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Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... Every man between the ages of 20 aud 60 in comntiesI except is hereinafter is excepted, shall be liable to serve on Juries in Courts of Assize, Oyer and Ternminer, and Gaol Delivery, provided he shall have in his own nane, or in, trust for him, within the county, £10 a-year above re- prizes, (rent, charges, annuities, or oth-r deductions) in lands, tenements, or rents in tee simple, fee-tail, ...


... POOR LAWS.IN IRELAND. It 'THE REV. JAMES CARLILE, DUBLIN, Sra-i have been induced by two reasons to address the followi'ing observations respecting a legal provision for the jpoor of Ireland tobyou-the first is, thatyoubavebeen '.pp0inted by his Majesty's Government one of the Com- Onissioners to inquire into the subject-and the second is, that you are the only member.of the Commission to whom ...


... THE POOR IRISH SCHOLAR.-On Sunday Peter Moore, a poor scholar from Ireland, was brought before the Lord Mayor, having been found on the preceding night without a coat, and with scarcely' a shirt on his back. The police 'who caught him in this unfledged condition heard him ad- dress some gentlemen wbo passed in a language different from that which is generally intelligible 'to the police, and ...


... SINGULAR LovF AFFAIR.-A very neatly dressed old maiden lady, named Sarah Smales, was brought up,. charged by a young gentleman, an India broker, under the following circumstances, the details of which caused some laughter:_ The complainant, who evidently pitied the object of his accusation, stated that the defendant had been employed by him 7o take care of his house in the city some time ago, ...


... CHARGE AGAINST AN M. P.-BOW-S'REET.-Lead beater, the officer, to whom a warrant was entrusted for the apprehension of Capt. S. A. Bayntun, the representative of the city of York, upon a charge of illegally pawning a looking-glass which had been lent to him, together with other things on hire, by Mr. Mullett, of the Strand, on Monday received a letter from the Hon. Member, appris. ing him of ...


... LONDON POLICE-AN IRISH TERMA-GANT I Mary Wood, alittle Irishwooman of most violent temper, was charged with abusing Mr. Joseph R-obey. The prison- 'er has been repeatedly convicted of acts of violence. On one occasion she cut her mother's head open, and nearly killed her, for which she wassent-to prison for two months. Her husband, not able to bear the temper of his gentle creature, has gone ...


... Monday, at half-past one o'clock, the Right Hon. tbe Chief Justice Bushe arrived from Dublin, and was received by a guard of honour of the 99th. Soon after two o'clock his Lordship entered the Crown Court, and after the Corn. mission was read the following Grand Jury were sworn : FRANCIS ANDERSON, Esq. Foreman; H. B. Fairtiorigi T. B. Hardman, John Leland, Lathumn Fairtlongb, G. W. Evans, John ...


... BELFASTw 4UARTER SESSIONS. SATURDAY, NOVEMsER 2. Ernbezizineit at the *Gas Works. T~hdmrs: Ke'nnedy lwas indicted for stealing, and Walter WSeeier for emn~bezzlng, as servant of the Belfast, Gas ,Comhany, variouts articles, in particular large quantities of coals 'and coke,the prop eqy. of said Company, in the years 1.8°8 and 29; -TI~he indietment consisted of several counts. SMr. G ...


... AGF., Yourmi, AvO Jr -sy.-_()i Monoldaly, .SIrs. Sa- rah Simpkins, a lady ralwr -in 'r rs was calmidrted at Union Hall wittb an aesnilt on Jn1i .a W3 lhelmil-T 'hoinas; a good-looking young female. The complainant snid thlat she lived within a few doors of the defeniant, wvlo ha1d lately taken it into her head to be jealous, anid to suspect Wvitness of seducing the affections of her lord ...


... Sergeant Perrin will remain in Dublin, for the purpose of superintending the business of the entire Commission, which will commence on Monday next, the 2d Sept. HOME CIRCIT.Melssrs., Colhotin and Baldwin, Corn- missioners.LPINSTER-aMessrs. Hannia and King, Corn- I missioners.Mobs'er~lIecsss. Lyle and Fogarty, Com- missioners.-('ONAUGHTcIn'r elS- Brady and Corhallis. NOaTH EAsr.Messrs. Hudson ...


... MARILIOOUGH-STREETTur BENCH OUT-WITTED.- John Cook and John Dean were charged with stealing a portmanteau from the Three Kings' Tavern, Piccadilly.- The portmanteau was deposited in a room in which Cook slept, and the principal cause of suspicion against him was, that he absconded on Thursday morning immediately after the property was missed. The other prisoner was usually loitering about the ...


... On Saturday forenoon, the Assizes were opened by the Hon. Judge Johnston, when the following Grand Jury were sworn:- Sir James R Bruce, Bart. Foreman; H. B. Beresford, Henry Richardson, Marcus M'Causland, Thomas Scott, Win. H. Ashe, Conolly Skipton, Conolly Gage, R. Hun- ter, Wm. Browne, James M'Crea, R. Young, Ross T. Smyth, John Alexander, John C. Beresford, Rowley Mil- ler, A. Spottswood, H ...