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Advertisements & Notices

... UNIViinSITY & IMING'S COLLSEGE of ABEIRMIZEN.i F A\IHK \NUAL COM PETITION I-or BU RSARIES wtill bo J-ld ii t K I ?? ColiLEGE, as usulal, Oil thei last Monagt~ 'if ?? Vt O'ke oti, A t. of Tiiv Peeatd Biarsahs t, i h die.. A, 'fit 0 thisI Octtitill, fiere -will hb one of tle annallal l itsi £2, :ie UT ?? Oill or £417, One ut 0fii two oft I£18' los., two l £1l5, two of £~14 10s., tvio of £1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ct-S *t; TANNING AND CURRYING UTENSILS, BARK, TANNING LIQUOJORlS, ,I- TANNVERY PE2MISES, Th AT N EVBRIDGi'. On Thursday the 23dl day of Mlay current, there will be sold by le public roulp, withill the Prenlijes at Nowbridge, Aberdeen, lately at ed occupied by Thomas M'Gowlan & Son, (if not previously disposed M rI of by private bargmin,) I io. Fl'HE whotle TANN INIG nnd CURRYING UTENSILS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Py JAMES BREWSTERl1, Mlinister of'Craig, 2 Author of O'Leelres on Chris's' Xcrmon01 On tke. 11ount4 &c. 43c. ft A, ?? &- Co. 71, Unaion Slireet, Aberdven, J. NICOL., Met1 I tIro,,e, W. WHITE &1 Co. Einbiiim'h COLLINS &OoLE, Giasglow; Oil LONGMSAN, Ri~tir, & Cb. London. d This day is P'uilisiicd, pi-ice 12s. Arot.. I. or n T RE S Y1I tA Z I R ItKS 0 PAULUS HM-GIUETA, 1):1 TfIll GREF1K PXI SI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,1111 present Evening, MONDAY, May l 1 3 jiss FANNY AYTON, § ,ed for EigSht Nights only, wifl make her- ?? n gppcsrse in Edinburgh tbere four years in f 034 ,nu the Musical Comedy entitled XVETH ,ARTS AND WE Engeolia-Miss Cleaver. Laura-M!i s Fanny Ayton, 3chracter she will sing the Deep, Deep Sea, ri Tirbher, and He;s a Charming Fellow. , ih B io e, and ed, for the second time in this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a;;>nv~E!SGE 33IBURLGH. TIli, pre0rt l-ening. THIURSDAY, larch 2C, jvli be 11.tfitflhinl HA KS5PF-INlE'S Traetigty of OTHELLO, TIIE MOOR OF VENICE. DesdellOnfa lv Miss .IARPIAN Ot(ello by the AFRICAN ROSCIUS. jfta hi', Mlr JERNAN. Ater %ctisbi will oe perfornodil, the favourite Dramatic 0 ei t erjgrna alldd * P.1}R DAtGGE1111rool). S] Lr lwood by Dlr JAM~ES RUSSELL, s~ll teld~argctr le %,ill ...


... REET. , pn BALL anti SUPPER will be C 1~ii- shI ?? the NOB3LE- ?? _)jV_ of thle CALEDONIAN I N VI' Ej' l vOENING, the lth Oc- il.T TO-1010 i r1'Tickets, Ten Shillings. One Pouldl. vro011 ilai~ Dthe ?? Tavern, at the ,ds a of M~r AaOEtISoN, No. 33, George ii NI. (r, GOns SI-aFT, 9th Oct. 1833. ~ orl)IESSD TURTLE to be had[ ori Quay at the W ATE R 1 OO any - SSEMBLY ROOlIS. Under the Patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; AABLE BODIED MEN, zf(J1'ti.escnplovment, will lie afforded an f ,editw to Portugal, by ttwo powerful vpl jai 6 l IstranlerS; that are to sail from Clyde, l I next iimoath, under certain conli- 'I U111,11l raaar, &-A Landled Prop~erty of a o ,he will be gjven to each individual desirous * t n Xthe cittty-proporstionste eaconragement .rtli1 Grs tl rtflelt ?1,1w hare sten serinice. Fur. hji'h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATT'LE TRYETS. 'TR DAVIDSON, of Kelbiaty, being desirous td eptablish A N- J jNUAL TY Sat TORNAVEEN, in thle Parcishc 'OflKic- T ZI rardicie O'Niel, for, the Sale Of CA'f'ia~r, I'octsrs, GntAsi~, FEE-m ING Of SE aViANTS, &C. 'ihe Ist 1rcvst wilt lie held oit thie First Thursday aftei' Michael F'air of Aborne. T he 2d, on, the. Miincay be~foi the 2'2d November, which inicilides ?? rstfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,1g1;13NIURGI alAGl)Al.ENE ASYLI'31 ?? ANNUA\ L SlRMitON for tle suplport t ,, tinis Tsictirun, will he Preached by the Rev. 7 g)II* ( ' II~t)|1EIR. of G13sgowt, in ST GEORIGE'S ,C°IIN ' rUlISDAY EVENING next, the th o, ?? a Cllecti will be mnade h r 1,rld of thlat Chlrity, whichi, in ire present rvry els state ef thle Funbie, it is earlesty ahoped ill _ Wl ?? to begin at half-past six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA lyOF PAINTING, lCn~r.PE AN I) ARICHITECTUR~E. 'Ci LpF'lIE -iANNTUAL EXHJIBI- 011. f IIEUNT A11)fMY will positively ~~ ?? fii't, the 4th Mlay. o\ ine till I)eeqk. oef1) ?? ; Seaswn Tickuts, Five ?? al 1.7 l*017'quetl7 tosend17 for their oiC'tolIiy i oesdlay following. .7100 liv o'rder of thle c~llInt7, 1) . 0. HILL, Scey. 11oo 'loll0 P1a(-0. rOS O '171lE EJIIABI'ION.Y ,qEN~jitMIlN WEST'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C JE1IT OR, C ITY of CIONG T are l ~ M I En rg in tha t larish Church o o C (U if Oof DIRt eor'tsof nololn ot thi onna; zli teir ntomrepreis tho rpcin thlemltc ' S o ieitfthe lio;lty ¢fWoelrkhous for lonesyear.lcya ;IAiE CvlAMPBELL,~1)3E Tresur r. tcr AT ChARI Tt: CoIIAITYWO~t{XIO 1st mite 1S333. w~O'AL BANKt OF SCOTLAND, Edinburgh, l 4t h MaIr t 1S33. 3 ,.aal i7(COURT of D)IRECTORSos of thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W\EST INDIA COLONIES. TVr FCD A Y tbe 26thinst. in the AssE:UBL.Y Rooms, O0 F.0,E STaE?, ot one O'chrck precisely, B 0 R 'r H W I C K -Vwill deliver a ~~Tli0D LECTURE sin COLONIAL i i REPLY to tlhe STATEMENTS of iL NTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, and on the inm- t'e of adopting grndual and safe measures for its Alolitill , illbeopeneat half-past j o'clock. T ilr ?? Gentlemen arc iniformecd that the a, ...