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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES FOR SALE. There. will be exposed to sale, by piub]ic roup, witbihn the Leimon Tree 'avern, Aberdeen, upo)01 Friday the Ist day of February next, at six o'clock in the evening, M HOSE Ttro HOUSES, frontiga St. Andieun's Street, next to -9 GorldoWs Hospital, with the HOUSE froaittin the Lane at the back thereof, usedl tor Alatimautetirinlg purposes. They hlvot all re- ?? Ulndelrgolte a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 by red Oil NEW ESTABLISHMENT ble FOR L)ETTING lea Coaches, Carriages, Gigs, Plsaetons, Saddle Ilorses, re- Hearses, &c. it. [its JAMES PYPER begs leave miost sespeetfully to intiniate to stie to I nhablitantts anti Vicinity of Aberileei, tilhat lie as toule got ,us itstters ari-assge at Ihis STABLES, No. 8i, SHOE LANE, withs er- Cilsico, selectiontof COACHES, CARRIAGES, GIUS, PHAETONS, esi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ArDUlty, Aberdeen. 7s ,fi 11 Gentry, ~ ~ - ~ and its Pe, ad Pizlc 1 J10initfy. 7s. it DMer W OMBWELL'S or a1 tout ROYAL NATIONAL MEtNAGERIE. Tb Rt. G. IvOMBBVELL announies to the Inhabitauts of thoe J - jc City of AItERDEEN and its Vichity, that hie as h itived Cattl ulhere w,!itil hlis VAILilable Collectionl of WVILD BEASTS, BIRDS, &e. -nouty exhiiting on the INCHM S, opposite MarIschal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e lUPSET PRE1C3 REDUCED. t Upon Friday the ItIllday ?? current, therl will be exposed for Sale, by piublic roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, Aberdeen, n at 2 o'clock afternoon, HAT TZNE NEIfT of FORELAND in t11e GI.Erei of Abor- e_ ldee , lately occupied by Mr Peter M'Conbile, Mverchant in Abeitieon, a idpiesenily poqsessiqd by Jamlies Vessie, Booleelletr. . To ensure a Sale, the Upset Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TimLI CAT~t1RAL or-, mzmms, TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRiIPT.ION, Si A Meet splenid i and cliaboraitel v finlished Model of this highly Ys ACelebrated CAT 1I 131)AL, in; thle rich est Or- siol u, upwards a' ol' threie feet high, inl a (~iass sheide, wilth aI rcl/,' *in C TITosement, which goes a niolim1k 4 chimles thle her11s anld p1 at'i-er' ; stanlds Oil a Bro ioued Pedestal ; encelosillg sely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gj(7eneral Meeting of the. ABER LODGE is reqnest ?? their Hall, Castle Street, oil Saturday the 9th current, t olc ' aftrnoo, fa the purlpose of deci djiag onl n it ?? mad (eS by ,tobn Smnith, Foottisc, to sell his House end Fel lin Loage walk, II to the Lodge. F there o il, It. W. Master, p Byo Ceio HlAs. WINCHESTER, Clerkc. 1s Mason H/,4t/e Nov. 1833. ADEN GRASS REnNTS, ti THpE GRASS RiENTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO VIMERCIAL INN, ELLON. A LEX. WATT, with grateful achnowledgments for the liberal 1. sulpport he has reccived ibr the last 35 years, begs to acquaint the Public, and those who mnay be pleased to favor hin wvith their patronage, tbat the above INN has lately undergone a thorough Re. pair, and will now be found, in point of comfort, inferior to nooe in the place. A. W. has also purchased a New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLD BtY JOelo ly , MA 'ISO ; , BROAD STREET, Abardacat it mr~' nrlc Adtin ?? I.A CAK E'S A CO11l1,',\T`I1 (i thMOLT ?? 1,FS illof th OLI) ?? 'rESTMEN'TS. 'To lit' ?? inl 5( Per~e, for't. titix In iral ilvo. 2s.. andl Q1,1rt, Aus ac.PrtIs coo ,,rnreicts w~itti tho Nell lT'estanteviti. Vw )'XOAL GlALLERLYo PlClTUJlS, 1wteC A' B 'r~IR;too finle En 11rvin:'s in Ieaclh NO. ]'riue Is. 'No. ii is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIOUSES FOR SALO. !r To lhe Sold, by privule bartaiub , HAT PROPERTY inl Halir`uy's Court, East'side of GArlTOV- T Ln GATr, AbeLideen, beloogitig to Ml, Peter Thomsorn, Fortrie, collsistillng of four Dwellingl4 H(oliss, occupied by several tenants, and having, a large 1piece of vacant Ground attached, which is a gl'eat e advantagel to preul 0sps ill the contre of a touvin. There are likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANl'FSHIRE FARMER CLUB. rHE NOVEMBER MEETING wvill lie held at the Holel, __ Cztje)t, upoin TUESDAY the 12th, whul. a full attendance of Members is requesteti. Thbose Membliers who have not already subscribed for the CLUB'S HARVEST-HOME BALL, to be heli at CULLEx Up upon Tilesday Even- ilng the 12th November next, but who may intend to do so, will please itlimate their intention to the Club's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EARL OF ABOYNE COACIR TO BRlA2IMARt IN ONE D IY. JOHN IRVINE, grateful for the very liberal support he has expeiienced during the manu yearsb he las I-un the above COACI, begstobintimate tothegNobility, Gentry, and I'ltbliC Ii generIl, that he hns liowt extended his COACH on to BRAEl-\IMARI in OyE iDAY, continencitg 01o Tnesday last, and ?? start fto;t ANDERnSOy'S HOTErL, ?? Castle' Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2.A.IS0_2AL COLLM15t AND rINIVBrn1STY, A3E RDEREN. 1-k NNAL COMPETITION forl TiUYISARIES will hle ij rd n lePt'O11C 1IALt Of MAlItCtIAL. OOLLEGE t ?? f~td/o J. e 2111th Odtobe!r, ait 10 OC'chak, %A. ii 'th `eav Ft-~rEEN BUt-ts.\ttS to be disposed of by. Cootlpeti. v 5 oe 1 E13iivil ;tirittof 410 0:tclt ; two of Ei9 each P in; Hi nie o tit' feri or vtii Tllvri ;,s ho ll P1 i ar of £11 a:r y ...