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Advertisements & Notices

... w ?? inl bh PUnaIC ?? onl Ionfday Zile 3hdtit Sept. ?? ?? t 5, Juzst pu:blished, 'It if In2 vols. l2ttto. 16S. boalrds, V. E CT v E L s I ~ 1 n IVIN I TY. II,,. thelte jjt-t Ej'O13GE 311ILL, I). D., ?? ivdpt of st. Mnary's Cttii!-i,o SL. Anitlit1'st5 (Iinll liii mtatiutcrtipt Cy Itis, son HTEA~E It -LL, I). D., 31b mqferol' 1Daillv. VV on S IN EClininbogh ; and WHITrTAKERL &, Co. Is ~h I'r~-n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? LIIt~fI~ ?? CO. ?? 1OI.ORTERIS OF, A:!.D ]3EALII1S IN, CI f %,ies, Sivits, Litueu rs, r oceriev, ?? &c., EoIMOViED, froli AlO, CAstL.E STrltEET, to 95, South Side 11 UNSION STiEIDT. J(!INt LITlatSDEN n id A LENX\AD't:n !ES tM1E in d ividiual Palt- eOVs01, te1 n,:ovo ?? avnif !thc:lsvvese, othls Ittivu of lRemova~l, to wiflt Ilra'lig ( 1 ritiltituldc, halid to lI'tUI'II Silere timnirS ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oil ITo)NAY the / I IIt Atlovetttbe', TI. IA MI i:SO Ntrill conlnietu Itis W intel' Colj;t5 (if In -R 15,tnicti-onsl to VAoNeLan Iit PRAC'TICAL M11t)WlFEHII, ttnd the DIAI~'ASES ofIVOI(EN oun! CHILDRZEN. i Futliri iul'b'iwitiotl wtill lbe obtained by apslving, to~ 10ittuieoso, No7. it, Ca:stle 1fine1. Aberdee'n, 3ItkA Octoberi, 1833. IXRti. &% DITISS O0t1iMF 1ll, OElORlGE' STIZkEF1, BOt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'It of bie IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. qal hat EXTENSIVE SAIE O aCI LINEN AND WOOLEN DRAPERY, SILX IIIEROERY, A. o. 4 . TTRQUHART & SMITH ?? nnneties that tlfev .have on lost bogull to ex pose tor Sale, it tliei r Establishileiltt corner of Cle libs NOITI SrTtEwt'I ELGIN, the Viesater part of the extensive and n select STOCK of the lbite celebo7 trled Firm of JONE.S, StsITr1, & CO. thle ion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~TIMIEU AT BIANFF1 FOR SALM7 There is 'stev 1plug st tim Ilarbour, ?? )VA~nsidcerabl quantityti of Scotch planted FIll, of1 llst2t-i ?? AaettiCiN OA andYEt1,0%wVIINE, aind somle Logs of DAe'rz se TEI B h It, which~ uill ItL lotttd to be of Vesr' superior t .quallity, being all clsoice Logos. There is Somic Of the Yellow Pinle ?? upl into Boards of arii-ous thickisess. H-ouse andl Carturights ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A: ALTERATIOTN IN\ 1-SOUR CI' STARTING BANFFI recc~ COACH~. Lri1 O N tiid atier 11oniday' first, fthe L0th inst., ths EAIIL of FIFE Offl 0 COA CII trill ?? lice to i111s of Startingf' 11 the( Wiii t Llim season,'-leavinig tile 0111ce, 514, Unirns Street, a'nd Me' DorALfl- SONx'S, I 04, Gieorge Street, at 11 o'clock fori'nooii, mid arrivi 14at iabn IINFat 13 in thle af ternoonl; and liavilig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ibi OOIPC5ED BYOs THS 12 NZ31LANID SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND, IN 1833. HIGIHLANDI SOCIETY HALL, 1 Edinburgh, Feb. 8 1833. nu. ~IMfflLANJD SOCIETY of SCOTLAND dloes hereby ad- k.vetsC, h I Te ' naderm entionetd PREMIUMS are, to -be of given by -the Soclety In- the!yeat 1833, &c. hi1s * ESSAYS, PLANS' AND REPORTS. hb 1. R~aising aend Managing Hedges. di Twenty Sovereigns, or a Piece of Plate of that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC WdEETING. Aberdeen, Wths August, 1833. My Lord Povost, of S Clandestine Emnigrition, to America anl otler places, has £t 1Pte prevailed to an alarminig extent, to the vely great injury s of the Coin nireial Interest, We, the undersigncd, would be v'erN mluch ?? by vour Lordship cnll lg a Meetitg of those interest- ed, to devise the best means of prevlentilln this evil. We are, very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TimLI CAT~t1RAL or-, mzmms, TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRiIPT.ION, Si A Meet splenid i and cliaboraitel v finlished Model of this highly Ys ACelebrated CAT 1I 131)AL, in; thle rich est Or- siol u, upwards a' ol' threie feet high, inl a (~iass sheide, wilth aI rcl/,' *in C TITosement, which goes a niolim1k 4 chimles thle her11s anld p1 at'i-er' ; stanlds Oil a Bro ioued Pedestal ; encelosillg sely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gj(7eneral Meeting of the. ABER LODGE is reqnest ?? their Hall, Castle Street, oil Saturday the 9th current, t olc ' aftrnoo, fa the purlpose of deci djiag onl n it ?? mad (eS by ,tobn Smnith, Foottisc, to sell his House end Fel lin Loage walk, II to the Lodge. F there o il, It. W. Master, p Byo Ceio HlAs. WINCHESTER, Clerkc. 1s Mason H/,4t/e Nov. 1833. ADEN GRASS REnNTS, ti THpE GRASS RiENTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO VIMERCIAL INN, ELLON. A LEX. WATT, with grateful achnowledgments for the liberal 1. sulpport he has reccived ibr the last 35 years, begs to acquaint the Public, and those who mnay be pleased to favor hin wvith their patronage, tbat the above INN has lately undergone a thorough Re. pair, and will now be found, in point of comfort, inferior to nooe in the place. A. W. has also purchased a New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLD BtY JOelo ly , MA 'ISO ; , BROAD STREET, Abardacat it mr~' nrlc Adtin ?? I.A CAK E'S A CO11l1,',\T`I1 (i thMOLT ?? 1,FS illof th OLI) ?? 'rESTMEN'TS. 'To lit' ?? inl 5( Per~e, for't. titix In iral ilvo. 2s.. andl Q1,1rt, Aus ac.PrtIs coo ,,rnreicts w~itti tho Nell lT'estanteviti. Vw )'XOAL GlALLERLYo PlClTUJlS, 1wteC A' B 'r~IR;too finle En 11rvin:'s in Ieaclh NO. ]'riue Is. 'No. ii is ...