cort o’clock to-day, the hon. baron took immediately after which die oomn Walter Bourne, jnn., |£sq., the over, and the following gentlemen swering to their namea) were two quest:— Sir F. Bellew, Bart., and Lieutei foreman; Blaney Townley Balfour, gate, Eaq.; Sir .A. B. Bellingham, Norman, Esq.; John “Cl in took James Wolfe M‘Neale, Esq.; Robe Thomas ...

PHILOLOGICAL SCHOOL. Patron —Their MAJESTIES. Imindt'd 17!*■-’. for the Education of the Sons of Naval and ..

... Manufacturers, I ierks in Oihces, the higher order Tradesmen, and person* equally respectable class Society. In reduced circumstances. was published, price Is., A SKU.Mo.N in Itrlialt ut the Institution, preached by HfV. GM>H(*K A. E. MARNH, M.A., Minister of St. Mar>*s Park-smei. Ilatchard and Son, Piccadilly. This day. price Is., N ESSAY on NATIONAL DEBT and FINANCE of GREAT RRITAIN, wherein ...

BMnU IS town «f MnL tte ictam g»re men, 6,000 hone*,!,ooo pike*, bnidn Uyonete, powder, and balls. Side side, with

... the thortatioa, was ihU list of 111,000 meu. and pike* (hear) »nd this showed that exhortations to peace and eubnety ni»y very consisieut with the exertion of moral orer large bodies men purposes of mischief. But asked any man, who knew the State the country, whether believed there could be system df political agitation there, without a predisposition insurrection. How could that system ...

DL'RGESS'S NEW SAUCE for general purpose*)! living KalnedaucbKreat probation, and the ttaaad tor i continuing ..

... otter thustheir beHtackuowledgnieut* (•tbepubllcforthelrliberal patronageof the same; It* utility •BiKrentcoiivenience.ln all climate*, have recommended it most distinguished foreign connection*, who have all •pokcuhighlyinltMrecoiuinendation. It Uprepared by them pre\ , entiii‘t disappointment toiainilies.all po*. tidfearehasbeen resorted to. by each bottle being sealed on ttcrurk with their ...

the Month of May will published, HISTORICAL MEMOIRS of the HOUSE of RUSSELL; from the Norman Conquest. . By J

... H. WIFFEN, Author of Translation of* Tasso’s •* Gentsalemme Liberata &c. &c. With much curious unpublished Correspondence, ’from the Reign of Henry VIII. to that of George 111. inclusive; withArfflorhl Bearings, Plates, and Portraits. 2 vols. Bvo., royal and Longman, Rees, Orme, and Co., Paternoster-row; Carpenter and Son, Old Bond-street. ...


... Just published, In a neat pocket volume, price 4s. cloth, with a Representation of the Orbit of the Comet of 1832, SCIENTIFIC NOTICES of COMETS in GENERAL, and Particular of the COMET of 1832, whose revolution of six years and three quarter*’ duration. Translated from the French *»t M. By Colonel CHARLES GOLD, C. 8., Late of the Royal Artillery. London Baldwin and Cradock, Paternoster-row. •** ...

This day Is published, price 2s. 6d., SEVEN kSEKMoNS, preached during the Prevalence of CHOLERA, the Parish of ..

... to glia’ with a Narrative of this awful Visitation, and of the produced the South of Stafford the Rev. CHARLES GIRDLESTONE, M.A. Vicar of Staffordshire. for the Author, and sold by J. G. and F. Rivlngton, Sf. fftTfiCbmeb-yard, and Waterloo-ptace, Pall Mall, London J. Oxford; and H. C. Laagbcldge, Bimatngham. whom may be had, by the same Author, CHURCH REFORM, addressed to the Re(in Pwltttor of ...


... On the Ist August, price only 4s. per volume, bound in morocco cloth. DE V E E U X. By the Author of •* Pelham. Forming the Seventh Monthly Set of NOVELISTS. HETtf ALREADY PUBLISHED. Feb. 1. Tremaine—March I. Pei lutm—April 1. The Chelsea Pensioners —May l» The Disowned, the Author of ** Pelham. •June 1. l>e Vere, the Author of •• Tremaine.'*—July 1. Granby, bv T. H. Lister, Esq. In ...


... the article headed Post Office,” inserted the Stambrd of Saturday, inadvertently omitted state that it was extracted from pamphlet entitled The K • farmed Ministry.” . T NUMEROUS and VERY RESPECT(iedb sir It w« moved Sir «*th«l h Interest. throusHout tile and well?l rl orwn»?ew t l*i‘rty. f a*'vexatious, unwam.nt. «r*«?« tShe opulent voters, wanton and oppressive. . , - , h „ meetine. the ...