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... COUITT OF EXCHEQUER JU;r, 28. Llltl:'!-COBIlTT V. LAW-;ON AND iTIltiiS. This ixas an actioin for litel, ?? by ?? M. P. for Oldhamto, agal st tlhe ,priter au3d proprietort of1 Ole 'I'imrs. Mr. C. Phillips stated tile case. Fnr the firut time ill Mr. C2bbelts life lie apptearedl il a Clult or justice, claitingia (onlieop lienation fo' a libel had it beell an antat-k ti Ipoj his rhat acler a>; a ...

Law Intelligence

... Uaw Intelligence. COURT OF CHANCERY. KEPPEL V. BAILEY AND OTiSERS. Sir E. Segdea obtained, ex parle, an injunction to restrain the defendants from going upon or using any railway, except the Beinfort railroads, for the purpose of conveying their lime-stone, &c. from their quarries to the different parts of their neighbourhood. The plaintiff and others entered into an agreement in 1795, whereby ...


... be NOTTINGi7IAX.-IMANSL1UGEIT7R.-Monday, John en Smuithi, aged 63, was indicted for feloniously killing -it Maria Smith, on tile 14th of February last, in the lie parish of St. Mar,, Nottinghaim.-'The prisoner, it f appeared, was uncle of the deceased, a child only ?? three and a half years old, aud had always been ig kindl to her and the, other children of his brother, rts in v, hose house he ...


... COURT OF EXCIlEQUER, GUILDHALL. I ?? (Bktore Lord Lynldhurst and a Speial ~ ary) r, WATSON V. COLQUITT. i THlE ISOTIASA~Y CASTLE STE'A5IVESSEL. (i mn Tllis' was all action for lib el;' wr Lit lirt Pollocks, with wvbomn were Mr. Kelly, Mr. thi if, Follett, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Jones, stated that the. fe 1 plaintiff hadl liee proprietor of a steana-vessel,. ha ;t, nanset thle Rothsay Castle, Which ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? tT OF C'01iMSON Pi,[AS. ;)I BEOC.NtS IV. AVMt1tTEAsT.-lltC Ciroi tt(-(iliV t aie'tii'niumett 0] tlthpSC. cse The actionwa tsh rou it t o il tle plaintiit, the Itoli,,1 O>pera hotuse stiger, m to re uop-er £L!6S t1he arioouit of a bill of exihatge- s 'fn ulefettce set llp wit S, (hat the bill il question gtien ir the tepreiiptiittot (if illicit per- la for nipev,;l~es at thue Atliph ...

Law Intelligence

... Ualiud Entrieft3gitcC a, ry of COURT OF KING'S. BENCH. bis MACDONAlD v. BARISL&TT.-Tbis~ was ani action a nent 'ny al brought to recover compecisation in damnages for t; ans; an injur done tie the plaintiff's vessel by a brig I dI of ~elonging to thle cefendant. - Thle vessel, ir wthiclh ti eyed the. plaintiff was ateuce the owner and commander, neat was named thle Good'Intent, and was ...


... FLINTSHIRE SIUMMER ASSIZES. LEWIS V. 31ORMUS AND ANOTHIER. Mr. Temple opened the pleadings, and tie At torne (General stated that this was an action hr'niglt by the plaintiff against the defendants for fakley and wrongfully itoprisoning the plaintiff, amd the facts of the case were these:- T'be plaintiff being indebted to the defendant Morris in the umi of £13.; the othur defendant aS her ...


... I CARNARVONSHFIRE QUARTrER SEgSIONS. )s These sessions were held in the Shire Hall 1, Carnaiv on, Oint TaUrsdaY l1st. Tile Rlev J. ?? r, Ievor ofliviaterl as (,'biriran, ?? h\ i ?? is Other linrist.itee aiitrler nientioi'ed: -Eev i 11 kg Williams, Rev. G: Oweni Rev. J. V. Vinl7cent itsV ei L3 wis Hughesi W. Roberts, Esq. aid iloiao Little, Esq. Ly Litel ELrvrr wtas indieted for virar jo ...


... 1.rIT,, N-EyIf SUAI IER ASSIZES. - . 1lImellced at Dohkollev, on W - i-c- comimenced at i)olgelley, on Wed- *!,i , ii itl inrst. Jr justice tzizelee was met rho' tori a b- ha Iligh-sireriff, G. J. Scott, .!1- i' rsw j atl trill-roit , escortetl his lordship ?? proceeded inierldialely to the County :o 'lie ?? Wais opened, and the rddj ouranod to the next morning. On -r rt *el e o'Clock, the ...


... 'Ihese sessions were held on Tuesdav last, before JluL is Williams, a d John Price, Esquires. The folkiwing was the only cl ininal case of importance whioli came before the court: .Jrl'? Jones, driver oif the london mnail, betwixt iolilyheai aid Cernivtse, vas indlicted foi having in bhezzled the sum ofl 6s. received lhr hior from Joihn Pritcchard for his fare ?? Bangor to Mlo *ilheiacl, and ...


... CARNARV(ONS61IRP: iESZES On thtn 8atflnlda crening, the 2')th instant, Mr. Jlii-e ('alizelve, amriizl nit CaliralVli, anni iill- tee atid l proceeded with the ullual aittenllanice ii die 'tIllttv lahl, wvhrle tile commissiion lies -lIneT1a ill ;!Ile forn, anol tile Court atijoiirited t;li M;lvla, at II in the folctiionli. n)i 2iiiTIlda tile Coot ptife lceel tt I lsijiets, whoar., afica the ...


... CALRNARVO NSHITti, quia'R SESSIONS. Theqe Sessioas w-v held *m Thourq 'ay la.t, at Carioa;evo, beltre J. l1.hoY, lE>q. 'Trallvyll, and a niumserouis bench of mailistrate-s. 'i'e Coiat havmg hbei oi em d and the Grand Jary sssWOr., ;I; . Itolhic t il I hiaIs, soIi( itor, Car. ,arvon, stated that, prsuai;tt it) a r'c11unienda tio,,,'f'onl 11r. Caireg, tle rormier, to dividle thie ucnity, in to ...