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Advertisements & Notices

... ATIOAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. 1l DIRECTORS of the NATIONAL T li.NK of SCOTLAND berei y intimate, that, ol, of the Chlirter. the HALF-YEARLY DIVI- 'l ' } this ?? K'S STOCK, frilling due on the t I (,f July next, will be paid, n d after that at th ea e Ollice and the Braielles; ?? there. . a:oo pefers of Stuck can talke iplace fiom the .qtlcl.11tlthe Mlt protrimo. tii; (,t- ttiIEORGE CROSBME, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMIA, LOTHIAN ROAD. -N IIIBI IING, the Supe rb View of f iL NTERSEEN, in Switzer- G. Tl I isw ic tA ken from the entry of the principal C ll -oIrirjOC fretW Interlachion, and extends in the len u rr the j igfrao, covered over half its elevation TF ii i ' snows.1 1This is con5*iderod the most interestingypieee of scenery dttr c l by the extraordinary means of the r d ha Ls proredroost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,a07~( ,LATIN, and MATHE_ l'F IA L CLASSES. 25. GgortaOE STRExT, h i ,ATA DVID M ACRAE, A.M. are still , ;dde . Puplls mnny enter at Onoe Guinea Qlorrter. t-DglclENCtF OS THE MlOITTH. IlESSRS, M1TEIN,SURGEON-DENTISTS, FI0EX c,.Oe(R STRETT, whose acquirements were once haicallt ettained under the most ?? l in London, beg to invite those enalt f5iol men jainen lpbui g nder the discoenfort of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2'IC13E 7TO mARINAERS. B3ARRA fEEAD, AND GIRDLENESS EStI;TIF10USFr , S ON THE COAST OFL Ll~T SCOTLAND. . L COMMISSSIONERS of the NOR IC tlER R L IGHTHO USES hereby give notire, I three lle Liththhouses above men ionod h ave ] eirt I ?? ln ill d iiibe lighted upon the night of brr dl WOW h dot tantliei 18. The lightsivill Too her b eafter to be exhibited every night from the E o~t t If Doy-Iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,or RI)ILIUNICIPAL DISTRICT. ' t lists arc circulated, it is thought AS ' rti ~Statetlb t at the pubilic General Meet. jp ?? held in Albany Street Chapel on of ?? LIistrant' the fullowing Gentlemen were re- Tbor iv Caa d dijoaity, Rs fit persons to re- dc a . decided uai., m tlhis de t trct in the To n Council:- spent tIS ,15, Duke Street. fir 90aer Bellevue Crescent. Ilowden, 3. irLar,38, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLONIAL QUESTION. UO(TUISITION' signed by a number of & ~lmf~unronnected with the Colonies, ha- to MR BORTHWICK, soliciting 5 c'prlenefte' tLoCLECURE i ,tlceiv at least one more PU1L ECU , his deature from Edinhurgh,. Notice is here- Iaj~t%. MR BORTHWICK will, in compliance g;,ea, that .io deliver another LECTURE on 'j irc resti, subject of COLONIAL SLAVERY, ?? interoin'c the 11th instant, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OF THE MAGISTRATES OF CANONGATE. irATlON is hereby made to the MIML [5 ?? 11, E InK SESSION. IIERITORS of ti tie I~ipl~lt and DEACONSofCRAFTS, thitthev I t11,l,1;1 0ith the said Magistrktes, within the Church I, rtr oil Thiirtday the 23d day of Maly current, e ,, firlennon (to h~e continued, if necessary, I Mireo~rsent inl order to Elect and takse proper mea- i ,artls tb Settlement of R fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w ?? inl bh PUnaIC ?? onl Ionfday Zile 3hdtit Sept. ?? ?? t 5, Juzst pu:blished, 'It if In2 vols. l2ttto. 16S. boalrds, V. E CT v E L s I ~ 1 n IVIN I TY. II,,. thelte jjt-t Ej'O13GE 311ILL, I). D., ?? ivdpt of st. Mnary's Cttii!-i,o SL. Anitlit1'st5 (Iinll liii mtatiutcrtipt Cy Itis, son HTEA~E It -LL, I). D., 31b mqferol' 1Daillv. VV on S IN EClininbogh ; and WHITrTAKERL &, Co. Is ~h I'r~-n ...


... REET. , pn BALL anti SUPPER will be C 1~ii- shI ?? the NOB3LE- ?? _)jV_ of thle CALEDONIAN I N VI' Ej' l vOENING, the lth Oc- il.T TO-1010 i r1'Tickets, Ten Shillings. One Pouldl. vro011 ilai~ Dthe ?? Tavern, at the ,ds a of M~r AaOEtISoN, No. 33, George ii NI. (r, GOns SI-aFT, 9th Oct. 1833. ~ orl)IESSD TURTLE to be had[ ori Quay at the W ATE R 1 OO any - SSEMBLY ROOlIS. Under the Patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; AABLE BODIED MEN, zf(J1'ti.escnplovment, will lie afforded an f ,editw to Portugal, by ttwo powerful vpl jai 6 l IstranlerS; that are to sail from Clyde, l I next iimoath, under certain conli- 'I U111,11l raaar, &-A Landled Prop~erty of a o ,he will be gjven to each individual desirous * t n Xthe cittty-proporstionste eaconragement .rtli1 Grs tl rtflelt ?1,1w hare sten serinice. Fur. hji'h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a;;>nv~E!SGE 33IBURLGH. TIli, pre0rt l-ening. THIURSDAY, larch 2C, jvli be 11.tfitflhinl HA KS5PF-INlE'S Traetigty of OTHELLO, TIIE MOOR OF VENICE. DesdellOnfa lv Miss .IARPIAN Ot(ello by the AFRICAN ROSCIUS. jfta hi', Mlr JERNAN. Ater %ctisbi will oe perfornodil, the favourite Dramatic 0 ei t erjgrna alldd * P.1}R DAtGGE1111rool). S] Lr lwood by Dlr JAM~ES RUSSELL, s~ll teld~argctr le %,ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATT'LE TRYETS. 'TR DAVIDSON, of Kelbiaty, being desirous td eptablish A N- J jNUAL TY Sat TORNAVEEN, in thle Parcishc 'OflKic- T ZI rardicie O'Niel, for, the Sale Of CA'f'ia~r, I'octsrs, GntAsi~, FEE-m ING Of SE aViANTS, &C. 'ihe Ist 1rcvst wilt lie held oit thie First Thursday aftei' Michael F'air of Aborne. T he 2d, on, the. Miincay be~foi the 2'2d November, which inicilides ?? rstfor ...