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... WEDNESDAY', OCTOBER 23, 1833. NEWS FROMl PORTUGAL. ai Attack by theo Q veen's Troops ol thec Migueelie Fr~iccs, li and Retfreat if die latior. d 'rhe Pike Schooner, Lieut. Brroolcing, anrived dt On 1 conlar, at Plymouth. after a very Stontily passage, a from Lisbon, which shte left on thle Mill instant. Site at britigs intelligence, that oin the morning-of the 10th thle is Quieen's troops, ...

Published: Monday 28 October 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3984 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... Iolxlloalfv anllea ap PARtS, DEC. 21. Jr HEi almaments of 4'rance and Enigland appear to have excite l the attention of Count Pozzo di Borgo InI answer to the explanations he demanded in th tiname of his Government, be hns been told that the late naval movements olmht not lo be considered as extrat ordinary, sinre it wa.s alwayst the custow of tile two countries to change the ships at the ...

Published: Monday 30 December 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 252 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... CHORlAL SOCIETY. o tohe PRINTER of the HAMI'SNIMrB TCLE:GAPII. Sia,-The Committee of the Choral Society have! C( noticed with some surprise, a letter in tie last week's hi Herald, signed Live and lot Live, rcfiecrinr on their Pt conduct in g'iving roncerts. injurionsly to the Musical 1 Profession ITheir anonymous accuser does not appear to be very aell informned with regard to the subject ...

Published: Monday 04 November 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1699 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... BOlUS;. O1F PEERS. MONDAY, BIAY 20.1 The Duke of Richtnond presented a petition Iront Chichester, against the gene- ral registry bill. 'The Duke of Wellintgtn presentedi a petition from the merchants and shipowners of the town of Newcas- tle.tipon-Tyne. against the Dutch embargo. Ile would abstain froi entering into any discu6sionl upon the sub- ject at present, as be understood that there was ...

Published: Monday 27 May 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 706 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ROYAL MARINLS. V- 'Tite following letter has been addressed cto tite Editor (c of' thle Standard, newspaper . - . T R, Sn-Ysour hav11ing bcen so kind as-to irlsist in yottr 'ypaper of the IIilt Lt, a eter from mie onl the subject .sl the otis- fto' ad eltecuipH, iiduecw mne again to trespass on you by Calling kittiti- us lion, through your valuable celuion',, to thue fasct that tise half- a ...

Published: Monday 27 May 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1755 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... Rolloollf. . FRIDAY, SEP'T5Mi3ER20, 1833. Tlhe German Papers state tliat the stay orf ti,' Emperor of Russia, at I ?? would not ex- ceea four days. Tihe Enmperor wouldt thence proceed to Berlin, where l Sould ind the I E tiPreI,; and shortly ajfterwards return to St. Ptethsbiirg, liaving promised the Senate that his absence from hii ?? WOUld not exceed one mtonth. The Emperor aitr Empress of' ...

Published: Monday 23 September 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2058 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 1LOB 011 . A AOI ?? FRIDAf, APRkIL. 12, U11131. f From thle French Papers land other su'uices wv I have previously given thle substarce of the remoustrance oJ of Mlehemet Ali, but we are now enabled to give Ili$ ti own dispatchito thie French illinister, Admiiratl Rounasin, which, whatever in a co~mprehensive sense may be 5i thought of the reasllon tg, is not very discredi ta ble to all the ...

Published: Monday 15 April 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5457 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... *iL'lUuont LIONDA>.Y IIIAY G, 1833.- AlN A- -- - - ' ..IA The French Journals of Sunday confirm the I iatelligence of the conclusion of a treaty of peace be-. tween- the Sult~aa antd.icheiaet Allj which will tonifet P nb the latter the sovereignty of the whole of Syria, in sl addition to the Pachalita with, which he was previously c investel. Ibrabim Pacha, it is stated, lhad, in the n ...

Published: Monday 13 May 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3178 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

London, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1833

... . i UUbl 813. MIONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1833. The Paris Popers of Satutrday assert that the n Enmperor of IRussia had positively refused to receive of 1l1 ,rstal Altisofi as Ambassador froim France, alleging e (they say) the duplicity evinced by the Alarshal, on fet tite occasion of his mission to Charles X. at Cherborte. ilhe like refusal of his Russian Majesty to receive Sir A siratifrd Canning ...

Published: Monday 04 February 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1518 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... 1UJ-0I&'T SATURDAY, OCTOBEIt 5, 1833. The revising Barristers held their Courts for this City and neighbourhood at the (4uildilIl on .lon. day last, but their labours were by no nieans sevee, the Lists of Voters in general requiring very ?? atxwndments. I Nvwv Subscriber to the CLutirty Hospital-Joh n Iiller, Esq. of Portsmouth, 1. is. Mr. Eivward Hopkinrs of Pitt, has b1een tp, ointed ...

Published: Monday 07 October 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 767 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... AoulvarfG aub Cus64V'0 v! Sao. oB^^ A-NKBW .0Bp0Pts (From GOOMM'ai's lesse~tgek) PARIS, JtlNr 29. : .: T its urrentl7'reported that the.Ptinede C nosa, 1te friend anrd conildent of Don tlgtrele.)rhub arrested at 3 isian, 'at the Initigatioh of France and Austria. It appeAVI that thbss( of thle. frigate Iteeaucs ias t attributable to any fault of the Conlrasxuder, bnut wisa 6o lonhsl by a ...

Published: Monday 08 July 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 342 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... imanca' intU ruroebaeop'0 wooto 1 - - - - .r:r (From the Germzan Papers.) CONSTANTINOWLX, JAN. 14. 0 RXAT tranquillity prevails here, and we flat- I ter ourselsves that we stall haver in a few days newss of of the actual conclusion of peance. NI. arene, the %- :French tharg6 WL'AMlires, wvhlo wvent to hloraiuim Pacha's camllp to receive from him proposais of Venee. has acqtminted the Sultan ...

Published: Monday 18 February 1833
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 399 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News