Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tile 2IT it I. the lady of 1; Al1. NI It vti Eat. >I' lotliam MiliDe, it, th! Countty Of Yalrt, Of a SUII. AiARRIAG ES. Oli Tuesday, the thil i'!Yt. ilt tilljrstelit M'utrbh , .1nm!s Walker, ERiq. ?? lniuto I, III the ?? II f Yori, to NjlI.l :a, 3iUItgI'.lt eIiCgA I of the ?? It, . S. en r ouso, eO IIIlrotlzh. On Monfal momrnihg a.nt. nt the 1 lilv 'fri iatty Charm1, by the R[ev.J. J . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Friday last, at Sculcoates Churcb, by thc Rev. Wim. e Ienry, Mlr. Win. Monday, jun. tinber-merchant, to Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. John Walker, of Jarratt-strect, flull. Oil Tuesday last, at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. ,11. BroImby, Capt. Teasland, of the Dolphin, to Mary Ann, ?? daughter o0 Capt. Joy, of the Royal William. d On Sunday week, at Sculcoates Church, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, c On the 7th of June last, at Christ Church, Mr. J. B. Herbert to MISS Hilton. . On Tuesday, the 29th ult. at St. Philip's Church, Captain . Robert Fulcher to Miss 1l. A. Ellis, No. 3, Graving Dock. On Thursday, the 31st ult. at Eceles Church, Patterson, the E youngest son of the late Mr. John Kirton, of Wallsend, near Nesveastle-upon-Tyne, to Eleanor, second daughter of Mr. Robert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... = it t . . . . .. .!t , , . BIRTH, On Sunday, the 1st instant, the wife of Mr. Luke Murphy, m of Cregg, was delivered of two sons and a daughter, who are. c, living and likely to do well.-warder. rARRIED, on the 5th of March last, at Calcutta, Mr. Joseph Young- husband, merchant, eldest son of William Younghusband, I Esq. of Floraville, to Mrs. Arabella Field. 1, On the 19th of June last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAhflE!b, Vh.'ally. the 13 th uilt, at Gretna Greexo, Mr. Win. Fair, d toJ. W. Patten, Esq. MLP. to Hester, youngest daugh. HI Al asicry, Costch-builder, Warrington. keel Tusday. the 20thl tilt, at Barthomiley, Mr. Thos. Bate. tua ~f ChorleY, to Ann, second daughter of Wmn. Salmon, prim yriday, the 21stti, at St. Helen's, Mr. J. Cayrn, of ofjB to Srah th thrd daughter of the late C. Speak. gig ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Friday, the 16th inst., at Bonehill, Staffordshire, Lady Jane Peel, of a son. On the2i st inst.. at Keetish-town, the lady of Mr. S. T. Bull, of Holles-street, Cavess- dish-square, of a son. MARRIED. At Killowen, Ireland, W. Hunter, of Londonderry, Esq., to Margaret, daughter of the late Archbishop of Dublin. On the 10th inst., at Stoke Damerel, Devonshire, Thomas Brigg a Esq of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... post L W MI:LSBAY, Septembev :I, 2133. oe' ?? ?? t T Btnre.-At Calcutta, IGth of April, the Lady of JOIIN F. Liirs, Esq. b c Barrister at Law, of a Daughter. spic BIRTiz-At Banciory, on the 9th inst. Mrs Col. WooD, of a Daugh- the ter. ral BIRTU-At B3lelack, on the 2S!th ult. Mrs. Dr. RonInRTsON, of a daughter. nes 1BIRTH-At B3urgie ilouse, near Forros, on the 31st August, the Lady of 'I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B R TITe. -At filveas;, Onl tire IC thI current, thle Lmdy ofjoii N Mrex Esq. Banker there, of a sonl. ?? 01ld, St. Vinrcent Street, Inveorlics, onl thle 14th instant, Mrts Axrrsirox, of a son. BIRTI'nrr-Oo tire Will October, at ileorbetstirie, 1hIe Lorly of the i-on. Linuteniont-Colonol Arpcatrroerr, of a daughte re. BIRtTIT.-At Fair Mlead H-oruse, HIighr Beech, Essex, r,rr the l4tir irnst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PREFERRED.-The Rev. J. Walker, A.M., to the rectory of Radldington; patron, Walter' Calverly TIrevelyan, Esq.-The Rev. Wlm. Quekett, A. .I., to the rectory of Goosebradoh, on the presentation of the King, by lapse.-'lhe Rev. Edward Feild, M.A., has been instituted by the Lord Bishop of Gloucester to the rectory of Blacknor English, in the diocese of Gloucester, vacant by the death of the Rlev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. March 19, at East Sheen, the lady of George Bankes, Esq. of twin daughters. March 29, at Bridport, the lady of Dr. Keddle, ot a daughter. At the Rectory House, North Petherton, Somerset, the ladyof Richard King Meade Kiiig, Esq., of a son. MARRIED. March 27, at St. Pauls'schurch, Mr. W. Ilill, of Wick Academy, Gloucestershire, to Airs. A. E. Hull, late of Wilson-street in this Kt rch ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On IMonday last, at W igantliorpe, the lady of Wiln. Garforth, Es.. of a son. Oin the 23d ult. the lady of Charles Winn, iE sq. of Nostel Priory, of a daughtcr. On Thursday, at thc parish church, H1alifaix, Mr, Jcreminll (;arsidc, butclie, to Missan ?? Slackletonll, of' Northule ranl. On Tuescay last, nt Roundhay church, by the Rcv. wi. If la hthrtt Richartd Shuttleworth Streattiel(d of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RIARDIED. At Beowdrip. Somcrsetshire, Francis Edwards Leach, Erq. to Harriet Goodwin, youngest daugihterof the late WV. Pag,, Esq. of the Civil Serviie, Bonmbav.-At Clare, Suffolk, Wtn. IHughieCs, l-q. of :outhampton huildinlgs, Iondon, to Emily, di~ut'hter of the late l~et.-_Gen. Elwes.-A ?? i Thorpe, Esq. of liolbeck Lodge, lincolashire, to Susanna MIaria, second daughter of .1ames Staniland ...