Advertisements & Notices

... TO. BE -llET- CEP ri R HOUSE. No.'7, UPPER CHURCHLANE. IIL lately upiedby the 'Subsciiber; 'A Good SHOP ean be made in it if' requiiried.Aand 'is a eacelletit 'sitationi for any RETAIL TRADE.:',- i : - Pleaseapply to - : S ML.: GELSTON.; 25th-Sept. 18. ' (54 -TO BE -L..ET FILOM TIRST NOVEMBEa NEXT, Fboi SUCH TEaM OF YEARS AS MAY BE AGBEEDf O, .. HE, HOUSE and. LAND in. ISLANDRhAGH, R tbe'R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SVflJECTS OF LECTURES, TO BE DELIVERED IN TlfE E ETI NG-U0USE OF THE rirst Presbyterian Congregation. 1ay 12. Christ the only Foundation.-Rev. F. BLAKELEY. (N. B.-No Lee re on the 19th.) 26. Fallacious Mode Reasoning, generally adopt. ed in defenc,.6f the Trinitarian Doctrine._. Rev. W. Pb June 2. Gospel Preaching.-Rev. Dr. MONTGOMERY. 9. Claims and Prospects of Unitarian Christianity. Rev. J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T a Meeting of a nttmber of :Gentlemen of Belitisl A and its vicinity, held yesterday, for, the purpose oj making.arrangements to entertain the Representativei ol the Borough at Dinner, the following Stewards were ap. Pointed:_ Thomas L. Stewart, Henry Lyons, John M'Neile, Hill Hamilton, Thomas Batt, Richard Davison, Robert Caliwell, Robert Gamble, jun. Robert Thomson, Thomas Lyle, William ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GeInd.Jlary oftke Couanly of Down twill. Tbe Swo.n dt Ten o'clock in tie Forenoon of Monday, the 18th March instant. The Hiah Sheriff'requests that Gentlemen who may attendfor the pzurpose rf being calleel on t Panel, wvill leave their Cards at his Lodgin.,s itownpatrick, before Nine o'clock. ROBER1T GORDON, Sheriff. 7th Mlarch, 1833. (459 CAI11PEAiCHY LOGWOOD. A SlMf A ,r , CA RGO, Just ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OF THE MAGISTRATES OF CANONGATE. irATlON is hereby made to the MIML [5 ?? 11, E InK SESSION. IIERITORS of ti tie I~ipl~lt and DEACONSofCRAFTS, thitthev I t11,l,1;1 0ith the said Magistrktes, within the Church I, rtr oil Thiirtday the 23d day of Maly current, e ,, firlennon (to h~e continued, if necessary, I Mireo~rsent inl order to Elect and takse proper mea- i ,artls tb Settlement of R fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLONIAL QUESTION. UO(TUISITION' signed by a number of & ~lmf~unronnected with the Colonies, ha- to MR BORTHWICK, soliciting 5 c'prlenefte' tLoCLECURE i ,tlceiv at least one more PU1L ECU , his deature from Edinhurgh,. Notice is here- Iaj~t%. MR BORTHWICK will, in compliance g;,ea, that .io deliver another LECTURE on 'j irc resti, subject of COLONIAL SLAVERY, ?? interoin'c the 11th instant, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMIA, LOTHIAN ROAD. -N IIIBI IING, the Supe rb View of f iL NTERSEEN, in Switzer- G. Tl I isw ic tA ken from the entry of the principal C ll -oIrirjOC fretW Interlachion, and extends in the len u rr the j igfrao, covered over half its elevation TF ii i ' snows.1 1This is con5*iderod the most interestingypieee of scenery dttr c l by the extraordinary means of the r d ha Ls proredroost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,a07~( ,LATIN, and MATHE_ l'F IA L CLASSES. 25. GgortaOE STRExT, h i ,ATA DVID M ACRAE, A.M. are still , ;dde . Puplls mnny enter at Onoe Guinea Qlorrter. t-DglclENCtF OS THE MlOITTH. IlESSRS, M1TEIN,SURGEON-DENTISTS, FI0EX c,.Oe(R STRETT, whose acquirements were once haicallt ettained under the most ?? l in London, beg to invite those enalt f5iol men jainen lpbui g nder the discoenfort of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATIOAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. 1l DIRECTORS of the NATIONAL T li.NK of SCOTLAND berei y intimate, that, ol, of the Chlirter. the HALF-YEARLY DIVI- 'l ' } this ?? K'S STOCK, frilling due on the t I (,f July next, will be paid, n d after that at th ea e Ollice and the Braielles; ?? there. . a:oo pefers of Stuck can talke iplace fiom the .qtlcl.11tlthe Mlt protrimo. tii; (,t- ttiIEORGE CROSBME, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jj$ATR1E of ANATOMY and MEDICINE, Webb. ,ie IsA% -ri md. Borololl.-Th, SPRING COURSE of LECTURES t( at thia'fhestre cnirmenceo ytetdila. janlia'v 21st, Il33. .ATOM Yaed PIYS IOL1.tSY, by Mir. GRtAINO5RRndMf,. Pirocsret. VF'ON8pRtAfIIUNS and DtISS CTIONSi. by the Lecturers, anid Air Dfg lrillLAI~D. sl BYa.d PIOAOTICE of MEDICINE. 1w' Dr. WVnaTav 0. T antpIK oI PRAC~TIC of SUR~ERtY, by Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL.-'The SPRING COURSE of LECTURES will commence co Monday. the 214 Instant.- PRACTIrCp of MKDICINF, fir. WI1I.LIAA1S.-)MATEIIIA MEDICA, IDr. -I-n. TO~ACSFlM1STRV. Mr. Ut. PsuILL12vu.-6NAT0lIY. Mer. Tynnsi,& and Mrl. TON.. SOUTHi-SURG~tly. SMr.TYutaIELL.-MIDWIWERY . Dr.ArSUSatxuRai 3,4,11N y~~~UIOtSPlkUvLF.NCI., 1), Li.rt ~nnal Mir. ft. atIPr Ch~U~5AI. EMNS'tAIII3NS, All. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (REATI CONCERT-RtOOM, KING'S' THEA~TRE. GMr. SPAGNOIF..IvI respectfully Informs thre Noblilty, G entry, Rind his paieil~l thiathis ANC .M N~lCNCI RT Will take place at the aboce 'nin,, o(n Satuirday nextiJaly li-V'ocal Perfurmeet,' Mialame~pasta nd Madame yioijiaajr~, M~adime Dc Merle, Mern. E. Saligin, All,, Illura Noedleo, Mil's WI)- li;.n 1,1 kIis Turpin, th Ie NtloslR Stailth, and Madame~ ...