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... KING'S COUNTIY'QTAtAFER $ SSIONS. A;C ?? sO itE EDIT it or 'rueh 5ErAtiiN vA 'FtAN;F. on% 1t1s Jiai. 1533.s44e Dpirit of politirel'in th, dependence whaic 'has beeau aakveed jD ?? ng ' ICoUi~Ly, is not likely to 6fuirber r he ettbi'ed. v evry day irppsrtt to ded it au aidiridoal' riuotentum aad';diccumtilacdd vigour. This cer- fact has been adnioabty illustrated -ibir the lst week. hr lion ...


... On Monday, two seafliringmen, Andrew Nichol and Peter Tosh, were brought before the magistrates of Collegestreet office, charged with violating the excise laws. It appeared that they, with a Portuguese and an English boy, were com- mitted about ten days before to await the directions of the revenue board in London, to which Mr. Blacker, the revenue solicitor, wrote for instructions howl he ...


... LAIT REPORT. i KING 'S B!ENCl ---EDWE5AY, A COarcLATION OF 8.,DOLEilS Oil GUILD OF TIICE BILESSED , r r . ~~VRlGIN. Mr. ?? moived the court for an order to'be directed to tlhe'oflicers of the ec6rporation of saddilers, or guild of thi lilessed Virgin, to ?? cause whlly Mr. D. IHarricks should not be' admitted to his franebhise. The learned counsel pro- ceede-d to'state, frmn the affidavit of ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-YxsTEr.A^v. (lBefilre the Chief JJustice.) At he sitting of the Court yesterday, Alr. MARTLtY, JUD, made application to have the High Sheriff directed to return the grant pan l, in order that a Jury migh2 be struck to try the case ol the King a. Redmond and othere. Application granted. Upon the application of Mr. BRADY, a Habeas Corpus was granted to bring up tba budy of ...


... CORK A912F8. ~ses~rnPernnefather 'a;tf rthe fi_10ilo' gj4fp Samiuel Trownusetd, George, 'Steweli, Joseph Fie7,gorald, 'Wiliiam Leahy, Henrv fJ'Cailagl'an, Wiliamn FirroevI, leal; ,'gge, Johnl J. Hdeard, Williamn Fuiaks, Ni~rmaa 'Uraitcke, Ivsohatil k~uberts, R .bert ?? eli. ?? 00, P110,1611 0F tOAR1t40B.5 EUizi Dutnsevie v. i~l. George Ryder lBartr'4. Mr. CoppiirgEr op~jaed the Pleadzngs.,--It ...


... ,cosri, rw- UrICT. .The Lord Maror ?? n received sorm cormmurfcations V witthi ihe last few days,: rebtive to Upeter, explanatory of ?? pursued by tateprtad ni. Aeqigt them was theffoU!witg:-A 'A gentleman, namedfrearaes,,tio possessed pearty, 'ad resided in a northerp. county, wa.undeta teop- .poraryj mhbrrasmenafeiv.ygrp ago, ,an4 inorder to avoid 'tbeexnessm'ity. of ...


... A brutal murder was committed at half-past nine o'clotk ron Sunday uraming ou the bo y of an aged and decrepit man, named Jamisr Adarms, who wes walking from.the Ha.row, at ?? green, to Luton, in BSedfordshire, sud bad proceeded as far as the liti leadlwug into the tow n, when he was stopped by Thomas Craw ley, alaboucing man ol desperate character, wibo struck him on the bhad *viih a bludgeon ...


... I QUARTIER SESbiu.NS-GREEN-STfIBET. Yesterday the Recorder, accuomnanisnd bv Aldermen ?? and Fleniztg, touk his seat upon the bearch at eleven ?? A woman named Sarabh M'Hugb was indicted for receiving a quentity of platp, knowingit to have been stolen. The otaly evidence adduced was that of vn'accomplice, who failed to identify the prisoner. bhe was, of a.ursrs, Do- quitted. 'TIhe husband of. ...


... |- ILLEGAL 1NDIQTMENTS AND CONVICTfONS, Monday morning, uipor two men, named- Murphy and Doyle,. being put to the. bar of the Old Baiy, to tae their trial, Mr. Clark, the Clerk of the Arraigns, infonned the Re- corder that he understood the witnesses in this case had notre been properly sworn previousto going beforecthe grand jury,. to give evidence -in support of the bill. The Recoider ...


... IlAV REPORT. COURT OF EXCHEQUER-MoNOAY. IXYONS V. BlINGH5AM AN5D OTtIMtS. At twelve o'clock the Hon. Bacron Simith entered the Pu court, and the jury being called over, all answered to their to names. *n Mr. ~FirZGIBBO1, requested leave to mention, in Ala ?? apolg, to his lordship and the jury, tliat on Saturdayvm evemugbhe left the court to consult his senior counsel as to af the propriety f ...


... I)ISCOVERY OF A AURDEK COMMLITrED IN TAUN ION TWENTY FOUR YEARS AGO. I Tbe following account of the affair is from the Taunrcu correspondeut of the Sherborne Journal. 'The whole affair forms a stroog ?? to the case of Eugene Aram - ' An incident has oculrreds here during the last week whicb fias engrossed the attention of our townsiolk, anid which is, in truth, well woitv f1note, as one more ...


... ASSIZE INTELL IGE CE. CAVAN ASSIZES-MONDAy, JULY 1. - (Fromn our Special Reportes..) TRIAL AND) CONVICTiON OF THE CATHOLICS F61% A iAmTS ruCocssioN oN THE 21sT JULY, 1832. Mark Tierney, Luke Tierney, Francis Sinyth, Owen Ba- tao, and several others, were indicted for asesbliIg, &c. at Lavy, on the 21st of July, 1832; and yere also indicted for riotously, tumultuously, and unlawfully assembling ...