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Advertisements & Notices

... Ch-1EAP FASIHIONABLE. AND VEliY DURABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, MIANU1FACTURED By P A T R I C K; F O G A R7 T Y - Co. AT THEICR RSTARIISmICI)NT, 10, St. Catherine!s Wynd, Union Street, Abordeeni. HIRE SUBSCRIBERS, grateful tbr the exteusive patlrotage hllch T thev have hitherto received fr om all classes of the conmllunity, ?? intiiate, that they Continue to pa:y gret I ?? to the selectioll of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PENNY SUBSCcLflIPTION. T a Meeting held ire Machray'e Hall, Royal Hotel, Union Street, ?? Satiurday the 29th current, for the purpose of carry- ing into effect a PENNY SUBSCRIPTION, for presenting A Testimonial to Sir MICRIAEL BRUtCi; The following individuals werc elected Office-bearers, who are au- tlhorised to receive Stbsecriptioses GerdGE M'KAV, PreseS. & PserLIP & TAYLOR, Generul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TtO TNE 8LZeCrO~itS Or KINCARD!NESHIIRE. GENTLEMEN, tT is with no ordinary feclingt of gratitulde tat I beg -L to thiank you Jbr the diistingutished honor uwhich, biy your Stjrahgoes, you have cont frerd upon rne, of again Represent- in, 1 is County in Parliament. F7 From the comnrcement of the late conitest, I filt corfi- C dent that 1/our zerlous support would ensure mty surccvss. As '1 that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTEN17IVE S.MLE OF 3OOJm, sTaTZONERY, &c,. Upon Moonolay, II.2ithMl .Janttely cu'tilt., tiiit lowInittg, Oev'nigs, IF thereii wvill 1 Sitli, by Auctiton, lin ?? Bitucwtr, Juntr.'s Saile Roomtit, C. Unioin S I'revt, A V''riv Lii'eea ni Vauatittle LIBITIARY, enompromoh eiign a itn- bet' o' ?? impor 1ita'tnt Works inl die x':i i'iotis deprti Iliilis Amonotti ollti's nitty 1't meleiti atii'l- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBXLIES. FHB next ASSEMBLY wiill take place, in tite Putblic 'Roams, onl Th arsay thr 17th. deep (f Jnuary, clat. Dancing toromtinence, at 1, Tea it 10 o'clock. Cards aid ftc't4sl-0.1 5 nenttl, its ie sul. Stifrngrsi'trS n 10 utl hv Suhecriblit's to pay 7s. 6iti ench. Pitblic Roomss, 2d Jon. 1WM3. The Stew.ards iire.requetstedl to itteet iil thle Caril Rooam of ili Rooms, onl the lItvur. ...


... subittedE WO~tIS Are ubmtte to ?? q hofn/c for tire first limle,) ait tire REDUCED Prrrics annexed, by LEWIS SMITH, Og Aber'deen, 14th Jutn. 11113. . 60, BRcOAD Sr flEET. The 121i jinirugi GazciteerV (hole. ?? published at 5 lie, for 2 2s. MIourv's Life -of Sheoridain, 2 vole. u.,31s. 6d. for 10Os. Gil. Uor~rr~~ Universal Pravrer, 7s. lii. forl Ss. Gl. - klatrrs~' Slaksrear',8 ois. Ilvo., Glie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SILK DYEING. JOHN RAMAGE begs to intimate, that he Ilas takcen ?? ot those commodious Premises, No. 29, RoICGOR STREET, re- i ca tly ocrupied by ThIoniAs Mliti riv, and, haviig eniiagedl expe- ?? h sotktiell fiom one of the first Houses inl Edinburgh, is now carryinrii on the SILK DYEING BUSINESS in all its Branches. D1 Sills, Cottons, and MWoollens, D)yed. D)aiaslks amnl Moreens Cleaned, Dved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES FOR SALE. There. will be exposed to sale, by piub]ic roup, witbihn the Leimon Tree 'avern, Aberdeen, upo)01 Friday the Ist day of February next, at six o'clock in the evening, M HOSE Ttro HOUSES, frontiga St. Andieun's Street, next to -9 GorldoWs Hospital, with the HOUSE froaittin the Lane at the back thereof, usedl tor Alatimautetirinlg purposes. They hlvot all re- ?? Ulndelrgolte a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATT'LE TRYETS. 'TR DAVIDSON, of Kelbiaty, being desirous td eptablish A N- J jNUAL TY Sat TORNAVEEN, in thle Parcishc 'OflKic- T ZI rardicie O'Niel, for, the Sale Of CA'f'ia~r, I'octsrs, GntAsi~, FEE-m ING Of SE aViANTS, &C. 'ihe Ist 1rcvst wilt lie held oit thie First Thursday aftei' Michael F'air of Aborne. T he 2d, on, the. Miincay be~foi the 2'2d November, which inicilides ?? rstfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLIEI. THE next ASSEMBLY will take place, in the Public Rooms, T on Thursday the 7th day of Feb'ruary next. Dancing to commence at 8, 'ea at 10 o'clock. Cards and Refresh. P meiats, as usual. Strangers introduced by Subscribers to pay 7s. 6d. each. Public Rooms, 22d Jan. 1833. l The Stewards are requested to meet in the -Card Room of Public Rooms, on the 7th next. at half-past 2 O'clock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -nIPORTA~NTTl'OLADfiS.' LOUDON AND ?? WAUXC:lOUSEP 60, UNIONr STREET, Opposite the, noyal Hotel. Ill,I Proprietors heg to State, that ow1-ing to otblti enlgag~ements, T~ thev will finally dlost dirir Sun~y here Oil tile 3ist instanit; iand thalt thlt ;'esainizin Stock. of `;1AVP7LS, CLOAUS, 'UZtlyIIG, CNALLIES, RIBDIO.NS, GLOVES, &c. Will lie Sold], nlvinhou ra'esrve, lit a treninkldont't ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINAL NOTICE. Amphitheatre, lately occupied by Ducrow, IN CROWN STRBET. E FSSRS. MARSHALL most resiectfilfly intinlate, tihat tlieir Grand Historical Peristrepllie Panorama, of 14 Views, jiue. trative of the late SIEGE of By the RUSSIANS; The CITY of MADRAS, in the East Indies, comprising the White and Black Toown, and srllroulillig Country; and the CORONA- TION and PROCESSION of thair PRESENT ...